
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

麻萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会的记录储存在非现场,必须至少提出要求 two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating 他们在获得访问利记手机官网的权限之前了解这些限制.

Collection Summary


The Records of the Massachusetts Audubon Society (Mass Audubon) 记录本部门的行政、教育、科学和环境活动 organization from its founding in 1896 to 2022, with gaps. Included are administrative and 财务记录,各个保护区的相关记录,历史记录,鸟类学 记录、有关组织的记录、印刷品、照片、视听资料 material.

Organizational Sketch

马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会(Mass Audubon)成立于1896年,当时是波士顿居民 Harriett Lawrence Hemenway and Minna B. Hall formed a group to discourage "ladies of fashion" 从帽子上戴着非猎鸟的鲜艳羽毛开始,市场已经 caused the birds to be hunted almost to extinction. Recruiting leading ornithologist William 布鲁斯特作为他们的第一任主席,该组织成为北方第一个州奥杜邦社团 America. Headquartered in Boston, it was instrumental in the passage of an 1897 Massachusetts 禁止野生鸟类羽毛交易的法律,以及1900年的《利记APP官网手机版》,禁止跨州交易 shipment of animals killed in violation of local laws. The group also helped to organize the 全国奥杜邦社团协会(1905年成立),后来成为 National Audubon Society.

1916年,Mass Audubon在沙龙的驼鹿山(Moose Hill)开设了他们的第一个避难所 mission in land stewardship, as well as bird and wildlife protection. In the 1930s and 1940s, 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦开始重视教育,为学校和学校开设了自然历史课程 day camps, training teachers, and offering programs for children and adults. The organization 1956年开始专业研究项目,拥有科研人员和实验室 到20世纪70年代和80年代,这些设施不仅专门研究濒危物种,而且 环境问题,如农药、水污染、湿地保护和能源 conservation.

Today Mass Audubon is the largest conservation organization in New England. It maintains over 50个外地办事处和野生动物保护区,作为自然和环境的基地 education courses, programs, scientific research, and conservation-related activities. It 保护着从伯克郡到科德角和群岛的超过4万英亩的开放空间, 出版自然杂志和时事通讯,会员超过10万,并积极倡导 for conservation laws and planning at the local, state, and federal levels.

Historical Timeline

Massachusetts Audubon Society for the Protection of Birds is organized by Harriett Hemenway and Minna B. Hall as the first such society in North America.
Leading ornithologist William Brewster (1851-1919) is elected board president, serving from 1896-1913.
Massachusetts passes a bill outlawing trade in wild bird feathers.
First Mass Audubon calendar was published and sold for fifty cents.
Mass Audubon and other state Audubon societies are influential in the passage of the Lacey Act, prohibiting interstate shipment of birds killed in violation of local laws.
麻省大学奥杜邦分校提供了一个鸟类书籍的流动图书馆,在全国各地流通 state, with help from the Woman's Education Association.
National Committee of Audubon Societies is formed to bind together and make more effective the work of the various state organizations.
National Association of Audubon Societies incorporates.
Mass Audubon begins working with public school teachers in "Junior Audubon" classes.
马萨诸塞州奥杜邦总部搬到了波士顿自然历史博物馆的地下室 at 66 Newbury St.
Winthrop Packard becomes secretary-treasurer, serving until 1936.
William Brewster resigns as board president, succeeded by state ornithologist Edward Howe Forbush (1858-1929), who serves until 1925.
Mass Audubon is incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts.
Mass Audubon is influential in the passage of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1916.
Mass Audubon acquires its first sanctuary, Moose Hill in Sharon, initiating its program of land stewardship.
Mass Audubon first publishes Bulletin, a monthly magazine.
Robert Walcott becomes board president, serving until 1956.
The first volume of Birds of Massachusetts is published.
Mass Audubon hires L. Raymond Talbot as an educational field agent to give public high school lectures throughout the state. Lecture program continues until 1937.
Mass Audubon receives its largest bequest to date, $100,000, from the estate of Annie H. Brown of Stoneham.
Mass Audubon merges with Federation of Bird Clubs of New England and acquires two sanctuaries: Annie H. Brown Sanctuary on Plum Island and Paine Sanctuary on Tern Island, Cape Cod.
Carl W. Buchheister becomes secretary-treasurer, serving until 1939.
Mass Audubon publishes Birds of the Connecticut Valley in Massachusetts.
C. Russell Mason becomes secretary-treasurer, and in 1947, assumes the title of executive director, serving until 1957.
Mass Audubon begins supplying consultants and natural science teachers to public and private schools.
Mass Audubon transfers Plum Island property to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a site that would become Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.
Mass Audubon moves from the Boston Society of Natural History at 66 Newbury Street to 155 Newbury Street.
Mass Audubon acquires Arcadia Sanctuary in Northampton/Easthampton as its first major sanctuary in western Massachusetts.
Mass Audubon acquires Cook's Canyon Sanctuary in Barre.
Wildwood Nature Camp is established at Cook's Canyon, continuing at this site for 33 years.
Mass Audubon acquires Pleasant Valley Sanctuary in Lenox.
Mass Audubon acquires Ipswich River Sanctuary in Topsfield/Hamilton/Wenham.
马萨诸塞州奥杜邦大学的教育部门与波士顿儿童博物馆合作, sponsors the television series Discovery on WGBH.
Drumlin Farm property in Lincoln is donated to Mass Audubon by the estate of Louise Ayer Hatheway.
Mass Audubon begins professional research programs with scientific staff headed by Dr. William Drury.
Allen H. Morgan becomes executive vice president and secretary, serving until 1980.
教育部迁至德拉姆林的海瑟威保护教育学院 Farm.
Bulletin is replaced by a quarterly publication, Massachusetts Audubon.
Mass Audubon acquires Wellfleet Bay Sanctuary in South Wellfleet.
Staff offices and activities move from Newbury Street in Boston to Drumlin Farm in South Lincoln.
Mass Audubon newsletter begins production.
Mass Audubon acquires Broadmoor/Little Pond Sanctuary in Natick/Sherborn.
Mass Audubon acquires Laughing Brook Sanctuary in Hampden.
Massachusetts Audubon becomes Man and Nature.
National Audubon Society and the Massachusetts Audubon Society begin sharing a joint scientific staff.
Mass Audubon hires MIT physicist Jim MacKenzie as energy specialist to work on energy conservation issues.
Blue Hills Trailside Museum in Milton, interpretive center for the Blue Hills Reservation, comes under Mass Audubon management.
Mass Audubon passes the milestone of 10,000 acres of open space acquired.
Mass Audubon publishes Sanctuary.
Allen Morgan installs a solar heating system as a model project at Drumlin Farm.
Gerard A. Bertrand, a 36-year-old scientist with international environmental and legal experience, becomes president, serving until 1999.
奥杜邦Mass Audubon开始与伯利兹奥杜邦协会合作,形成方案 for Belize in 1988.
马萨诸塞州奥杜邦推出海岸水鸟计划,以应对数量下降 piping plovers and terns.
Broad Meadow Brook in Worcester opens as the largest urban wildlife sanctuary in New England.
Mass Audubon组织了生物保护中心,研究生态环境 issues on a regional basis.
Wildwood Nature camp moves to Camp Collier in Gardner.
Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary opens in Belmont.
Boston Nature Center and Wildlife Sanctuary opens on the site of the Boston State Hospital in Mattapan, with a focus on programming for inner-city Boston schools.
Laura Johnson becomes president, serving until 2012.
Visual Arts Center opens in Canton as a professional art museum and wildlife sanctuary.
Joppa Flats Education Center in Newburyport opens as the gateway to Parker River National Wildlife Refuge on Plum Island and the Merrimack River.
Conservationist Henry George Tepper becomes Mass Audubon's president, serving until 2015.
Gary Clayton, formerly Mass Audubon's Vice President of Conservation Programs, becomes president, serving until his retirement in 2020.
Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary, once a working cranberry farm, opens in Plymouth.
Brewster's Woods Wildlife Sanctuary, once part of the farm of Mass Audubon's first president, William Brewster, is donated as the largest gift in Mass Audubon's history.
David J. O'Neill becomes Mass Audubon's president.

Collection Description

马萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会(Mass Audubon)的记录包括121个记录箱, 11 document boxes, and 5 oversize boxes dating from 1874 to 2021. They are divided into eight series: Administrative records; Sanctuary records; Histories and historical material; Ornithological records; Records of related organizations; Printed material; Photographs and audio-visual material; and Gary Clayton additions.

行政记录包括麻省奥杜邦董事会的记录和他们的 related committees; annual and monthly reports; financial records; executive office records, largely the correspondence and subject files of Winthrop Packard, C. Russell Mason, and Allen H. Morgan; and records of the departments of education, membership and development, sanctuary operations and management, and conservation science.

Sanctuary records contain documents generated by or related to individual sanctuaries, 包括行政记录、学科档案、鸟类学记录、历史财产 records, printed material, and photographs. The quantity of records for each sanctuary varies 相当大,从一个或两个文件夹到多个纸箱,在大多数情况下都不是 comprehensive nor complete. The most heavily represented sanctuaries in the series are Arcadia 野生动物保护区,布罗德莫尔野生动物保护区,德鲁姆林农场,栖息地野生动物保护区和 教育中心,伊普斯维奇河野生动物保护区,笑溪野生动物保护区,驼鹿 Hill野生动物保护区,Pleasant Valley野生动物保护区和Wellfleet野生动物保护区. 在许多情况下,保护区的记录包含了该财产之前的历史信息 都归马斯·奥杜邦所有,最引人注目的是桑顿·伯吉斯的房子和 property at Laughing Brook Wildlife Sanctuary in Hampden.

该收藏包含Mass Audubon的历史,包括一系列未出版的历史 by former director Allen Morgan, John Galluzzo's 2005 Mass Audubon, and scrapbooks of historical material. Ornithological records include reports 奥杜邦观鸟活动的详细记录,包括检查清单、摘要和实地记录 the personal birding records of Francis H. Allen, Norman Winslow Hall, John B. May, Allen H. Morgan, and others. Records of the Oliver L. Austin Ornithological Research Station contain over 30 years of tern research on Cape Cod.

相关组织的记录在这个利记手机官网中包括少量的研究和 correspondence of the Nuttall Ornithological Club; the records of the Nantucket Ornithological Society; and the administrative and financial records of Morse-Allen, Inc., a film production 这家公司和这处房产一起被捐赠给了麻省大学奥杜邦分校,现在这里是麻省大学的所在地 Museum of American Bird Art.

印刷材料包括收藏中最大的系列之一,包括Mass Audubon bird calendars from 1898 to 2004 (with gaps) and the periodicals Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, Massachusetts Audubon, Sanctuary, Connections, and The Curious Naturalist. Also in this series are books, pamphlets, and reports related to ornithology, nature studies, and 由马萨诸塞州奥杜邦出版的环境问题,以及小册子,实地指南, program catalogs, and other printed material. The collection also includes a small amount of photographs, audio cassette tapes, and film prints.

加里·克莱顿(Gary Clayton)的记录,于2023年加入本收藏,由 从1989年到2020年,他担任庇护所部门主管,副总裁 Conservation Programs, and Mass Audubon's president. They include general correspondence and papers; board of directors records; strategic planning, capital campaign, and financial records; Sanctuary Department records, including records pertaining to individual sanctuaries; other departmental records; and subject files. These additions are closed until 1 January 2051.

Acquisition Information

Deposited by the Massachusetts Audubon Society, 2006-2022.

Restrictions on Access

麻萨诸塞州奥杜邦协会的记录储存在非现场,必须至少提出要求 two business days in advance via Portal1791. Researchers needing more than six items from offsite storage should provide additional advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

There are restrictions on the use of this collection. Users must sign an agreement stating 他们在获得访问利记手机官网的权限之前了解这些限制.

Restrictions on Use

The records of the Massachusetts Audubon Society have been placed on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Massachusetts Historical Society does not claim ownership of the literary rights (copyright) to this collection. The 马萨诸塞州历史学会不能允许出版或引用文献 which it does not hold copyright. Use of these materials does not imply permission to publish. It is the sole responsibility of the 研究者必须获得文学权利所有者(版权)的正式许可才能 publish or quote from documents in this collection.

All reproductions, including photocopies and digital photographs, are for personal use only. Personal use copies may not be donated 或存放于其他图书馆或档案馆,或供其他研究人员使用 the written permission of the Massachusetts Historical Society.

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Administrative records, 1883-2021

本系列包含了Mass Audubon董事会及其相关人员的记录 committees; annual and monthly reports; financial records; executive office records; records 教育,宣传,发展,保护区管理和自然保护部门 science; records related to the offices of Mass Audubon: Boston and Mass Audubon: North Shore; and various interdepartmental records. A small amount of records related to the National Audubon Society are also found here.

A. Board of directors records, 1896-1999

Records in this subseries include incorporation records and by-laws; meeting minutes and records; and planning records consisting of master plans, lists of goals, and strategic planning documents.

i. Incorporation records and by-laws, 1914-1987

Arranged chronologically.

Included are minutes of the first incorporators' meeting in 1914, Massachusetts incorporation papers, and by-laws as amended in 1940 and 1987. Additional versions of by-laws can be found in the board meeting minutes (see index to meeting minutes).

Carton 1SH 17HW GFolders 1-1A

ii. Meeting minutes and records, 1896-1970

Arranged chronologically.

Meeting minutes dating from 1896 to 1906 are recorded in a single volume and include a record of the first informal meeting of the Massachusetts Audubon Society on 10 Feb. 1896, handwritten meeting minutes, and typed copies of the 1904 by-laws. Typed, unbound minutes 从1913年开始(尽管1914年的会议纪要可以在公司记录中找到) carton 1) and include monthly board of directors' meetings, annual meetings, special meetings, board correspondence, and related topical correspondence. Also included are papers related to legislative advocacy, treasurer's and auditor's reports, correspondence and reports related to individual sanctuaries, committee reports, memos to the board from Executive Vice-President Allen Morgan, outlines of society goals and objectives, and development plans. Board meeting minutes for years 1940-1970 are indexed.

Carton 1SH 17HW GFolders 2-45
Carton 2SH 17HX H
Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 1-26
Carton 3SH 17HY IFolder 27
Index to board meeting minutes, 1940-1970

iii. Planning records, 1973-1999

Arranged chronologically.

Planning records contain lists of goals, master plans, and strategic plans, for the organization as a whole and for individual departments and sanctuaries. They include 规划由董事会制定的教育、环境、结构和财务目标 and occasionally by board/staff committees.

Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 28-30
Goal setting, 1973-1978
Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 31-34
Master plans, 1983-1989
Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 35-39
Strategic planning, 1991-1999

iv. Board of Directors manual, 1985

The manual contains Mass Audubon records including its charter and bylaws, a brief history, annual report, organizational chart, staff list, bios of the president and 受托人,董事会委员会章程和任务,董事会和委员会会议记录,以及 master plan. It provides a broad overview of the organization as it existed in 1985.

Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 1-5

B. Board Committee records, 1945-2005

This subseries contains the records of various committees of the board of directors. While 这个收藏只保存了一些委员会记录的几份文件,而那些更多 包括保育(土地管理)委员会和保护区 Committee.

i. Budget-Finance Committee records, 1955-1957

Arranged chronologically.

记录里只有海瑟薇基金和普通基金的投资清单和三月 1956 meeting agenda.

Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 40-41

ii. Conservation (Land Stewardship) Committee records, 1966-2005

Arranged chronologically.

Previously known as the Land Committee and the Land Stewardship Committee, the 自然保护委员会对自然保护项目进行审查并提出建议 policies within the sanctuaries. Records include statements of purpose, memos, correspondence, policy summaries, and meeting minutes. Later records include detailed documentation related to individual properties and acquisition recommendations. Records after 1991 are closed to protect the privacy of donors.

Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 42-44
Box 1SH 17I2 U

1991-2000 CLOSED UNTIL 1 JANUARY 2030

2001-2005 CLOSED UNTIL 1 JANUARY 2035

iii. Education Committee records, 1945-1973

Arranged chronologically.

教育委员会制定社会的教育目标,准备长远的教育目标 plans, and advising educational activities. Documents include a mission statement, correspondence, reports, agendas, memos, and recommendations. The bulk of the records date from 1955 to 1960.

Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 45-47

iv. Long-Range Planning Committee records, 1971-1975

Arranged chronologically.

长远规划委员会的记录包括有关教育和 环境项目,会员,土地收购和其他战略规划问题.

See also: Series I.A.iii. - Planning records.

Carton 3SH 17HY IFolders 48-50

v. Program Committee records, 1987-1992

Arranged chronologically.

该委员会监督并帮助确定马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的环境利益和 actions through research, advocacy, education, and conservation. Records include 信函、会议议程、会议记录、报告、年度回顾和小组委员会 records related to the Wildwood Nature Camp.

Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 6-11

vi. Sanctuary Committee records, 1958-1990

Arranged chronologically.

The Sanctuary Committee is an advisory committee that drafts objectives, plans, and policies for the sanctuaries. Included here are meeting minutes, correspondence and memos, 政策声明和报告,以及与Wildwood Nature有关的小组委员会的记录 Camp.

For information about individual sanctuaries, see Series II, Sanctuary records.

Carton 4SH 17KX KFolders 3-26

vii. Special Committee records, 1977

Arranged chronologically.

特别委员会负责研究该组织并提出改革建议 and improvements to help with efficiency. Included here are transcripts of interviews with board members and senior staff, as well as the committee's report.

Carton 4SH 17KX KFolders 27-28

viii. Miscellaneous committee records, 1978-1996

Arranged chronologically.

Included here are records related to various short term or ad hoc committees.

Carton 4SH 17KX KFolder 29

C. Annual and monthly reports, 1897-2021

Arranged chronologically.

该子系列包含各种格式的年度和月度组织报告. 有些报告是印刷出来发给奥杜邦Mass Audubon的成员的,其他的则是为 the use of the executive secretary, the board, and major donors. The first report of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, dated October 1897, contains lists of officers, local 秘书、秘书和司库的报告、章程、创始人名单、合伙人名单、 and members. The second report includes the years 1897 to 1902, and the third, 1902 to 1910. The 1914 report contains a list of activities from 1911-1914, a description the 组织的宣传活动,财务报表,成员名单和董事会 of directors. There are no reports from 1914 until 1958. Reports from 1958-1967 include 执行秘书艾伦·摩根向董事会和成员提交的年度报告(不正式) annual reports) and list the activities of all departments. Reports from 1968-1971 include 报告给摩根的各部门和特别项目的报表,以及其他 辅助材料,如小册子、剪报副本和访问清单. Annual reports from 1973-2021 are printed brochures.

Monthly activity reports begin in 1984 and vary in format. They contain summaries of activities at each sanctuary, as well as some departments. There are no reports for 2006-2008 in this subseries.

For annual reports of individual sanctuaries, see Series II, Sanctuary records.

Carton 4SH 17KX KFolder 29A-29D
Carton 4SH 17KX KFolders 30-61
Carton 5SH 17KY LFolders 1-28
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 12-15

D. Financial records, 1914-2005

记录包括经审计的财务报表、总账、日记账、试算表、 and miscellaneous budgets and accounts.

i. Audited financial statements, 1914-2005

Arranged chronologically.

Included in this subseries are financial statements from 1914, 1940, and 1944-2005. The 1914年的报表只是会计师给审计委员会的一封信,以核实他的报表 examination of the records. Later years include balance sheets, statements of income and 费用、资金变动、投资证券清单及捐赠基金明细表 and investments.

Carton 6SH 17FJ 1Folders 1-36

ii. General ledgers, 1916-1946

Arranged chronologically.

总账包括记录年费、应付帐款和应收帐款、 基金和遗产,图表和日历的广告收入,鸟舍和鸟食, donations, and sanctuary expenses. An index is included in the front of each volume. Loose papers (foldered separately) include lists of securities.

Carton 7SH 17FK 2Vol. 1
General ledger, 1916-1923
Carton 7SH 17FK 2Vol. 2
General ledger, 1924-1936
Carton 7SH 17FK 2Vol. 3
General ledger, 1937-1939
Carton 7SH 17FK 2Vol. 4
General ledger, January 1940-October 1943
Carton 7SH 17FK 2Vol. 5
General ledger, 1943-1946
Carton 7SH 17FK 2Folders 1-4
Loose papers removed from vols. 1-5, 1916-1946

iii. Journals, 1940-1970

Arranged chronologically.

Journals include a chronological listing of all expenses and income. Loose papers (foldered separately) include notes, standard journal entries, and adjusted entries.

Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 6
Journal, November 1940-October 1950
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 7
Journal, July 1956-June 1959
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 8
Journal, July 1959-June 1961
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 9
Journal, July 1961-June 1963
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 10
Journal, July 1963-June 1965
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 11
Journal, July 1965-June 1967
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 12
Journal, July 1967-June 1969
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Vol. 13
Journal, July 1969-June 1970
Carton 8SH 17FI 0Folders 1-5
Loose papers removed from vols. 6-13, 1940-1970

iv. Trial balances, 1948-1968

Arranged chronologically.

试算平衡表包括逐月的收支平衡表 type of expense or transaction. Loose papers include standard journal entries and costs of sales.

Carton 9SH 17HZ JVol. 14
Trial balance, 1948-1951
Carton 9SH 17HZ JVol. 15
Trial balance, 1955-1958
Carton 9SH 17HZ JVol. 16
Trial balance, July-October 1960
Carton 9SH 17HZ JFolders 1-2
Loose papers removed from Vols. 15-16, 1955-1960
Carton 9SH 17HZ JVol. 17
Trial balance, November 1960-June 1961
Carton 9SH 17HZ JVol. 18
Trial balance, July 1961-June 1962
Carton 9SH 17HZ JVol. 19
Trial balance, July 1962-June 1963
Carton 10SH 17I1 TVol. 20
Trial balance, July 1963-June 1964
Carton 10SH 17I1 TVol. 21
Trial balance, July 1964-June 1965
Carton 10SH 17I1 TVol. 22
Trial balance, July 1965-June 1966
Carton 10SH 17I1 TVol. 23
Trial balance, July 1966-June 1967
Carton 10SH 17I1 TVol. 24
Trial balance, July 1967-June 1968
Carton 10SH 17I1 TFolders 1-3
Loose papers removed from vols. 20-23, 1963-1967

v. Miscellaneous budgets and accounts, 1954-1959

Arranged chronologically.

These records describe the expenditures of individual departments and sanctuaries from 1954-1959. They include rough drafts and loose ledger sheets, and many compare quarterly or fiscal year expenditures and income.

Carton 5SH 17KY LFolders 29-33

E. Executive Office records, 1883-1980 (bulk: 1943-1965)

The bulk of this subseries consists of the correspondence and subject files of the 司库秘书(后来称为执行秘书,执行副总裁,以及 president). They include the records of Winthrop Packard who served from 1913 to 1936; Carl W. Buchheister, 1936 to 1939; C. Russell Mason, 1939 to 1957; and Allen H. Morgan, 1957 to 1980. In the early years, the board of directors held most of the executive power, but under 梅森和摩根这个办公室管理着组织的日常职能. 一般通信和主题文件的安排已保持有序 used by the executive office.

这个子系列的其他记录包括罗素·梅森的演讲日志,艾伦·摩根的 行政档案,摩根利记APP官网手机版麻省理工学院未出版历史的研究资料, 还有公共关系部的主题文件,它曾经是 executive office.

i. General correspondence, 1911-1965

Arranged alphabetically by correspondent's name within each year.

Records include members' correspondence; committee correspondence; requests for information; reports of bird sightings; and letters related to lectures, publications, activities, public relations, and the management of physical buildings. Much of the correspondence under Mason and Morgan related to birding, as both were active birders. The subseries also contains related printed material such as newsletters, advertisements, 剪报,和小册子,以及一些文章和论文提交 publication in the Bulletin.

Correspondence was not consistently saved or preserved, and there are many gaps within this subseries. Correspondence is substantial in 1933, but scant from 1934-1948. The year 1948 consists only letters of correspondents whose name begins with B. There is no correspondence from 1949; 1953 to 1956; or from 1961. After 1962, correspondence includes the original letters sent to Morgan and copies of letters Morgan sent in reply.

Before 1962, additional correspondence was filed in the department's subject files.

Carton 11SH 17RA 4
1911-1952 (I)
Carton 12SH 17QY R
1952 (J)- 1957 (N)
Carton 13SH 17R9 3
1957 (O) - 1959 (L)
Carton 14SH 17HC $
1959 (M) - 1963 (F)
Carton 15SH 17R3 /
1963 (G) - 1964 (R)
Carton 16SH 17R7 1
1964 (S) - 1965 (Z)

ii. Subject files, 1883-1980 (bulk: 1950-1965)

Arranged alphabetically by name or subject.

Files consist of correspondence, clippings, printed materials, and reports on a large variety of topics collected by the executive office under Mason and Morgan. Topics include 会议、个人保护区、立法行动、鸟类种类、委员会等等 related organizations. Some files consist strictly of correspondence, including that of many 董事会成员,庇护所负责人,以及组织内的其他杰出人士. 从1936年至1954年与董事会主席罗伯特·沃尔科特的通信提供了对董事会的深入了解 history of Mass Audubon. Beginning in 1962, all correspondence is filed together in General Correspondence.

A full list of folder titles can be found in Appendix I at end of the collection guide.

Carton 17SH 17QZ S
Advertising - Bird Food
Carton 18SH 17R8 2
Bird Garden - Contribution Acknowledgments
Carton 19SH 17HD /
Cooks Canyon Wildlife Sanctuary - Foye, Elmer P.
Carton 20SH 17R2 $
Frattasio, Vincent P. - Huckins, Stuart
Carton 21SH 17QW P
Insurance - May, John B.
Carton 22SH 17R4 +
Membership - Open Spaces, Citizens Committee for
Carton 23SH 17R5 %
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge - Sanctuary Posters
Carton 24SH 17QV O
Salt Marshes - Watson, Ina
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 1-29
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary - Workshop, Natural Science

iii. Winthrop Packard papers, 1918-1940

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Packard's correspondence includes general membership letters; thank you notes for donations of service, money, or property; lobbying efforts for various conservation campaigns; and other society administrative and financial matters. Notable topics include 马萨诸塞州达特茅斯的Barney's Joy地产(1924年),保护希斯母鸡 (1925),帕卡德和罗伯特·沃尔科特之间利记APP官网手机版帕卡德的权利的持续分歧 sell birding merchandise, and Packard's forced retirement as Mass Audubon secretary/treasurer in 1936.

主题文件包括与帕卡德有关的信件、笔记和印刷材料 与马萨诸塞州奥杜邦合作,最著名的是建立驼鹿山保护区,协议 与鸟类俱乐部联合会就梅岛保护区的管理以及其他问题进行了谈判 national environmental and conservation campaigns.

SH 17QL ECarton 101
Correspondence, 1918-1939

Subject files, 1919-1940

Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 8-9
Field property (Moose Hill), 1919-1928
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 10-12
Birds of Killingsworth motion picture, 1921
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 13-14
Conservation Council of Massachusetts, 1923-1927
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 15-17
Outdoor recreation material, 1924-1926
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 18-23
Federation of Bird Clubs of New England, 1924-1936
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 24-25
Associated Committees for Wildlife Conservation, 1926-1931
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 26-27
Everglades National Park, 1930-1931
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 28
Millinery, 1933
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 29
1934 budget, 1933-1934
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 30-31
"The Desperate Ducks," 1933-1934
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 32
1934 annual reports, 1934
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 33
Waterfowl, 1934
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 34
"Massacre of the Marblehead Herons," 1935
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 35
Hopedale lecture, 1935
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 36
Safford (Plum Island), 1935-1936
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 37
Duck Hawk Protection, 1936
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 38-42
"Oil pollution matter," 1936
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 43
Mt. Greylock Beacon Light, 1936
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 44
Farewell letter, 1938
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 45
Correspondence with Russell Mason, 1940
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolder 46
Miscellaneous papers, n.d.
Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 47-49
Printed material, 1936-1939

iv. C. Russell Mason lecture journals, 1943-1949

Arranged chronologically.

Mason's journals consist of typewritten notes describing meetings, programs, and other 他演讲的事件,以及他代表弥撒所做的其他活动和计划 Audubon. Numerous newspaper clippings are pasted onto the pages. Notes include location, other speakers, prominent attendees, and attendance numbers for each event.

Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 30-41

v. Allen H. Morgan papers, 1936-1980

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 42-59
History of Massachusetts Audubon Society material, 1936-1980

这些文件包含了摩根在马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的历史背景资料,包括 documents sent to him in 1980 by Carl Buchheister related to his tenure as secretary/treasurer of Mass Audubon in 1936-1939. Other material, dating from 1952 to 1979, 包括摩根写的文章的复印件,给员工和董事会的备忘录, 信件、会议记录、财务报表和其他行政文件的副本 records. Much of the material is related to open spaces, pesticide use, sanctuaries, education, and membership. Morgan's files also include research notes and a preliminary outline of his history. Written in the style of a personal memoir, the book was never published.

For drafts of Morgan's book, see the Allen H. Morgan papers, 1923-1990 (Ms. N-2224).

Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 60-62
Administrative files, 1960-1975

这些文件大部分可以追溯到1962年,包括给员工和董事会的备忘录 directors, as well as position papers largely related to pesticide use. Filed separately by 从他的Mass Audubon的历史论文中,目前还不清楚它们是否被收集为 background material for the book or were part of a larger administrative file.

vi. Public relations subject files, 1938-1959

Arranged alphabetically.

这些档案是玛丽·莱拉·格莱姆斯的记录,她是公共关系主管,曾在 for Russell Mason in the Executive Office. They contain correspondence, memos, and notes related to advertising in newspapers, publications, radio, and television. Public relations 委员会记录包括活动报告和统计数据,说明了马萨诸塞州奥杜邦 public relations efforts in the 1950s. Bird Walk files relate to the coordination and advertising of the walks.

For further information about Bird Walks, see Series IV.A.- Ornithological Records-Mass Audubon records-Birdwalk Checklists.

Box 9SH 17I9 .Folders 1-11
Advertising, 1950-1955
Box 9SH 17I9 .Folder 12
Bird petition, 1952
Box 9SH 17I9 .Folders 13-17
Bird walks, 1950-1954
Box 9SH 17I9 .Folders 18-21
Correspondence, 1951-1952
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 1-4
Correspondence, 1953-1958
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolder 5
Massachusetts Grange, 1952-1953
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 6-7
Newspaper lists, 1951-1958
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 8-10
News releases, 1938-1959
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolder 11
Pending news, 1951-1952
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 12-19
Promotional ideas, 1951-1954
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 20-22
Public relations committee records, 1951-1954
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolder 23
Radio stations, ca. 1952
Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 24-28
Radio, television, and newspaper correspondence, 1951-1954

F. Education Department records, 1936-2008

Records of the Education Department include administrative records; subject files; records related to long-term and regional programs; audio-visual and media records; records of conferences, workshops, and field schools; and educational publications. Records from the 20世纪40年代和50年代主要是教育主任查尔斯·罗斯的作品,而来自 the 1980s and 1990s were created or collected by Director of Education Cleti Cervoni. A small series of subject files were collected by educator Robert Grayce from 1944 to 1958.

For information about the Hatheway School of Conservation Education 在1964年与教育部合并之前,见Drumlin农场野生动物保护区 records.

i. Administrative records, 1936-2000

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Records in this subseries consist of meeting minutes and agendas; and correspondence, memos, and reports related to the day-to-day running of the department. They include 与保护区,地区办事处和马萨诸塞州奥杜邦保护区部门的互动. 向董事会和麻省奥杜邦大学校长杰里·伯特兰提交的月度和年度报告包括 a detailed report for FY 1974 and abbreviated reports for 1991-1999, with gaps.

Only one record in this subseries dates from 1936. The remainder begin at 1955.

Carton 26SH 17L3 YFolders 29-47
Correspondence and general records, 1936-1974
Carton 27SH 17QU NFolders 1-11
Correspondence and general records, 1984-1999
Carton 27SH 17QU NFolders 12-16
Policies and goals, 1969-1999
Carton 27SH 17QU NFolders 16A-19
Monthly and annual reports, 1974-1999
Carton 27SH 17QU NFolders 20-29
Education coordinators' manual, 1995
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolder 16
Grants and proposals, 1981
Carton 27SH 17QU NFolders 30-55
Grants and proposals, 1984-1991
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 1-18
Grants and proposals, 1992-2000

ii. Robert Grayce subject files, 1938-1958

Arranged alphabetically.

Robert Grayce worked under executive secretary Russell Mason from about 1944 to 1958, teaching courses, working with school groups at sanctuaries, giving public lectures to adults and children, coordinating nature films, and creating slide presentations. He also served as an assistant editor and advertising manager for the Bulletin. His subject files reflect his varied duties.

Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 1-2
Advertising, 1954-1958
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 3
Lecture outlines and notes, 1948-1958
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 4
Library lists, undated
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 5
Nature films, 1938-1957
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 6
Personal correspondence, 1957-1958
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 7
School programs, 1954-1956
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 8
Taxidermy and mounted birds, 1950-1958
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 9-11
Traveling lectures, ca. 1950

iii. Subject files, 1960-2001

Arranged alphabetically.

These files were primarily kept by Director of Education Cleti Cervoni.

Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 19-21
Audubon Alliance, 1981-1999
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 22
Biological literacy questionnaire, 1991
Carton 114SH 1A1D Folders 17-18
Curriculum guides, 1971
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 23
Field dress, 1996-1998
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 24-25
Information services, 1987-1991
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 26
Mass Audubon Coastal Network, 1984-1992
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 27-29
Mass Audubon: North Shore educational programs, 1988-1996
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 30
Native Americans, ca. 1986
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 31
Nature for primary grades, undated
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 32-35
Pond studies, 1960-1987
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 36-38
Priorities Resource Guide, ca. 1985
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 39
Sanctuary education programs, 1990-1992
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 40
School programs, 1985-1988
OS Box 3Folder 5
School programs history, 1954-1968
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 41
School workshops, 1990-1991
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 42
Secretary's Award for Environmental Education, 1997
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 43-45
Speakers' Bureau, 1986-2001
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 46
Staff naturalist outings, 1997-1998
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 47
Youth club proposal, 1987

iv. Long-term and regional programs, 1972-2001

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

This subseries includes administrative records, correspondence, memos, and printed 与各种长期、学校或地区环境教育项目有关的材料 run by the Education Department.

Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 48-52
Environmental education, 1972-1974
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folder 53
Wetlands project, 1975
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 54-55
Nantucket school programs, 1977-1988
Carton 38SH 17HP 9Folders 56-59
Watershed school programs, 1987-1993
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolders 1-2
Critical Thinking project (Pest Management), 1988-1989
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolders 3-5
Urban Education project (Denver Audubon Society), 1988-1992
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 6
Attleboro Environmental Program, 1991-1996
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolders 7-9
Food Program at Drumlin Farm, 1991-1994
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 19-21
Focus: Outdoors, 1995-1996
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 10
Coverboard Project, 2000
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolders 11-12
Rough Meadows Education program, 2000-2001

v. Audio-visual and media records, 1947-1994

Arranged chronologically.

Records relate to slide shows, video, and film productions produced as part of various environmental education programs. Correspondence and receipts include inquiries and orders for slide shows and films that were rented to schools and community groups by Mass Audubon.

See also Series I.F.ii. - Robert Grayce subject files - Nature films and Series VII. - Photographs and audio-visual materials.

Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolders 13-25
Correspondence and receipts, 1947-1955
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolder 22
"A Guide to Discovery" television program, 1955-1957
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 26
Natural science television project, 1959
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 27
Slide show scripts, 1982- ca. 1985
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 28
Video production project (PSA), 1982-1983
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 29
"A Shared Vision" slide/tape program, 1986-1987
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 30
Striped bass film production, 1986-1989
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 31
"People, Pests, and Policy" slide show, ca. 1987
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 32
"An Uncertain Future: Endangered Species" slide show, 1993
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 33
"Life on the Edge," Boston Globe supplement, 1993-1994

vi. Conferences, workshops, and field schools, 1949-1999

Arranged chronologically.

有关会议、研讨会和实地学校的记录都是由麻省大学奥杜邦分校主办的 或者他们参与的地方,以及教育工作者的培训讲习班和学校 within Mass Audubon.

Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 34
Natural science workshop, 1949-1950
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 35
Mass Audubon-Boston University summer conference, 1957
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolder 23
Conservation Caravan, 1964
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 36
Rainy Day teachers workshops, 1979-1983
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 37
Marketing Environmental Education workshop, 1984
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 38
Eco-Wide workshop, 1984-1986
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 39
Workshop and field study guides, 1984-1989
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 40
Plum Island teachers workshop, 1985-1989
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 41
Introduction to Nature Study workshop, 1987
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 42
Field schools, 1987-1988
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 43
Museum Institute for Teaching Science (MITS) workshop, 1987-1994
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 44
Fussing with Feathers workshop, 1987-1989
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolder 45
Developing a Successful School Program workshop, 1990-1992
Carton 39SH 17HQ AFolders 46-56
Annual School Programs Conference, 1991-1999
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 24-27
"Naturewatch," 1997-1999

vii. Education publications, 1940-2008

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

这个子系列包括由Mass Audubon制作的用于避难所,学校, and in other educational programming. The "Education Programs and Materials" manual contains 部分成人节目,初级节目和出版物,公立学校节目,和 curriculum materials in two versions: 1971 and 1974. Education brochures and programs were 主要是五六十年代的办公室文件副本,包括课堂和研讨会时间表和 brochures, article reprints, study guides, teaching aids, and mailers, many from the Hatheway School. The subseries also contains records of the Educational Resources Office, a 为集中销售和分配大众而设立的教育部门的一个单位 Audubon publications. Also included here are several issues of a departmental newsletter and newsletters of the Audubon Teacher Center.

See also Series VI. - Printed material.

Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 28-39
Education brochures and programs, 1940-2008
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 12-25
Educational programs and materials manuals, 1971-1974

Educational Resource Office, 1972-2005

Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 26-30
Records, 1972-2000
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 31
"Nature of Massachusetts," 1994-1999
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 32-33
Publications catalogs, 1987-2005
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 34-35
Wildlife Survival packet, ca. 1976
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolders 40-41
"Contact," Audubon Teacher Center newsletter, 1976-1981
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 36
Educational materials, 1981
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 37-40
"Wildlife in Massachusetts" educational coloring pages, 1987
Carton 114SH 1A1DFolder 42
"Schoolground Science Activities," 1988
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 41
Education department newsletters, 1993-1997

G. Legislative Affairs/Advocacy department records, 1968-2002

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Staff testimony includes the statements of Allen H. Morgan before the Massachusetts General Court, a U.S. Senate subcommittee, and various legislative committees, as well as the testimony of Robie Hubley, Richard Marley, Alvah W. Sanborn, William H. Drury, James C. Colman, James Baird, and James J. MacKenzie, all representing Mass Audubon. Topics include wetlands, pesticides, open spaces, air pollution, hunting, oil and gas development, recycling, and power plant placement. Administrative records contain staff memos, meeting minutes, and position papers. The series also includes several fact sheets on legislative 问题,一封1990年利记APP官网手机版在马萨诸塞州空中喷洒马拉硫磷的信,以及一封 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦保护行动中心的规划文件,编写于1993年. It also contains newsletters, brochures, and other printed material.

Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 42-45
Staff testimony, 1968-1988
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 46-47
Administrative records, 1983-1990
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolders 48-49
Printed material, 1984-1993
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 50
Fact sheets, ca. 1988
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 51
Aerial spraying of malathion, 1990
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 52
Conservation Advocacy/Worcester Co. newsletters, 1989-1996
Carton 94SH 17FU CFolder 53
Planning documents and legislative priorities, 1990-2002

H. Membership/Development department records, 1897-2020

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Included in this subseries are several early membership certificates, a bound volume 列出终身会员,会员剪贴簿,包括呼吁,小册子和邮件 1907 to 1975, and records related to non-monetary gifts and donations to Mass Audubon. Also 包括信件、筹款包和其他与“股份”有关的记录 由艾伦·摩根于1959年至1961年发起的运动,出售了5美元的股票来支持 local sanctuaries.

1960年慈善基金的拨款申请说明了组织和财政 structure of Mass Audubon in 1959-1960. A 1971 grant proposal appendix (the original grant 应用程序无法保存)包括详细和全面的材料,Mass Audubon 财务、筹款、会员、员工、出版物、避难所、教育、宣传、 research, volunteers, affiliations, animal care, and legislative activity.

Annual meeting records include mailing lists, briefing materials, and correspondence related to preparation for annual meetings in 1987 and 1988. 90th anniversary celebration 记录包括时间表,与供应商的通信,价格和备忘 the 1986 event. Also included are membership appeals, marketing research reports, member segment profiles, and a 1997 marketing and development presentation. Issues of the "MAS 《利记APP官网手机版》,系通讯(1986-1993),给出了系的详细视图和 its activities.

i. Membership records, 1897-1990

Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 1
Certificates, 1897-1923
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 2
Life membership records, ca. 1900-1957
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 3-11
Scrapbook, 1907-1971
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 12-13
Membership appeals, ca. 1975- ca. 1900

ii. Donor records, 1956-1995

Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 14
Gift records, 1956-1995
Box 4SH 17IB $Folders 1-5
Leadership Friends records, 1970-1988
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 15
House to Habitat program, 1990

iii. Campaign records, 1959-1997

Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 16-31
"Shares" campaign records, 1959-1961
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 32-33
Centennial campaign records, 1994-1997

iv. Grant records, 1960-1988

Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 34-35
Grant application, 1960
Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 1-18
Proposal appendices, 1971
Carton 28SH 17R1Folder 19
Wildlife Futures grant records, 1988
Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 20-23
v. Annual meeting materials, 1984-1988
Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 24-31
vi. 90th Anniversary celebration records, 1985-1987
Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 32-37
vii. Marketing research reports, 1984-1997
Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 38-40
viii. Miscellaneous administrative records, 1954-2007
Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 41-43
ix. Printed material, 1986-2020

I. Sanctuary Department records, 1956-2010

避难所运营部和避难所规划部负责监督马萨诸塞州奥杜邦 野外办事处,自然中心,有人员和没有人员的野生动物保护区,以及受保护的开放 space. Records include the department's working files or "chronos," wildlife inventories and 许可证,鸟食日记录,政策和程序文件,以及其他杂项 records.

See also Series II - Sanctuary records, for records related to individual sanctuaries, as well as Series I.C. - Annual and monthly reports, for summaries of sanctuary activities.

i. Working "Chronos" files, 1956-2010

Arranged chronologically.

Records primarily consist of correspondence with attachments that include policy guidelines, reports, advisory committee conference records, policy guidelines, and inter-departmental and staff memos. Early records were generated by Executive Vice-President Allen Morgan (1957 - 1980), David Blanchard (Sanctuary Operations)和Bill Giezentanner (Sanctuary Planning) beginning in the late 1970s. After about 1990, under department head Gary Clayton, the working files or "chronos" included reports, site 分析,向保护区委员会提出建议,与保护区工作人员通信 还有董事、政策声明、规划文件、会议纪要和议程、时间 日志,预算和财务文件,季度报告和其他部门的备忘录 that pertain to sanctuaries. Records after 1991 remain closed to respect donor privacy.

Carton 28SH 17R1Folders 44-61
Box 4SH 17IB $Folders 6-16
Carton 29SH 17KZ MFolders 4-52
1991-June 1992

July 1992-Dec. 1994 CLOSED UNTIL 1 JANUARY 2030

Jan. 1995-Aug. 1997 CLOSED UNTIL 1 JANUARY 2030

Sept. 1997-Dec. 2000 CLOSED UNTIL 1 JANUARY 2030

2001-2010 CLOSED UNTIL 1 JANUARY 2035

ii. Wildlife inventories and permits, 1972-1985

Federal and state wildlife permit records consist of eagle and raptor salvage permits, exhibitors' licenses, wildlife transfer and import permits, syringe permits, and rehabilitation permits. Included are wildlife inventories for state and federal reports, forms, and correspondence.

Carton 33SH 17KV IFolders 1-9

iii. Bird Seed Day records, 1978-2008

记录包括有关购买鸟籽的磅数的统计数据和电子表格 每个避难所,年度比较,备忘录,信件,订单,预算,等等 printed flyers.

Carton 33SH 17KV IFolders 10-13

iv. Policies and procedures, 1972-1993

记录包括1979年的《利记APP官网手机版》,一本资源管理手册和 environmental education programs for all Mass Audubon sanctuaries. The 1986 Sanctuary Department Enforcement Manual outlines policies and regulations to be enforced at each sanctuary, including standard operating procedures; information on hunting, trespass, and property destruction; public relations; education; security; liability; safety; and training. Also included is a 1988 Design Standards manual for sanctuary structures, Sanctuary Advisory Committee policy statements, and miscellaneous procedural memos and reports.

Box 11SH 17ID +Folders 1-7
Sanctuary Advisory Committee policies, 1972-1992
Carton 33SH 17KV IFolders 13A-18
Guide to Sanctuary Planning, 1979
Box 11SH 17ID +Folders 8-9
Procedural memos and reports, 1983-1993
Box 11SH 17ID +Folders 10-13
Sanctuary Department Enforcement manual, 1986
Box 11SH 17ID +Folders 14-16
Design Standards manual, 1988

v. Subject files, 1972-2003

Arranged alphabetically.

Box 11SH 17ID +Folder 17
Admission fees, 1973-1982
Box 11SH 17ID +Folder 18
Animal policies, 1987-1988
Box 11SH 17ID +Folders 19-22
Boundary Line Project, 1977-1979
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 36-38
Education, 1980-1986
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 39
Facilities rentals, 1988-1989
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 40-41
Information technology, 1986-2000
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 42-43
Massachusetts Land League, 1980-1984
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 44
Meetings and agendas, 1991-2003
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 45-46
Regional operations, 1972-1980
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 47-53
Sanctuary fact sheets, 1990-1996
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolder 54
Staff biographical information, 1989-2002
Carton 115SH 1B4SFolders 55-57
Volunteer management, 1986-1997

J. Scientific Staff/Conservation Science Department records, 1948-2019

First organized by Dr. William Drury in 1956, the Scientific Staff later became the Science Department, the Environmental Science Department, and then the Conservation Science Department. Its records include numerous reports and project records, a series of subject files, and a small amount of miscellaneous administrative records.

i. Projects and reports, 1948-1999

Arranged alphabetically by title.

Records in this subseries include the Ecosystem Conservation Priority paper, a Mass 约翰·费奇撰写的奥杜邦政策文件作为对环境政策的回顾 resources in Massachusetts in the 1980s. Records related to the Endangered Species Act, 奥杜邦大学帮助重新授权和修改,包括报告、通信、备忘录, copies of the bill and amendments, copies of congressional testimony, mailings, and a National Audubon Society speakers kit.

短耳猫头鹰生态学研究研究了生态需求、种群水平、 breeding process, and food habits at Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge. Directed by John H. Fitch, its records include research notes, pellet data, and a final report.

The Tern Conservation Program began in 1960 when William H. Drury, director of research, observed that terns were being replaced in New England by gulls. Early studies were conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, but by 1966 Mass Audubon developed their own conservation program with Dr. Ian Nisbet conducting field research on the declining tern population. Later studies were conducted at one of two remaining tern colonies at Monomoy Wilderness colony. Records include reports, field research data, correspondence, memos, tern warden reports, project proposals, newspaper clippings, newsletters, and maps.

Carton 33SH 17KV IFolders 19-24
"City Lights: A Handbook of Energy Conservation and Renewable Energies for City Homes," 1980
Carton 33SH 17KV IFolders 25-26
Dredge-spoil islands, 1974-1981
Carton 33SH 17KV IFolders 27-49
Ecosystem Conservation Priority paper, 1981-1983

Endangered Species Act, 1973-1988

Box 10SH 17IAFolders 1-14
General records, 1973-1988
Box 10SH 17IAFolders 15-17
Alliance, 1981-1982
Box 10SH 17IAFolder 18
Bulletin, 1981-1982
Box 10SH 17IAFolders 19-20
Congressional testimony, 1981-1982
Box 10SH 17IAFolder 21
Mailings, 1982
Box 10SH 17IAFolder 22
National Audubon Society speakers list, 1982
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 1
Energy conservation, 1984-1986
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 2-4
Gull control, 1960-1973
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 5-7
Gull control - Muskeget Island, 1948-1981
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 8-9
Herp Atlas project, 1992-1995
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 9A
"Land Use in the Coastal Drainage Area in and Around Boston Harbor," 1988
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 10
"Monitoring Restored and Created Salt Marshes in the Gulf of Maine," 1999
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 11
"Need for Comprehensive Wildlife Programs in the United States," 1979-1980
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 12-13
Non-game legislation, 1981-1985
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 13A
"Non-native Vascular Plants of the Mass Audubon Sanctuary System," 2002
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 14
Quabbin, 1990-1992
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolder 14A
Pesticide Reform in Massachusetts, 1989
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 15-22
Short-eared owl ecology study, 1982-1986
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 22A-B
Solar-heated and cooled office building, 1973
Carton 34SH 17FS AFolders 23-52
Tern conservation program, 1964-1981
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 1-26
Tern conservation program, 1982-1987
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 27
Terns, roseate, 1980-1994
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 28-30
Wildlife management programs, 1973-1974

ii. Subject files, ca. 1950-1991

Arranged alphabetically.

Subject files were reference files used by the scientific staff containing printed 各种主题的小册子、报告、剪报、备忘录和文章,包括 birds, mammals, endangered species, pesticides, and wildlife diseases. Some files contain only a few items.

See the complete list of subject files in Appendix II.

Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 31-67
"ACEC" to " Endangered Species"
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 1-45
"Furbearers" to "Wildlife diseases"

iii. Miscellaneous administrative records, 1973-2019

Arranged chronologically by record type.

杂项记录包括信件、备忘录、笔记、年度报告(有空白)、 研究项目的标准、科研人员的目标和优先事项、政策 papers, and a report on the department's reorganization in 1987-1988. They are not comprehensive, nor are they necessarily representative of the department's complete administrative records.

Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 46-48
Objectives and priorities, 1973-1991
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 49-53
Annual reports, 1973-2019
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 54
Policy papers, 1977-1995
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 55-56
Correspondence, memos, and notes, 1981-1998
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 57
Criteria for research projects (sanctuaries), 1983
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 58
Aquatic ecology memos and objectives, 1983-1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 59
Environmental science publications list, ca. 1986
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 60
Reorganization of science department, 1987-1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 61-63
"The MAS [Mass Audubon] Center for Biological Conservation," 1993-1998

K. Natural History Services records, 1968-1987

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

自然历史服务部成立于20世纪60年代 James Baird, with the goal of "encouraging the interest of people in the out-of-doors." Its 节目包括员工讲座、电影租赁、鸟类漫步、奥杜邦之声电话 线,野生鸟类死亡调查,鸟类普查,自然历史之旅,小册子和 publications, and the breeding bird atlas. In 1972, the department added an Environmental Affairs section. The department's services were later largely incorporated into the Conservation Science and Education departments.

Records in this series, primarily those of James Baird, include annual reports, memos, 计划文件,预算和开支记录,幻灯片演讲清单,枢机簇 山雀普查结果、栖鸟管理报告、公共服务资讯公告、 1972 to 1974 call logs for the Voice of Audubon, and animal care policies.

Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 1-13
Administrative records, 1968-1981
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 14-17
Animal care policies, 1977-1987

L. Mass Audubon: North Shore records, 1978-2005

安角资源项目始于1979年,当时是马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的一个为期五年的项目,由 Philip S. and Anne Weld and headed by Dan Greenbaum. According to promotional material, it “旨在帮助安角保护其资源,并规划一个环保的? future." Based in Gloucester, it was the first Mass Audubon office outside its Lincoln headquarters. Resources for Cape Ann became Resources for the North Shore in 1986 and Mass Audubon: North Shore in 1988. In 1990, the organization moved to Endicott Center in Wenham, opening the North Shore Conservation Advocacy Office. The office combined "research, 技术援助,倡导保护水质,野生动物群落和他们的 habitat throughout the North Shore." Records in this subseries include administrative 记录,活动记录,报告,以及安角资源的印刷材料 and Mass Audubon: North Shore.

i. Resources for Cape Ann records, 1978-1983

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

包括早期的组织记录,其中包含菲利普·维尔德之间的通信 and Mass Audubon board members related to the initial funding of the organization; project proposals; internal board and committee correspondence; Cape Ann steering committee meeting minutes, notes, and memos; newspaper clippings; timetables, reports, financial records, and correspondence related to the hiring and early work of Dan Greenbaum.

活动文件包括外部通信、研究、报告、评论和新闻 releases related to community projects and activities. Also included is an index to 利记APP官网手机版开普安活动的资源,利记APP官网手机版“房子变暖”项目的文件 格洛斯特的老房子使用节能技术,以及1979年的一项环境研究 report on Ten Pound Island in Gloucester.

Carton 40SH 17HR BFolders 1-8
Administrative records, 1978-1983
Carton 40SH 17HR BFolders 9-24
Activities records, 1979-1983
Carton 40SH 17HR BFolder 24A
Ten Pound Island report, 1979

ii. Mass Audubon: North Shore records, 1983-2005

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Correspondence and administrative files include outgoing correspondence, inter-company 备忘录、会议纪要和议程,以及与北岸有关的随附材料 office and its mission. Monthly reports date from 1988 to 1993, with gaps, and describe Mass Audubon: North Shore's activities, events, and progress on research. Environmental impact 评论是Mass Audubon: North Shore对评论请求的回应 statements and reports of the Massachusetts Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other local, state, and national organizations. Also here are the 格洛斯特港和波士顿港监控项目的记录,包括通信记录, maps, database and data collection information, summary reports, and final reports. Final reports for Beverly, Marblehead, Salem, and Manchester harbors are also found here.

Carton 40SH 17HR BFolders 25-59
Correspondence and administrative files, 1983-1992
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 1-6
Correspondence and administrative files, 1993-1994
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 7-8
Correspondence index, 1984-1994
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folder 9
Harborwatch annual report (Gloucester Harbor monitoring program), 1983-1984
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 10-15A
Boston Harbor monitoring program, 1986-1990
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 16-20
Monthly reports, 1988-1993
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 21-43
Environmental impact comments, 1988-2005
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folder 44
Environmental impact comment index, 1989-2001
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folder 44A
Gloucester Harbor monitoring report (1982 to 1989), 1990
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folder 44B
Beverly, Marblehead, and Salem Harbor Monitoring report (1987-1989), 1990
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folder 44C
Manchester Harbor Monitoring report (1988-1989), 1990

iii. Printed material, 1979-2004

Arranged chronologically by record type.

This subseries contains office newsletters dating from 1979 to 1998, with gaps. News 剪报属于马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的北岸办事处,或者是保护问题 North Shore. A scrapbook illustrates the first ten years of the North Shore office with photos, text, maps, and other print material.

Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folder 45
Resources for Cape Ann newsletters, 1979-1982
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 46-49
Shorelines (Mass Audubon: North Shore newsletter), 1982-1998
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 50-59
Newspaper clippings, 1979-2004
Carton 41SH 17HN 7Folders 60-61
Mass Audubon: North Shore scrapbook, 1979-1988

M. Mass Audubon: Boston records, 1986-1995

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

This series contains the records of Mass Audubon's Boston office. It includes administrative records; program spreadsheets listing Boston public school programs by date, location, school, and grade level; newsletters; and brochures.

Carton 37SH 17FH %Folders 1-12
Administrative records, 1986-1995
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folder 13
Newsletters and brochures, 1987-1990
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folders 14-15
Program spreadsheets, 1990

N. Interdepartmental records, 1954-2001

这个系列包含与一个以上的部门或办公室有关的记录 Audubon. They include general staff records; records of multi-departmental committees such as 土地保护检讨委员会、生物保育协调委员会 Program Policy Committee, and the Publications Review Committee; and records of various task forces and conferences.

i. Staff records, 1954-1999

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Staff directories contain copies of the organization's annual report, financial 声明,董事名单,委员会,章程,组织历史,长期 计划,保护区名单,开放空间政策,地役权和限制政策,人员 policy, and memos to department heads and sanctuary directors. Other staff records include 员工名单,备忘录,通讯,1979年的部门参考手册提供了基本的 介绍Mass Audubon的政策和程序,有关使用的报告 personal computers, and position descriptions. This subseries does not contain a comprehensive collection of staff records.

Carton 37SH 17FH %Folders 16-18
Staff directories, 1954-1991
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folders 31-32
Staff memos, 1973-1999
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folders 19-21
"Inside Out," staff newsletter, 1976-1978
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folders 22-30
Departmental Reference Manual, 1979
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folder 33
Staff personal computer reports, 1989-1993
Carton 37SH 17FH %Folder 34
Position descriptions, 1991-1992

ii. Land Holdings/Protection Review Committee records, 1982-1991

Arranged chronologically.

在土地委员会之前,土地业权检讨委员会于一九八三年至一九八三年运作 1986 and was replaced by the Land Protection Review Committee in 1987. It met before Board Sanctuary Committee meetings to give a staff evaluation of land proposed for acquisition.

Box 4SH 17IB $Folders 17-22
Box 6SH 17I7 Z

iii. Biological Conservation Coordinating Committee records, 1983-1997

Arranged chronologically.

生物保育协调委员会是一个跨部门的职员委员会 负责计划、协调和评估支持弥撒的项目活动 奥杜邦的生物多样性和水资源优先事项,并制定和审查 policies and management proposals that relate to Mass Audubon properties. Records include correspondence, memos, meeting minutes, reports, and other administrative records.

Carton 37SH17FH %Folders 35-62

iv. Program Policy Committee records, 1978-1999

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

The Program Policy Committee acts as an intermediary between the staff and board for issues related to Mass Audubon's programming, including long-range planning, policy proposals, and operating decisions. The 12 members are appointed through nomination, society-wide, and meet once a month. Many of the records in this subseries are those of Cleti Cervoni. They include meeting agendas and minutes, policy statements, reports, and memos. Also here are Program Guidance documents, records related to the 1992 all-staff 百周年纪念活动,客户服务调查和分析,以及记录 出版物工作队,负责审查和评价本报告 status of Mass Audubon publications.

Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 1-30
Administrative records, 1978-1998
Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 31-33
Program guidance records, 1983-1999
Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 34-37
Education Task Force records, 1985-1989
Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 38-42
Publications Task Force records, 1986-1996
Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 43-45
All-staff retreat (centennial planning), 1992
Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 46-47
Customer service surveys, 1994-1999

v. Publications Review Committee records, 1991-2000

Arranged chronologically.

本分系列载有出版物审查委员会的行政记录 reviews all publication ideas and assists staff in development of new publications.

Carton 42SH 17HS CFolders 48-55

vi. Miscellaneous committees, task forces, and conferences, 1980-2001

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 18-22
Administrative staff committee records, 1980-1982
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 23
Energy Transition Priorities Committee, 1980-1989
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 24-26
Urban Task Force records, 1984-1994
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 27
Training and Staff Development Committee records, 1985-1986
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 28-31
Natural History Conference proceedings, 1986-1991
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 32
Sanctuary Committee Review Committee report, 1989
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 33
Management Skills Training Committee records, 1989-1994
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 34-36
Priorities for the 1990s Task Force records, 1989-1990
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 37-40
Volunteer Task Force records (including Volunteer Management Resource Manual), 1990-1995
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 41
Housing Policy Work Group records, 1993-1997
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 42-43
Newsletter Editors Committee records, 1993-2001
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolder 44
Water Resources Coordinating Committee records, 1993
Carton 116SH 1A1BFolders 45-47
Theme Implementation Committee records, 1999-2001

O. Records related to National Audubon Society, 1966-1979

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列中的记录包括国家奥杜邦协会之间的通信 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦,国家奥杜邦协会各州分会的指导方针,内部备忘录 concerning Mass Audubon's affiliation with the National Audubon Society, membership 国家奥杜邦学会于1975年正式达成协议 和Mass Audubon, National Audubon Society 1976-1977年和1979年的年度报告,一个名单 国家奥杜邦协会分会,以及国家奥杜邦协会主席的信件 Russell Peterson to the chapter presidents.

Carton 101SH 17QL EFolders 49-55

II. Sanctuary records, 1874-2010

Arranged alphabetically by sanctuary name.

本系列包含由个别保护区和教育产生或与之相关的记录 中心包括行政记录、学科档案、鸟类学记录、历史记录 property records, printed material, and photographs. The quantity of records for each 庇护所变化很大,从一个或两个文件夹到许多纸箱,这取决于 the material that each sanctuary has deposited in the collection. Sanctuary records should not 被认为是全面的或完整的,尽管预计增加的内容将是 forthcoming.

The most heavily represented sanctuaries in the series are Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, Broodmoor野生动物保护区,Drumlin农场,Habitat野生动物保护区和教育中心, 伊普斯维奇河野生动物保护区,笑溪野生动物保护区,驼鹿山野生动物保护区 Sanctuary, Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, and Wellfleet Wildlife Sanctuary. (Very few records are dated later than 2000 except for newsletters and other printed material.)

See also Series I.I.i. Sanctuary Department records, Working "Chronos" files.

A. Allen's Pond Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1989-2012

位于韦斯特波特和南达特茅斯,艾伦池塘野生动物保护区包含一个海岸 salt pond and surrounding land, where over 300 bird species have been recorded. Records include sanctuary newsletters, a 2001 monograph, The Birds of Allen's Pond, and plans for the 2004 salt marsh restoration.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 1
Newsletters, 1989-2009
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 2
The Birds of Allen's Pond, 2001
OS Box 1Folder 1
Salt Marsh Restoration Project plans, 2004
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 3
Miscellaneous printed material, 1990-2012

B. Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1932-2005

Established in 1944 in Northampton and Easthampton on the Connecticut River, Arcadia's original 100 acres were given to Mass Audubon by Professor Zechariah Chafee, Jr. and his 为了纪念他们的儿子Robert Searle Chafee,她的妻子Bess(姓Searle)被用作野生动物 refuge and for conservation education. The land had previously been established in 1904 as a private hunting ground and then a sanctuary by Leroy S. Combs. The sanctuary was later expanded by donation and purchase to over 700 acres. Its records include administrative 记录,主题文件,与环境和财产问题有关的记录,鸟类学 records, printed material, and photographs.

i. Administrative records, 1937-1996

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Arcadia's administrative records primarily consist of correspondence, but also include meeting minutes, press releases, deeds, and other legal and financial documents. Topics 包括1938年作为奥杜邦财产的最初权益,财产的 1944年,埃德温·梅森被任命为第一任避难所主任 efforts to acquire additional land, later fundraising drives including records of the 阿卡迪亚发展委员会为一个自然中心筹集资金(1968-1970),通信 with architect E. Verner Johnson, the acquisition of the Allen land in 1970 and Ned's Ditch in 1974, as well as day-to-day operations of the sanctuary, largely through the correspondence of directors Robie Hubley and Judith Hubley. The bulk of correspondence ends in 1982.

在这个系列中还有保护区主任的年度报告,其中包括叙述 of sanctuary activities, financial information, newspaper clippings, program flyers, brochures, and other items to illustrate the year's events. Planning documents include planning guidelines, lists of goals, and strategic planning records pertaining to Arcadia.

Carton 43SH 17FC .Folders 1-39
Correspondence, legal, and financial records, 1937-1996
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folders 40-46
Annual reports, 1966-1983
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folders 47-49A
Planning documents, 1972-1979

ii. Subject files, 1945-1996

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

主题文件包含与阿卡迪亚相关的项目、事件或报告的记录 its activities. Programs include Focus Outdoors, an annual conference and natural history 周末,和双语自然教育计划,主要是为了推广 program to the Hispanic community in Holyoke.

Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 50
Arcadia Audubon Club, 1967-1972
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folders 51-54
Bilingual program, 1988-1991
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 55
Duckling Nature Tour, 1983
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folders 56-62
Focus Outdoors, 1967-1992
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 63
Forbes Library bird collection, 1961
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 64
"Geology Tour of the Connecticut Valley," 1968
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 65
Grange Memorial planting, 1945-1961
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 66
Interviews and reports, 1958-1983
Carton 43SH 17FC .Folder 67-68
Mt. Tom programs, 1988-1992
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 1
"Native American Ecology of the Connecticut River Valley," 1991
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 2
Nature Center dedication, 1972
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 3
Nature Day Camp manual, 1990
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 4
Ned's Ditch background information, ca. 1972
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 5
Norman Studio construction, 1949
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 6
Nursery school, 1987-1990
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folders 7-10
Pre-school feasibility study, 1972-1975
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 11
Plant inventories, 1945-1948
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 12
Programs and events, 1953-1996
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 13
Property inventory, 1962
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 14
Radar - Migration studies, 1960

iii. Environmental and property issues, 1955-1992

Arranged chronologically by subject.

此子系列包含与北安普顿垃圾场的法律诉讼相关的记录 long-running conflict involving burning and pollution violations on Arcadia land. It includes newspaper clippings, court documents, and correspondence with Northampton officials. Also here are papers related to the Ox Bow property wetlands violation, including actions taken against the Ox Bow Water Ski Club and proposed building renovation. Other 与北安普顿垃圾场掩埋的有害物质有关的记录,以及1972年, 1977, and 1988 oil spills that affected the sanctuary. Documents related to the asphalt 工厂法律诉讼,反对在东安普顿建造和运营工厂, include correspondence, legal briefs, affidavits, and other trial documents.

Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 15
Trespasses and break-ins, 1955-1985
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folders 16-36
Northampton dump legal actions, 1963-1972
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folders 37-40
Ox Bow wetlands violations, 1965-1992
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folders 41-42
Northampton dump hazardous materials, 1970-1989
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 43
Curtis Nook Road dispute, 1971-1974
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 44
Oil spill, 1972-1973
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folders 45-49
Oil spill, 1977
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folders 50-56
Asphalt plant legal action, 1983-1985
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 57
Hazardous materials report, 1988-1990
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 58
Oil spill, 1988
Carton 44SH 17FG +Folder 59
Zoning Board of Appeals, 1992

iv. Ornithological records, 1944-1970

鸟类学记录包括早期鸟类计数,每日野外卡片,累积清单和 annual Christmas bird censuses recorded at Arcadia.

Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 1-6
Bird counts, 1944-1970
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 7-17
Christmas bird census, 1951-1967

v. Printed material, 1938-2005

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Included in this subseries are sanctuary newsletters; brochures such as trail guides, nature walks, and fundraising material; and articles and reprints, largely from the Massachusetts Audubon Society Bulletin about Arcadia. Yearly Nature Day Camp and Camp Out brochures are also found here. Newspaper clippings, especially 在20世纪40年代和50年代,为保护区及其项目提供全面的叙述.

Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 18-19
Articles and reprints, 1938-1961
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 20-26
Newspaper clippings, 1939-1985
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolder 27
Maps, 1939-1961
OS Box 1Folder 2
Plans and maps, 1948-1981
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 28-33
Brochures, ca. 1951-2005
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 34-47
Newsletters, 1977-2002
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolder 48
"Tongues in Trees" nature guide, 1979

vi. Photographs, 1932-1984

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Carton 45SH 17FW EFolder 49
Aerial views, 1942-1958
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 50-59
Birds, 1938-1974
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 60-61
Buildings and structures, 1945-1973
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolder 62
Chafee, Robert Searle, 1932-ca. 1941
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolder 63
Connecticut River flood (oxbow), 1984
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 64-70
Day camps, 1948-1978
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolders 71-73
Fall Festival, 1974
Carton 45SH 17FW EFolder 74
Fire control, 1939
Box 8SH 17XT TFolders 1-6
Nature Center design and construction, 1970-1972
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 7
Nature Nate's Corner, 1960
Box 8SH 17XT TFolders 8-9
Nature workshops, 1945
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 10
Ned's Ditch, 1974
Box 8SH 17XT TFolders 11-14
Northampton dump, 1966-1967
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 15
Nursery school, 1975-1978
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 16
Oil spill, 1972
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 17
Oil spill, 1977
Box 8SH 17XT TFolders 18-26
People and activities, ca. 1940- ca.1984
Box 8SH 17XT TFolders 27-33
Scenes, ca. 1940-ca. 1984
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 34
Signage, 1952-1968
Box 8SH 17XT TFolders 35
Solar-heated greenhouse, 1981
Box 8SH 17XT TFolder 36
Wildlife, 1966-1971

C. Ashumet Holly Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1963-2010

这个保护区位于东法尔茅斯,最初是威尔弗雷德拥有的冬青种植园 Wheeler, a former Massachusetts commissioner of agriculture. Josiah K. Lilly III purchased the farm and willed it to Mass Audubon upon his death in 1964. Lee C. Davis became the first director of the sanctuary, which held over 65 varieties of holly trees. This subseries includes administrative records, subject files, and printed material.

i. Administrative records, 1963-1992

Administrative records consist of correspondence, annual and quarterly reports, and planning documents. The bulk of correspondence is between Mass Audubon's president, sanctuary department staff, and the Sanctuary Advisory Committee. A letter from Josiah K. Lilly III discusses the donation of the property to Mass Audubon. Also included are memos 与保护区委员会会议有关,讨论保护区的使命和财政 issues. Planning documents contain annual goals, quarterly work projects, and educational plans.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 4-7
Correspondence, 1963-1992
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 8-10
Annual and quarterly reports, 1965-1992
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 11
Planning documents, 1976-1991

ii. Subject files, 1971-1991

Subject files include records related to 1990-1991 educational programming; historical material, largely essays by and about Wilfred Wheeler, Sr.; and records related to holly management and pesticide use, the bulk from 1990 and 1991.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 12-14

iii. Printed material, 1964-2010

Printed material consists of a small, incomplete set of newsletters; several brochures that give detailed information about the sanctuary's species of holly; trail maps; the guide, "The Changing Nature of Cape Cod" (2010); and other miscellaneous material.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 14-17

D. Blue Hills Trailside Museum records, 1967-2005

Located in Milton, the Blue Hills Trailside Museum is the interpretive center for the Metropolitan District Commission's 7,000-acre Blue Hills Reservation. The Trailside Museum 在科学博物馆的指导下于1959年开放,然后是波士顿动物博物馆 Society, and in 1974, Mass Audubon. In 1980, they merged with the Chickatawbut Hill Education 中心位于保留区第二高的山上,成为博物馆的 field site. Included in this series are administrative records and printed material.

i. Administrative records, 1974-2005

Administrative records consist of planning documents, financial statements, and annual reports. Planning documents include a five-year master plan developed when Mass Audubon took over the operation of the Trailside Museum in 1974, a 1974 inventory and set of 1982年,Trailside博物馆的展览总体规划为Chickatawbut Hill提出了建议 program development guidelines. Financial statements are reports prepared by independent auditors, primarily in the 1970s and 1990s. The sequences of both the financial statements and annual reports contain significant gaps. Miscellaneous records include lists of goals and several 1993 and 1994 quarterly reports.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 19-23
Planning records, 1974-1990
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 24-26
Financial statements, 1976-2005
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 27-30
Annual reports, 1977-1999
Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 31
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1979-1994

ii. Printed material, 1967-2002

印刷材料包括早期的路线地图,博物馆小册子,日营小册子,鸟 checklists, and group program brochures. Newsletters, dated from 1981 to 2002, also contain program listings.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 32-41

E. Boston Nature Center and Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1995-2020

Arranged chronologically by record type.

波士顿自然中心是一个环境教育中心和城市野生动物保护区 built on the 67-acre site of the Boston State Hospital in Mattapan. Mass Audubon acquired the 网站于1996年成立,并于1998年正式开放,专注于波士顿市中心的规划 schools. It includes the George Robert White Environmental Conservation Center and Clark-Cooper Community Gardens.

Records in this series consist of the preliminary interpretive planning report for the 自然中心及其展品,会议结果,项目评估,2011年战略计划, and other administrative documents. Also included are annual reports dated from 2000 to 2020 (有空白)和印刷材料,如小册子,节目指南,剪报,和 a 1993 history of the property.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 1-4
Administrative records, 2000-2016
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 5-7
Annual reports, 2000-2020
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 8-10
Printed material, 1995-2015

F. Brewster's Woods Wildlife Sanctuary records, 2007-2019

布鲁斯特的森林由南希·比克斯于2019年捐赠给马萨诸塞州奥杜邦,占地143英亩 Concord. Part of a 300 acre farm previously owned by William Brewster, Mass Audubon's first 总统,康科德河沿岸的土地包括布鲁斯特的十月农场.

记录包括布鲁斯特和十月农场的文章,剪报编年史 2019年将这片土地捐赠给麻省大学奥杜邦分校,以及与保护工作有关的文件 by the Concord Land Conservation Trust.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 11

G. Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1989-2017

Broad Meadow Brook位于伍斯特,是纽约州最大的城市野生动物保护区 英国,由新英格兰伍斯特市保护委员会的一个财团所有 Power Company, and Mass Audubon. Opened in 1991, it consists of a visitor's center, 环境资源中心,以及马萨诸塞州中部倡导办公室(原马萨诸塞州环境资源中心) Worcester Co. Environmental Affairs Office, then the Conservation Advocacy Office). This subseries holds a small amount of the sanctuary's administrative records and printed material.

The newsletters of the Worcester Co. Conservation Advocacy office are filed with the records of the Legislative Affairs/Advocacy Department (Series I.G.)

i. Administrative records, 1990-1998

大部分行政记录都是针对新记录提出的行动计划和方案编制 sanctuary. Also included are reports, memos, program lists, committee meeting minutes, and correspondence.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 42-43

ii. Printed material, 1989-2017

Included here are brochures for educational services, summer day camp brochures, bird 检查清单,报纸文章,一本利记APP官网手机版获得保护区运动的小册子 in 1989, and newsletters dating from 1991 to 2002. Until 1997, newsletters contained only news and program listings for Broad Meadow Brook Sanctuary. In 1999, the newsletter also began to cover the Education Center and Conservation Advocacy Office. In 2001, the newsletters of Broad Meadow and Wachusett Meadow Sanctuaries were combined.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 44-52

H. Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary records, ca. 1900-2012

布罗德莫尔野生动物保护区的第一块土地是由 Henry M. Channing in 1963 as Little Pond Sanctuary in Sherborn. Between 1968 and 1972, Dr. and Mrs. Carl Stillman added land along the Charles River that included the historic Praying Indian site of Waban's Meadow and the site of Thomas Sawin's 1686 gristmill. Sanctuary staff 通过筹款活动和拍卖斯蒂尔曼博物馆的藏品建立了一个捐赠基金 home, which was later razed. Red Wing Farm in South Natick, across Indian Brook from the sanctuary, was purchased in 1973.

Open to the public since 1969, Broadmoor contains over 600 acres of forests, trails, observation decks, and a nature center. Its records include administrative records, subject files, printed material, photographs, and audio-visual material.

i. Administrative records, 1968-2012

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Included in this subseries are annual and monthly reports (with gaps) prepared by the 保护区主任,包含活动总结,教育项目,探访, building and grounds improvements, personnel changes, animal care, and lists of major accomplishments. Planning documents include lists of annual objectives and annual operating 由署长拟备的规划,以及由保护区委员会拟备的总体规划 (later, the Advisory Board). Sanctuary Committee records contain documents related to the committee's formation in 1974; correspondence; meeting minutes; reports; deeds; proposals; records related to land donation and purchase, building construction and renovation; long-range planning subcommittee records; barn raising subcommittee records; the committee's 1996 strategic plan; and their 1998 orientation manual.

Also in this subseries are fundraising records for major campaigns, including the 1968年捐赠斯蒂尔曼庄园,1973-1974年收购红翼农场, 1979年的资本基金驱动,1983年的自然中心的发展,以及 annual appeals. Financial records consist of reports of sanctuary income, internal fund transfers, and miscellaneous bills and receipts for 1980 and 1981. The Workbook for 保护区规划包括自然历史清单,遗址地图,几个历史 房产及其所有者,筹款说明书,环境项目调查,还有 building plans.

Carton 46SH 17HT DFolders 1-5
Annual reports, 1971-1985
Carton 46SH 17HT DFolders 6-30A
Monthly reports, 1974-1995
Carton 46SH 17HT DFolders 31-34
Planning documents, 1972-1996
Carton 46SH 17HT DFolders 35-57
Sanctuary committee/Advisory board records, 1974-2012
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 1-13
Fundraising records, 1968-2005
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 14-22
Financial records, 1979-1982
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 23-25
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1979-1980
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 26
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1977-1995

ii. Subject files, ca. 1959-2009

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

此子系列包含按主题组织的文件,这些文件最初是在sanctuary归档的 offices. Notable topics include the purchase of Red Wing Farm and related construction 项目(1973-1976),谷仓建设和翻新(1979-1992),正在进行的问题 在保护区骑马的人(1962-2005),以及自然山谷储存区计划 conducted on the Charles River by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 27
Abuttors information, 1971-1972
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 28
All-Persons' Trail, 1994-1996
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 29
Archaeological survey, 1985
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 30-33
"Art for all Seasons," 1994-1995
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 34-37
Barn construction, 1979-1992
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 38-39
Composting toilets, 1977-1981
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 40-41
Dogs and cats, 1973-1988
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 42
Ecological management plan, undated
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 43-44
Educational programming, 1976-1995
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 45-48
Fauna, 1976-2005
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 49
Flora, 2008-2009
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 50-51
Historical background, ca. 1959-1990
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolders 52-61
Horseback riding issues, 1962-2005
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 62
Horseback riding permits, 1987-2001
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolders 35-41
Natural Valley Storage, 1972-1984
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 42
Nature Center dedication, 1983
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolders 43-44
"Nature Discovery," 1985-1988
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolders 45-48
Red Wing Farm, 1973-1976
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 49
Solar heating monitoring, 1982
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 50
Spilman wetlands donation, 1981-1982
Carton 47SH 17HV FFolder 51
Stillman house inventory, 1972-1975

iii. Printed material, 1902-2011

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Included in this subseries are quarterly newsletters dating from 1978 to 2009 listing public and educational programs, summer camps, birding programs, and guided walks. Plans and 地图包括红翼农场桥梁示意图、印第安溪湿地航拍图 Natick and Sherborn lands, and schematics of utilities locations. Also here are trail maps; fundraising and informational brochures; flyers related to activities and events; The Mills at Broadmoor, 1696-1976, prepared by the Broadmoor Sanctuary for the Natick Bicentennial Commission; and other printed material.

Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 1-2
Plans, maps, and elevations, 1902-2010
OS Box 4Folder 1-5
Plans, maps, and elevations, 1962-1992
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 3
Articles and newspaper clippings, 1973-1976
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 4-6
Brochures and trail maps, ca. 1974-1978
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 7-10
Flyers and programs, 1975-1998
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 11-21
Newsletters, 1978-2011
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 22
Miscellaneous printed material, 1976-2000

iv. Photographs, ca. 1900-1999

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 23
Aerial photographs, 1987
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 24
"Art for All Seasons," 1995
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 25
Boardwalk construction, 1998-1999
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 26
Construction, 1976
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 27
Dam, ca. 1973
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 28
"Historical," ca. 1900-1964
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 29
Horseback riding, ca. 1972
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 30-36
Houses and barns, ca. 1900- ca. 1970
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 37
Red Wing Farm, 1974
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 38
Saltonstall property and Charles River easement, undated
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 39
Saw mill and dam, ca. 1920- ca. 1960
OS Box 4Folder 6
Sawin Homestead interpretive display, photo negatives, 1976
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 40
South Natick scenes, 1903-1936
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 41-48
Stillman house and property, ca. 1900-1974
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolder 49
Trespassing/damage, 1997-1999
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 50-51
Miscellaneous photos, 1969- ca. 1975
Carton 48SH 17HU EFolders 52-59
Photo album of landscape scenes, undated

v. Slide collections, 1954-2004

Arranged in numerical order as kept by the sanctuary office.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 1-6
1. Broadmoor property and nearby land, 1972-1997

Containing approximately 420 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Location map; Wetlands graphics; Historical; Ponds, woods, and fields; 1978 storm; and Spear Point.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 7-16
2. Broadmoor property, 1972-1999

Containing approximately 400 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Aerials; Indian Brook; Little Farm Pond; Vernal pools and vernal pool overlook; Accessible boardwalk; Nature Center; Red Wind Farm; Green Barn; Stillman house and barn; and South Street barn renovations.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 17-20
3. Charles River, 1972-1985

Containing approximately 480 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Dams; Sewage treatment; and Flooding.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 21-26
4. Miscellaneous topics, 1972-1981

Containing approximately 300 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Solar homes; Mass Audubon Trail interpretive devices; Sturbridge Village; Natick aerials and land; Field/pasture environments; and Pollution.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 27-28
5. Special events and programming, 1990-1995

Containing approximately 50 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Special events and celebrations; and Offsite programs and events.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 29-34
6. Programs on-site, 1972-1998

Containing approximately 550 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Birds and Breakfast; School programs; Summer camp; Rebuilding and repairs; Volunteers; and Visitors, Nature Center, and trail.

Carton 119SH 1A18Folders 35-37
7. Birds, Volume 1, 1954-1983

Containing approximately 360 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Loons; and Grebes through Shorebirds.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folders 1-3
8. Birds, Volume 2, 1954-2004

Containing approximately 360 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Skvas; Jaegers; Gulls; Terns through Finches; and Bird banding.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folders 4-6
9. Animals, 1973-1990

Containing approximately 110 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Insects; Mammals; Reptiles; and Amphibians.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folders 1-3
10. Plants/Wildflowers, 1969-1983

This collection contains approximately 500 slides.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folders 10-15
11. Plants/Trees, 1963-1983

Containing approximately 320 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Maps and diagrams; Miscellaneous; Ferns; Wetland grass and plants; Mushrooms and lichens; and Trees.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folders 16-18
12. Broadmoor events and scenes, 1974-1998

This collection contains approximately 650 slides.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folder 19
13. Wetlands, 1983

This collections contains approximately 50 slides.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folders 20-23
14. Aerials, 1972-1973

Containing approximately 500 slides, this collection contains the following sections: Neponset River; Mystic River; Charles River; and Cape Cod.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folder 24
Birds of Broadmoor, ca. 1973-1990

This collection contains 48 slides.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folder 25
Little Farm Road fire, 2001

This collection contains 25 slides.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folder 26
Stillman Gardens, 1976

This collection contains 9 slides.

Carton 120SH 1A19Folder 27
Miscellaneous flowers, ca. 1956

This collection contains 33 slides.

vi. Audio-visual material, 1973-2009

Arranged chronologically.

To access audio-visual material, contact the Digital Preservation Archivist.

Dr. Carl Stillman, "Oral History of Broadmoor," ca. 1973 (7 in. audio reel, AV 0003)

Voices and music, final tape, 1981 (audio cassette, AV0010)

Charles River, "Chronicle," WCVB-TV, 1992 (VHS, AV0004)

Springfest - George Middlemass and Ruth Peinze, 1993 (audio cassette, AV0014)

"The Broadmoor Story," 2002 (VHS, AV0005)

Solar tour, 2009 (audio cassette, AV0007)

Lisa Ramsay, "The Wetlands," undated (audio cassette, AV0006)

"Alfred Alga and Frieda Fungus," undated (audio cassette, AV0008)

Broadmoor Nature Center Tour, undated (audio cassette, AV0009)

Dr. Carl Stillman, Oral history at Broadmoor, tape 1, undated (audio cassette, AV0011)

Dr. Carl Stillman, Oral history at Broadmoor, tape 2, undated (audio cassette, AV0012)

"Discovery songs and sun songs," undated (audio cassette, AV0013)

Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary (see Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary)

I. Cook's Canyon Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1897-1984

这片土地位于巴雷,最初被称为巴雷瀑布. Cook in 1896. Cook systematically planted thousands of trees to create a public park on the 他1934年去世后,他的妻子后来把这块地遗赠给了马萨诸塞州奥杜邦. It became a Mass Audubon sanctuary in 1948. Documents in this subseries include administrative 记录、史料、鸟类学记录、印刷品和照片.

i. Administrative records, 1948-1974

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of administrative records are annual reports. Also included are memos, meeting minutes, and a copy of the 1948 will of Mary Cook.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolders 53-55

ii. Historical material, 1924-1954

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries contains lists of trees planted by George W. Cook, biographical material about Cook, and essays related to the site.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 56

iii. Ornithological records, 1932-1948

Arranged chronologically.

Records include a bird list completed in 1932 and a calendar of "bird notes" for 1948.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 57

iv. Printed material, 1897-1965

Arranged chronologically.

记录主要包括与乔治·库克及其发展有关的剪报 of Cook's Canyon. An offprint of a 1949 Bulletin article about the acquisition of Cook's Canyon and two 1949 newsletters are also here.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 58-59

v. Photographs, 1910-1984

Arranged chronologically.

Included in this subseries is a 1910 photograph of Mary Peckham, mother of George W. Cook, a 1984 view of Cook's Canyon, and an undated day camp group photograph.

Carton 64SH 17MQ FFolder 60

Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary (see South Shore Sanctuaries)

J. Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1953-2019

德鲁姆林农场位于林肯,拥有超过230英亩的草地、林地、花园、 haylands, and ponds. 175 acres of the sanctuary was once the Hatheway estate, purchased by 路易丝·艾尔·海瑟薇和她的丈夫唐纳德·戈登,他们经营着一个农场 school groups and other educational organizations. Hatheway donated the land to Mass Audubon 1955年,以及1957年成为Drumlin农场自然中心的大型红色谷仓 这座建于1914年的砖砌大厦被称为戈登大厅,成为马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的总部 the administrative offices moved from Boston in 1959. In 1965, Mass Audubon added the Boyce 农场变成了保护区,1974年,它把德鲁里的房子变成了保护区 Services Center. Although additional land reverted to Mass Audubon when a U.S. Army site was 1975年,由于财政原因,将总部迁至此地的计划被放弃 concerns and strong public opposition.

Documents in this subseries include administrative records, subject files, and printed material.

i. Administrative records, 1953-2019

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Planning documents in this subseries consist of a master plan overview, education and interpretive plans, annual plans, and strategic five-year plans. Meeting minutes and committee records include those of the Drumlin Farm Committee, which formed to help determine the best use of the newly acquired property; the Board of Overseers for the 海瑟威自然保护教育学院,它发展了其范围和课程 programs and classes; and the Sanctuary Advisory Committee, which oversaw the activities of the sanctuary and its programs. Legal records include wills, petitions to Lincoln's board of appeals, quitclaim deeds, and conservation restrictions pertaining to the property. Records 还包括相当完整的年度报告和杂项记录,包括 lists of farm, wildlife, and environmental programs.

通信主要是委员会成员,马萨诸塞州奥杜邦董事会,执行 office, and sanctuary staff, discussing the initial vision for the sanctuary and its 教育项目,海瑟威学校的课程,建筑扩建和冲突 与财产毗邻和林肯镇,保护区的太阳能项目, 1980 barn fire and the barn's subsequent rebuilding, and the daily activities of the sanctuary. Also included is correspondence between Mass Audubon and the heirs of the estate related to the use of the property per the restrictions in Louise Hatheway's will; and correspondence with the board of appeals of the Town of Lincoln. Correspondence of Crawford 戈登,路易丝·艾尔·海瑟薇的儿子,与德鲁姆林农场的建立有关 sanctuary and the Louise Ayer Hatheway School of Conservation Education. It also details the disposition of some of the furniture belonging to the estate. Correspondence of D'Arcy and 露西娅·托德·麦克马洪讨论了露西·艾尔·海瑟薇(露西娅的祖母)的愿望 the use of the Drumlin farm property.

该系列还包括委员会和监事会会议纪要,年度和 quarterly reports from 1964 to 1999 and from 2010 to 2019, and a 2012 policies and procedures manual.

Carton 65SH 17FL 3Folder 1
Legal records, 1953-1994
Carton 65SH 17FL 3Folders 1A-11
Planning documents, 1955-2016
Carton 65SH 17FL 3Folders 12-37A
Correspondence and memos, 1955-1993
Carton 65SH 17FL 3Folder 38
Drumlin Farm committee meeting minutes, 1955-1956
Carton 65SH 17FL 3Folders 39-40
Hatheway School Board of Overseers meeting minutes, 1956-1957
Carton 65SH 17FL 3Folders 41-62
Annual and quarterly reports, 1964-1988
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folders 1-21
Annual and quarterly reports, 1989-2019
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folders 22-27
Advisory committee records, 1981-1990
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folders 28-30
Policies and procedures manual, 2012
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folders 31-32
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1956-2004

ii. Subject files, 1955-1999

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

主题档案包括1955年的保险清单里面有房子的照片和 grounds taken when Mass Audubon acquired the property; Massachusetts Historical Commission historic structures reports on the major buildings on the estate; copies of the will of Louise Hatheway; and various topics related to the management of the property and programming of Drumlin Farm.

Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 33
Abutting lands accessment form, 1983
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 34
Barn raising and dedication, 1982
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folders 35-36
Boyce Farm demonstration area, 1964-1966
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 37
Boyce right-of-way, 1960-1964
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 38
Fields management, 1964-1967
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 39
Hatheway will, 1955
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 40
Historic structures surveys, 1959-1977
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 41
Historical research, undated
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 42
Insurance inventory, 1955
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 43
Land title history, 1981
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 44
McCart house, 1989
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 45
School groups, 1979-1991
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folder 46
Tour teachers' manual, 1973
Carton 102SH 17N8 +Folders 47-49
Wildlife for Education report, 1998-1999

iii. Printed materials, 1955-2019

Arranged chronologically by record type.

本丛书由文章和剪报组成,其中包括与 barn fire and reconstruction in 1980-1981. Brochures include trail maps, tour and program brochures, and day camp brochures. Newsletters and program guides were at first printed separately, but later combined into one publication.

Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folders 1-3
Articles and newspaper clippings, 1955-2017
Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folders 4-8
Brochures and trail maps, 1958-1996
Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folders 9-29
Newsletters and program guides, 1972-2017
Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folders 30-31
Capital campaign material, 2003-2015
Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folder 32
A History of Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, 2005
Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folder 27
Miscellaneous printed material, 1963-2019

iv. Photographs, 1955-1972

Arranged chronologically.

Photographs include images of childrens' classes, tours, and animals.

Carton 103SH 17N9 %Folders 35-36

K. Eagle Lake Wildlife Sanctuary records, 2004-2013

鹰湖是霍尔顿一个占地332英亩的保护区,由希尔达和 Clifford Appleton in 1984. This subseries contains a 2004 printed trail map and a 2013 sanctuary fact sheet.

Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 1

L. Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1968-2005

位于玛莎葡萄园岛的埃德加敦,这个避难所的部分土地是由 George M. Moffett in 1968 and given to Mass Audubon. Other portions were managed by the 玛莎葡萄园自然历史协会的官员和受托人被称为费利克斯脖子 Wildlife Trust. The two organizations managed the sanctuary together until 1983, when the Trust dissolved and the board became the Mass Audubon Sanctuary Advisory Committee. Documents within this series include administrative records and printed material.

i. Administrative records, 1968-1996 (bulk: 1971-1977)

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Administrative records consist largely of correspondence related to Mass Audubon's 与Felix Neck野生动物信托的关系以及各种管理安排 between the two organizations. Other correspondence is between Mass Audubon and its members and patrons and between sanctuary directors and Mass Audubon departments. Also included here Felix Neck野生动物信托基金的董事会会议记录,原来是附加的 to correspondence.

Legal records include a 1968 deed from George M. Moffett to Mass Audubon; various agreements and leases between Mass Audubon and the Felix Neck Wildlife Trust; and undated by-laws of the Martha's Vineyard Natural History Society. Reports and planning documents 包括各种目标和目的清单,以及年度和季度报告 1982-1983. Surveys include a 1979 flora and fauna inventory and a 1983 list of endangered wildflowers on the property. Educational programming includes program objectives, outlines, and examples of education handouts.

Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 2-13
Correspondence, 1968-1996
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 14
Legal records, 1968-1978
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 15
Reports and planning documents, 1970-1988
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 16
Flora and fauna surveys, 1979-1983
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 17
Educational programming, 1993

ii. Printed material, 1970-2005

Arranged chronologically by record type.

印刷材料包括通讯和节目指南,1972-1983年由美国广播公司出版 Felix Neck Wildlife Trust and from 1983-2005 by Mass Audubon. Other printed material includes a 1970 edition of Felix Neck Naturalist, several brochures, trail maps, and a self-guided nature walk.

Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 17A
Brochures and trail maps, 1971-1997
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 18-21
Newsletters and program guides, 1972-2005
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 22
Miscellaneous printed material, 1970-1986

M. Graves Farm Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1989-2003

Located on 683 acres in Williamsburg, Graves Farm Wildlife Sanctuary was operated as a dairy farm for over 125 years. Most of the land was bequeathed to Mass Audubon in 1990 by 德怀特·格雷夫斯和约翰·格雷夫斯,1994年在兄弟俩 deaths. Some of the original nine farm buildings have been demolished, and a farmhouse and barn were sold to private owners in 2001. Records consist of administrative records, subject files, printed material, photographs, and digital material.

i. Administrative records, 1989-2003

Arranged chronologically.

Administrative records consist of correspondence; legal records, including wills, 退约契据,不动产记录,以及与约翰·P. and Dwight L. Graves; property management plans and reviews; press releases; progress reports; logging agreements and timber rights agreements; sanctuary goals; and strategic plans. Also included are meeting notes, building proposals, letters of support and 反对拆除农场建筑,庇护委员会投票,悬崖燕子 management plans.

Carton 113SH 1A2HFolders 1-28

ii. Subject files, 1991-2002

Arranged alphabetically.

Subject files are organized as originally filed in sanctuary offices. They include a 1998 马萨诸塞州历史委员会的报告记录了建筑和历史 significance of the property, with photographs; a 1992 oral history interview with John Graves; and reports concerning the management and conservation of a cliff swallow colony located on the property.

Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 29
Asbestos treatment, 1998
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 30
Cliff swallow reports, 1992-1994
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 31
Documentary Heritage grant proposal, 1999-2000
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolders 32-33
Historical materials, 1992
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 34
Maps and surveys, 1991-2002
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 35
Massachusetts Historical Commission report, 1998
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 36
Property appraisal, 1995
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolders 37-38
Requests for proposals, 1996
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 39
Sewage disposal survey, 1996
Carton 113SH 1A2HFolder 40
Vegetation and wildlife maps and lists, 1991-1995

iii. Printed material, 1990-2002

Arranged chronologically.

印刷材料包括记录财产捐赠的剪报 到马萨诸塞州奥杜邦,格雷夫斯兄弟的传记,以及利记APP官网手机版处置的争议 the farm buildings.

超大材料包括湿地位置示意图和拟议的建筑物拆除 (1998), and a survey of Mass Audubon easements on Williamsburg land (2002).

Carton 113SH 1A2HFolders 41-43
Miscellaneous printed material, 1990-2002
OS Box 1Folder 4
Plans and schematics, 1998-2002

iv. Photographs, ca. 1992-1998

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Photographs include images of the farm house, barn, Potash Brook, and other landscape details.

Carton 113SH 1A2HFolders 44-51

v. Digital material, 1995-1999

Graves Farm buildings, 1995-1999 (3.5 inch floppy disk, DM004)

Records include requests for proposals for adaptive reuse of the farm buildings, sanctuary department memos, correspondence with vendors and the general public, press releases, and position papers for the disposition of the buildings.

To access this record, contact the Digital Preservation Archivist.

N. Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1946-2018

仁人家园是贝尔蒙特一个占地90英亩的保护区,由仁人家园公司的旧址改建而成. and Highland Farm Sanctuary. In 1970, Ruth Hornblower Churchill died, leaving a trust (the 格里诺基金会(Greenough Foundation))保护她1913年的新乔治亚风格住宅及周边财产 educational purposes. The trust founded Habitat, Inc. in 1970, headed by educator Bert A. Roens and Churchill's son, Elisha Atkins. In Sept. 1971, the Habitat Inc. School of Environment opened, providing a one-year post-high-school enrichment experience. Habitat became a membership organization, the Habitat Institute, in 1976. The organization merged with Mass Audubon in July 1994, the culmination of a five-year planning process.

Highland Farm, part of an old dairy farm in Belmont, was donated to Mass Audubon by Mr. and Mrs. William Claflin with the support of neighbors and others in the 1960s. The property merged with the former Habitat, Inc. property in 1994, becoming Habitat Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary.

i. Administrative records, 1946-1998

Arranged chronologically by record type.

This subseries includes the administrative records of the Mass Audubon sanctuary's predecessor organization, Habitat, Inc., including deeds and land transactions, articles of 组织、能力报表、月报及年报、函件、受托人 档案、格里诺基金会受托人档案、财务报表、规划文件、 and other administrative records.

A small amount of records pertain to Highland Farm Sanctuary, including sanctuary committee records (1974-1988) and planning documents (1986-1987). Additional administrative records include documents related to the merger of Habitat, Inc. and Highland Farm as a Mass 奥杜邦财产(1988-1994),以及新成立的行政记录 栖息地教育中心和野生动物保护区,包括每月报告,1997年战略 plan, annual plans, and sanctuary committee records.

Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 1-1A
Deeds and land transactions, 1946-1994
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 2-18
Habitat, Inc. administrative records, 1970-1993
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 19-20
Highland Farm administrative records, 1970-1988
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 21-23
Merger records, 1988-1995
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolder 24
Monthly reports, 1995-1998
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 25-27
Planning documents, 1997-1998
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 28-31
Sanctuary committee records, 1994-1998
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolder 32
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1993-1997

ii. Subject files, 1946-1995

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

此子系列包含按主题组织的文件,这些文件最初是在sanctuary归档的 offices.

Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 33-35
Bert A. Roens, 1992-1994
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 36-39
Earthwatch agreements, 1976-1991
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolder 40
Grant applications, 1988
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolder 44-43
Greenough Foundation, 1968-1982
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 44-50
Guide to Nature Trail, 1978-1983
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolders 51-52
History, 1946-1990
Carton 49SH 17XW WFolder 53-54
Programs and activities, 1972-1995

iii. Printed material, 1962-2018

Arranged chronologically by record type.

This subseries contains a complete set of Habitat newsletters from 1973 to 2009; seasonal lists of courses and workshops held at Habitat, Inc.; newspaper clippings related to the property; summer camp program brochures; general information brochures; trail guides; and program and event flyers.

Carton 50SH 17XX XFolders 1-14
Newsletters, 1973-2009
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolders 15-24
Course lists, 1973-1994
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolder 25
Newspaper clippings, 1962-1995
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolders 26-28
Brochures, 1971-1997
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolders 29-30
Program and event flyers, 1985-2018
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolder 31
Lucille Gertz, Habitat Naturalist Manual, 1990
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolder 32
Lucille Gertz, Let Nature Be the Teacher, 1993
Carton 50SH 17XX XFolder 33
Childs and Gertz, Environmental Action: Activities for Kids, n.d.

O. High Ledges Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1970-1999

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这个占地586英亩的保护区位于谢尔本,由埃尔斯沃思和埃尔斯沃思将其转让给麻省奥杜邦 玛丽·巴纳德(Mary Barnard)于1970年去世,在他们的一生中保留了对该物业建筑的使用. The Barnards left the property in 1999. Records in this series include a 1970 land appraisal; Ellesworth Barnard's memo concerning the sanctuary's use; a trust document; and a 1987 biological inventory of the property. Other records include trail maps and a series of aerial photographs of the sanctuary.

Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 23
Administrative records, 1970-1999
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 24
Trail maps, undated
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 25
Photographs, undated

P. Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1930-2009

One of Mass Audubon's largest sanctuaries, Ipswich River contains over 2,200 acres in Topsfield, Hamilton, and Wenham. In 1898, Thomas Proctor purchased the farm of Samuel Bradstreet, including the house built by Bradstreet in 1763. Proctor, a horticulturalist, planted 150 acres with over 3,500 exotic trees and shrubs. In March 1951, Mass Audubon 购买了2000英亩的普罗克特庄园,安妮·H·史密斯给他们留下了5万美元. Brown of Stoneham. (Mass Audubon first used this bequest to purchase the Plum Island sanctuary, but 当普拉姆岛被移交给联邦政府时,它被归还给了社会 the Parker River National Wildlife Refuge.) Originally called the Proctor Wildlife Sanctuary and Annie H. Brown Reservation, it later become the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary and Annie H. Brown Reservation. Documents in this series include administrative records, subject files, printed material, and digital material.

i. Administrative records, 1943-2000 (bulk: 1950-1951)

Arranged chronologically.

大部分行政记录的日期为1950年至1951年,并涉及到 the Proctor estate to Mass Audubon. They include correspondence, sanctuary advisory 委员会会议记录、委员会报告、物业契据副本及发展情况 plans. Documents also include proposals for natural history education programs and for a scout/youth development program. Annual reports date from 1965 to 2000 with gaps. The Workbook for Sanctuary Planning contains land surveys, schematics, fact sheets, a 描述保护区的环境教育计划、计划目标和 resource management objectives with related administrative records.

Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 26-30
General administrative records, 1943-1994
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 31-35
Annual reports, 1965-2000
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 36-38
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1979-1980

ii. Subject files, 1931-1996

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

此子系列包含按主题组织的文件,这些文件最初是在sanctuary归档的 offices. Parker River National Wildlife Refuge records are largely correspondence between Mass Audubon and congressional representatives in 1946-1947 concerning H.R. 4362, which would have abolished the refuge. Plum Island real estate records relate to the land owned by 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦被联邦政府接管为帕克河国家公园 Wildlife Refuge in 1940, including the original Annie H. Brown reservation. Salem/Beverly 流量控制结构记录包含了麻省奥杜邦和塞勒姆之间的通信 贝弗利供水委员会有关建设一个流量控制结构及其 impact on the Ipswich River.

Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 39-40
Education, 1973-1996
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 41
Handbook materials, ca. 1974
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 42-43
Historical material, 1942- ca. 1975
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 44
Natural history reports and notes, undated
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 45
Natural resources inventory, 1980
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 46
Ornithological records, 1951-1980
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 47
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, 1946-1960
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 48-49
Plum Island real estate, 1931-1944
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 50-51
Salem/Beverly flow control structure, 1980-1981
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 52
Trail guide production, undated

iii. Printed material, 1930-2009

Arranged chronologically by record type.

This subseries contains articles, newspaper clippings, sanctuary brochures and flyers, 通讯、节目指南、路线地图、地图和其他与梅有关的印刷材料 Island. The bulk of newspaper clippings relate to the movement to close Parker National Wildlife Refuge in 1946-1947. Beginning in 1979, newsletters and program guides are those of 马萨诸塞州奥杜邦东北地区,其中包括伊普斯维奇河野生动物保护区 as Endicott Regional Education Center in Wenham. Newsletters were printed separately for the two locations beginning in 1989.

OS Box 1Folder 5
Maps of Plum Island, 1930-1931
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 52A
Plum Island brochures and trail maps, 1937-1938
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folder 53
Articles and newspaper clippings, 1946-1984
Carton 66SH 17FM 4Folders 54-55
Brochures and flyers, 1951-2005
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 1-12
Newsletters and program guides, ca. 1970-2009
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 13
Trail maps and guides, undated, 1987

iv. Digital material, 1998-2005

Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary photos, 1998-2005 (CD-R, DM0001)

这张CD包括大约50张植物、动物、草地、小径、沼泽地、 sanctuary buildings, and daycamp activity.

To access this record, contact the Digital Preservation Archivist.

Q. Joppa Flats Education Center records, 1996-2004

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Located in Newburyport, Joppa Flats consists of 54 acres of salt marsh habitat on the Merrimack River. Mass Audubon first purchased 3.3 acres of this land in 1993, and temporary offices were located in downtown Newburyport from 1996-2003. The Education Center opened in April 2003 as the gateway to Parker River National Wildlife Refuge and the Merrimack River.

Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 14
Design concepts and priorities presentation, 1996
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 15-19
Program guides, 1996-2004
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 19A
Miscellaneous printed material, 1996-2004

R. Laughing Brook Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1874-2010

Located in Hampden, Laughing Brook is the former home and studio of Thornton W. Burgess (1874-1965), an author of children's animal and nature stories including Peter Cottontail and Mother West Wind. After his death, Mass Audubon purchased 84 acres of his land for Laughing Brook Education Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, named for Burgess's home on the property. Opened in 1968年,圣所包括了说书人的房子(由加尔文·斯特宾斯于1782年建造) 现在已被列入《利记手机官网》),按照伯吉斯留下的样子布置,并加以解释 for visitors. The sanctuary also included a Nature Center and originally housed live native New England animals. In 1977, Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. Neff donated 175 acres to Laughing Brook as the Emily Jones Neff Bird Sanctuary. The Environmental Education Resource Center opened in 1980, built with capital campaign funds. In 1992, Mass Audubon received an 81-acre 格里什家族在汉普顿的房产名为"老亩农场 conjunction with Laughing Brook.

Documents in this series include administrative records; Thornton Burgess's house and property records; records related to site renovations; subject files; printed material; photographs; and scrapbooks.

i. Administrative records, 1928-1997

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Records consist of correspondence and memos related to the daily management of the 包括与Mass Audubon sanctuary Department和Mass的通信 奥杜邦总裁艾伦·摩根,内部备忘录,以及1978年9月西奥多·S. Geisel (Dr. Seuss) granting permission to use an image of the Lorax in a sanctuary program.

Also included are annual reports, grant proposals and reports, and long-range planning documents. A 1970 grant report contains photographs and documents in a scrapbook format to illustrate the property and the sanctuary's programs. A 1985 capital campaign resource book 包含利记APP官网手机版保护区的发展和组织的详细信息 1990 "situation analysis."

Carton 51SH 17XY YFolder 1
Property deeds, 1928-1992
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 2-4
Correspondence and memos, 1964-1997
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 5-10
Annual reports, 1968-1994
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 11-19
Grants and proposals, 1969-1995
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 20-34
Long-range planning records, 1977-1990
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 35-37
Capital campaign resource book, 1985-1986
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolder 38
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1972-1997

ii. Thornton Burgess house and property records, 1947-1990

Arranged chronologically by record type.

This subseries contains papers that relate directly to Thornton Burgess; his former home; and other literary, intellectual, and physical property owned by Burgess. It includes a 1947 伯吉斯写的有关当地观鸟的信,以及与他的财产有关的文件 包括他的遗嘱,财产清单,以及马萨诸塞州奥杜邦之间的通信 and the Burgess family. Also here is correspondence with Burgess's publishers, Little, Brown, and Co., about the sanctuary's rights to use his characters and stories. Interpretive 为帮助工作人员向游客介绍伯吉斯故居而制作的材料包括摘录 从伯吉斯的故事,利记APP官网手机版伯吉斯和他的作品的文章,一个“讲故事的人的房子资源 Book," self-guided tours, and bibliographies. The 1978 Thornton Burgess Collection catalog and its 1983 supplement lists Burgess's work held by the sanctuary (much of which is currently held by the Massachusetts Historical Society). The series also contains records 利记APP官网手机版伯吉斯家在国家登记所的申请和登记 Historic Places.

See the Thornton Burgess scrapbook (Vol. 25) for additional Burgess correspondence, photographs, and writings used for interpretation at the sanctuary.

Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 39-42
Thornton Burgess papers, 1947-1985
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolder 43
Little, Brown, and Co. correspondence, 1966-1971
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 44-48
Interpretive material, 1967-1990
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 49-51
Thornton Burgess Collection catalogs, 1978-1984
Carton 51SH 17XY YFolders 52-53
National Register of Historic Places, 1981-1983

iii. Site renovations, 1968-2000

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这个系列的记录涉及到建筑和景观的改造 sanctuary property, primarily in 1982-1983, 1988, and 1996-1997.

Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 1
Preliminary report, 1968
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 2-7
Burgess house renovations, 1982-1983
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 8
Plans, 1982-1988
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 9-17
Permits and notices of intent, 1983-2000
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 18-19
Contractor meeting notes, 1988-1989
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 20-21
Sitework specifications, 1988
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 22-23
Contract documents, ca. 1988
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 24
Butterfly garden, 1995-1998
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 25-26
Burgess buildings renovation, 1996-1997

iv. Subject files, 1971-1999

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

此子系列包含按主题组织的文件,这些文件最初是在sanctuary归档的 offices.

Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 27
Bluebird habitat, undated
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 28-30
Gerrish property ecological analysis, 1994
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 31-35
Hampden well project, 1997-1999
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 36
History of property, 1979-1994
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolders 37-38
Programs and events, 1977-1987
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 39
Smiling Pool construction, 1971-1974
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 40
Tennessee Gas pipeline, 1989-1990
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 41
"Touch and See Nature Trail," 1974-1986
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 42
Vegetation cutting incident, 1997
Carton 52SH 17XZ ZFolder 43
Zoning by-laws, 1978-1992

v. Printed material, 1944-2010

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这个子系列包含杂志,期刊和报纸文章利记APP官网手机版笑溪和 its programs and activities. Additional printed material includes sanctuary newsletters, course lists, general informational brochures, brochures for Laughing Brook's Natural History Day Camp, trail maps, and fundraising material.

See also News clipping scrapbooks (Vols. 26-30), which contain newspaper clippings related to Laughing Brook from 1968 to 1995.

Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folder 1
Magazine and journal articles, 1944-1985
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folders 2-4
Newspaper clippings, 1960-2010
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folder 5
Event flyers, 1975-1982
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folders 6-20
Newsletters, 1976-2001
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folders 21-23
Course lists, 1977-1999
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folders 24-26
Brochures, 1978-1998
OS Box 1Folder 6
Plans and elevations, 1982-1988
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folders 27-28
Miscellaneous printed material, 1967-1990

vi. Photographs, 1922-1988

Arranged chronologically by subject.

一小部分松散的照片包括桑顿·伯吉斯在1922年和大约. 1955年,桑顿·伯吉斯房子的各种视图,1967年,以及各种照片 the property and sanctuary activities.

For additional photographs of Burgess, his family, and his home dating from 1874 to 1965, see the Thornton Burgess Scrapbook (Vol. 25).

Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folder 29
Thornton Burgess, 1922- ca.1955
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folder 30
Thornton Burgess House, 1967
Carton 53SH 17R6 0Folders 31-32
Miscellaneous, 1967-1988

vii. Scrapbooks, 1874-1995

Arranged chronologically.

第25卷是一本利记APP官网手机版桑顿·伯吉斯生活和工作的剪贴簿 Brook staff for use as an interpretive aid for the Burgess or "Storyteller's" House. It 包含原始照片,文章,信件和其他文件的复制品, newspaper and magazine clippings, drawings, and photographs. Notable items are photographs of Burgess with illustrator Harrison Cady, ca. 1955; copies of Burgess's birth and marriage certificates; early photographs and articles related to the Burgess house; a photograph of Burgess's father and scenes of Sandwich, Massachusetts, ca. 1874; and photographs of Burgess as a child and throughout his life, with family and working in his studio. The scrapbook presents a full biographical record of Burgess, and most photographs are well identified.

第26-27卷是奥杜邦成员格特鲁德编辑的剪报剪贴簿 LaPointe as a gift for Laughing Brook Sanctuary. They cover the years 1968 through 1991, but the completeness of coverage is irregular. Included are articles from the Springfield Daily News, the Springfield Sunday Republican, and other newspapers, as well as a few brochures and other printed material.

第28-30卷是特大号剪报本,由Jean Onelette为 Laughing Brook. Articles are dated, but few newspaper attributions are noted. Volumes also contain additional printed material related to sanctuary classes, activities, and events.

Carton 54SH 17Y1 2Vol. 25
Thornton Burgess scrapbook, 1874-1965
Carton 54SH 17Y1 2Vol. 26
Newspaper clippings, 1968-1976
Carton 54SH 17Y1 2Vol. 27
Newspaper clippings, 1977-1991
SH 17IM 7 Vol. 28
Newspaper clippings, 1977-1983
SH 17IM 7Vol. 29
Newspaper clippings, 1984-1990
SH 17IN 8Vol. 30
Newspaper clippings, 1992-1995

S. Lime Kiln Farm Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1991-2007

Arranged chronologically.

石灰窑农场位于谢菲尔德,占地248英亩,由Pleasant Valley Sanctuary管理. Originally known as Mt. Everett Wildlife Sanctuary, its records consist of a 1991 memo 讨论保护区管理,并于2007年10月发布新闻稿,宣布开放 Lime Kiln Farm.

Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 20

T. Lincoln Woods Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1966-1996

Arranged chronologically.

This sanctuary contains 68 acres in Leominster and houses the offices of the Worcester County Programs Office. Records consist of annual reports and planning records for 1971, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1981, and 1983; wills and quitclaim deeds related to the property; and a 1971 day camp brochure.

Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 21

U. Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary records, 2010

位于巴恩斯特布尔的长牧场野生动物保护区包括110英亩的海滩,潮汐 flats, and meadows. It serves as a base of operation for sanctuaries in mid and upper Cape Cod, and is utilized by the Coastal Waterbird Program. Established over several years 该保护区于1996年达到顶峰,是谢尔曼·帕克和埃德蒙·贝克的礼物 Parker’s home currently serving as a visitors’ center. Records consist of printed material 包括路线指南、教育小册子和保护区的设计概念 Discovery Center.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 12

V. Lost Farm Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1979-1983

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

失落农场野生动物保护区位于楠塔基特岛,占地50英亩 Hummock Pond. The property was a 1979 bequest from the estate of Eleanor Ham. Records include an inventory of sanctuary flora and fauna; land surveys and blueprints; and a 1979 Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, which contains information related to the acquisition of the 财产,植物调查,幻灯片和照片,教育调查,保护区目标,和 planning documents.

Oversize maps and plans include a 1979 map, saltbox house plans and elevations, and a geographic map of Nantucket.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 13-20
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1979
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 21-22
Inventory of flora and fauna, 1979-1983
OS Box 1Folder 7
Oversize maps and plans, 1975-1979

W. Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1954-1987

1953年,在马布尔黑德颈部改善协会的领导下,当地居民购买了16英亩土地 of land in Marblehead and raised an endowment, then gifted the land to Mass Audubon. The sanctuary is managed by the Ipswich River Sanctuary. Records consists of a 1954 Bulletin reprint describing the property and a 1987 pamphlet, "Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary: A Birder's Paradise."

Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 22

X. Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1903-2010

马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的第一个野生动物保护区,也是第一批私人野生动物保护区之一 in the United States, Moose Hill is located on over 1,900 acres in Sharon. Mass Audubon director George W. Field donated his 225-acre estate for use as the Sharon Bird Sanctuary in 1916, and Mass Audubon hired noted ornithologist Harry G. Higbee in 1918 as a resident warden. This land was used as a sanctuary until 1922, when Mass Audubon purchased the adjoining property of Frederick H. Briggs and moved the sanctuary and headquarters to this site. Over the years, additional gifts and purchases included the farm of Leonard Lorenzo Billings, donated to Mass Audubon by his step-daughter Laura S. Fiske in his memory; a large parcel funded in part by a grant from the Environmental Preservation Support Trust; land donated by the Kendall family; land purchased from Moose Hill Realty Trust; and land from the farm of Dr. Walter Griffyn and the Griffyn Trust. Mass Audubon forged a partnership with the 沙伦镇(Sharon town)买下了这处房产的保护地 meeting funds and a grant from the Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services.

Records in this series include administrative records, subject files, ornithological records, printed material, and photographs.

i. Administrative records, 1903-2006

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这个子系列包括土地纪录,例如物业契据、收购物业清单、 valuations, votes to authorize land purchases, conservation restrictions, and leases. A "Real Estate Book," 1922-1944, includes both Moose Hill and Plum Island real estate transactions, alterations, repairs, and insurance costs.

Monthly and annual reports were written by sanctuary superintendents and are only sporadically represented in the collection. Early reports (1919-1923) primarily contain 利记APP官网手机版观鸟活动的信息,后来的报告(20世纪60年代至90年代)讨论了项目, 会员、教育、营地、职员、建筑物和其他日常的主题 management.

在圣所的通信中包含了一系列冗长的信件(1923-1924) 警司哈利·希格比和主管温斯洛普·帕卡德和弗朗西斯·艾伦 negotiations with the Field family over sanctuary land, including photographs. Also included is correspondence and memos from the 1970s through 2000 between sanctuary staff, Mass 奥杜邦董事、会员、邻居,大都与日常经营有关 sanctuary.

规划文件包括调查和维护计划、资本开发计划 improvements, annual plans and goals, and other management plans. The bulk of grants and proposals found in this series relate to the Kendall Foundation (1977-1997), including correspondence, memos, proposals, and grant reports. Also found here are records of the sanctuary advisory committee and design review committee.

Carton 55SH17XV VFolders 1-6
Deeds and land records, 1903-2001
Carton 55SH17XV VFolders 7-18
Monthly and annual reports, 1919-2000
Carton 55SH17XV VFolders 19-24
Correspondence and memos, 1924-2006
Carton 55SH17XV VFolders 25-30
Planning documents, 1970-2000
Carton 55SH17XV VFolders 31-37
Grants and proposals, 1977-2002
Carton 55SH17XV VFolder 38
Committee records, 1978-1996
Carton 55SH17XV VFolder 39
Miscellaneous, 1959-1995

ii. Subject files, 1903-2002

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Subject files are organized as originally filed in sanctuary offices. Included are files related to specific parcels of land, such as Allen's Ledge, the Griffyn property, the Kendall property, and Wolomolopog Pond; a 1988 biological inventory of the sanctuary; and 与驼鹿山历史有关的文件,包括哈利·希格比的《利记手机官网》, 大卫·克拉普的《利记手机官网》以及早期的历史资料影印 20th-century scrapbook.

Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 1-2
Allen's Ledge, 1938-1948
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 3
Amphibian migration, 2002
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 4-7
"Biological Inventory," 1988
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 8
Boston Edison, 1950-1988
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 9
Brockton Audubon Society, 1999
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 10
Clapp, David. "Notes from Moose Hill," ca. 1975
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 11
Fact sheets and general information, undated
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 12
Geologic Mapping Project, 1986
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 13-15
Griffyn property, 1986-1995
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 16
Higbee, Harry. "A Bird's Paradise," ca. 1920
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 17
Historical materials (photocopies), 1903-1939
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 18-20
Kendall property, 1931-1940
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 21
Neponset River Watershed Council, 1987-1990
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 22-23
School programs, 1992
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 24
Wolomolopog Pond, 1977-1980

iii. Ornithological records, 1964-1968

Arranged chronologically.

This series consists of reports and lists related to bird counts conducted in February 1964-1968.

Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 25-28

iv. Printed material, 1933-2010

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这个系列的大部分是一个几乎完整的新闻通讯和项目手册 1977 to 2010, describing seasonal programs and activities in the sanctuary. Other printed 材料包括保护区小册子,路线地图,文章,剪报,1923 一张驼鹿山庄园的地图,以及一本私人印刷的利记APP官网手机版乔治·W·布什生活的小册子. Field.

Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 29
Articles and newspaper clippings, 1933-1996
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 30-32
Trail maps and sanctuary brochures, 1935-1998
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 33
Wilson, J. Walter. George Wilton Field, 1863-1938: A Pioneer Conservationist, 1968
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 34
Event flyers, ca. 1976-2002
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 35-52
Newsletters and program brochures, 1977-2010
OS Box 5
Plans and maps, 1923-1979
OS Box 1Folder 8
Plans and maps, 1979-1989
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folders 53-54
Day Camp brochures, 1959-2010
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 55
Miscellaneous printed material, undated, 1933-1935

v. Photographs, ca. 1916-1992

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 56
Outbuildings, ca. 1916-1940
Carton 56SH17FP 7Folder 57
Butterfly garden, 1992

Y. Museum of American Bird Art, 1984-2020

The Museum of American Bird Art, formerly Mass Audubon's Visual Arts Center, is a 专业的艺术博物馆,收藏了大量的自然历史艺术和 它位于占地124英亩的米尔德里德莫尔斯艾伦野生动物保护区 in Canton. It opened in 1999 as a bequest to Mass Audubon from natural history artist and film-maker Mildred Morse Allen (1903-1989) and was formerly her estate. Records consist of administrative records and printed material.

See also Series V.C., the records of Morse-Allen, Inc., the corporation held by Mildred Morse Allen and her husband George Lockwood Allen under which her lithographic prints and nature films were produced.

i. Administrative records, 1984-2017

Arranged chronologically.

行政记录包括与捐赠有关的信件和备忘录 Allen property and its subsequent bequest; mission statements of the Mildred Morse Allen Center; a 2010 strategic plan for the Visual Arts Center; a 2016 charter and collections management policy for the Museum of American Bird Art; and annual reports from 2010, 2014, 2015, and 2017.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 23-24

ii. Printed material, 1992-2020

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

印刷材料包括展览邀请、通讯、节目指南、报纸 clippings, article reprints, and fundraising literature.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 25-26
Exhibit invitations, 1996-2020
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 27-29
Newsletters and program guides, 1998-2006
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 30
Miscellaneous printed material, 1992-2019

Z. Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1949-1990

Arranged chronologically by record type.

纳汉特丛林由沿纳汉特海岸线的四英亩红枫沼泽组成 was originally known as Maple Swamp. It was acquired by Mass Audubon in 1950 through Richard D. Fay and Henry H. Perry. Administrative records in this series include general 通信,避难所咨询委员会记录,日常管理相关的备忘录 避难所,以及与邻居利记APP官网手机版停车和边界问题的通信. Several newspaper clippings contain information about sanctuary programs.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 31-32

North Hill Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary (see South Shore Sanctuaries)

North River Wildlife Sanctuary (see South Shore Sanctuaries)

AA. Oak Knoll Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1991-2019

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

这个保护区起源于1994年的阿特伯勒环境计划,后来成为 橡树丘野生动物中心于1997年成立,当时马萨诸塞州奥杜邦收到了46英亩土地的捐赠 land in Attleboro. This series contains administrative records related to MassAudubon proposals to establish an environmental center in Attleboro. Printed material includes 时事通讯,项目指南,以及各种各样的记录,从组织的 founding, chronicling the development of the sanctuary.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 33
Administrative records, 1991-1992
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 34-38
Printed material, 1994-2019

BB. Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1928-2019

Pleasant Valley is situated on over 1,300 acres in Lenox. The sanctuary originated in 1929 当时玛丽·帕森斯、托马斯·戴维斯主教和莱诺克斯花园俱乐部的其他成员买下了这里 the Powell family farmstead to create Pleasant Valley Sanctuary, Inc. Early directors Maurice Broun, Morris Pell, George Wallace, and later Alvah W. Sanborn led the sanctuary's activities, including the construction of exhibits and nature trails, a beaver pond, 在马萨诸塞州西部的公立学校开设自然课程,以及一个暑假 nature camp. Lacking financial support, in June 1950 the board decided to turn over the sanctuary and its assets to Mass Audubon. Shortly thereafter, the sanctuary added the Trailside Museum to the property.

Canoe Meadows, located in Pittsfield along the Housatonic River, was acquired by Mass Audubon in 1976. It joined with Pleasant Valley in 1980 to create the Berkshire Sanctuaries, sharing the same director and administrative facilities. Their joint administrative records 和通信包括在这个系列,因为是单独的独木舟草地记录创建 before 1980. Also in this series are subject files, ornithological records, printed material, and photographs.

i. Administrative records, 1928-1997

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

此系列包含董事会记录,包括会议纪要,向董事会的报告 理事会从监狱长(后来的主任)的庇护所,委员会报告,章程,和 educational activity reports. After 1950, when the sanctuary ownership shifted to Mass Audubon, the board became the Sanctuary Advisory Committee.

财务记录包括日常避难费用的账目、收据和报告, as well as a journal of gifts and admission fees kept from 1961 to 1973. Correspondence largely consists of letters between the board or advisory committee and the sanctuary director, patrons, vendors, and benefactors. Annual and monthly reports appear sporadically, and those dating before 1950 are included in the board of directors meeting minutes.

巴恩餐厅的记录包括宾客簿,账簿,支票账户记录, and tax records related to a restaurant run at the sanctuary in the early 1960s. Other administrative records in this series include deeds; press releases; and planning documents such as sanctuary master plans, feasibility studies, and capital campaign plans.

Carton 57SH17Y2 3Folders 1-26
Board and Advisory Committee records, 1928-1991
Carton 57SH17Y2 3Folders 27-28
Deeds and land records, 1929-1976
Carton 57SH17Y2 3Folders 29-37
Financial records, 1930-1973
Carton 57SH17Y2 3Folders 38-58
Correspondence, 1940-1952
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folders 1-10
Correspondence, 1953-1997
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folders 11-17
Barn Restaurant records, 1961-1965
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 18
Annual and monthly reports, 1965-1991
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 19
Press releases, 1976-1977
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 20
Planning documents, 1986-1988
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 21
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1945-1987

ii. Subject files, 1929-1995

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

这个系列包括早期的记录,如保护区活动的每日日记 监狱长莫里斯·佩尔在1929年写的日记,佩尔在1932年的日记中描述了他建立的海狸 在普莱森特山谷的殖民地,以及保护区创始人玛丽·帕森斯和 Bishop Thomas Davies. Other records concern educational and environmental projects conducted 由避难所的工作人员,以及库存和古董家具的销售记录 a "museum collection" donated to the sanctuary in 1965. A large body of records relate to a 20世纪70年代,州政府提议在55英亩的保护区和马萨诸塞州建立一个水库 Audubon's efforts to deter it. These include correspondence, reports, meeting minutes, notes, and newspaper clippings.

Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folders 22-23
Bluebird project, 1981-1983
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 24
Conservation Services Center-Berkshire branch, 1968-1970
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 25
Daily diary, 1929
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 26
Education and outreach, 1950-1995
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 27
Field ichthyology, 1978
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 28
"Historical and Present Ecological Aspects of the Vegetation of Pleasant Valley Sanctuary," 1962
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 29
"Historical Chapters from Mary Parson's Notebook," 1933-1977
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 30
Historical research and essays, n.d.
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 31
Insect list, 1967
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folders 32-35
"The Log of the Pleasant Valley Beaver Colony," 1932
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folders 36-43
Museum collection, 1962-1966
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folders 44-46
Plant list, 1938-1940
Carton 58SH17Y3 4Folder 47
Register of visitors, 1941-1943
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folders 1-13
Reservoir proposal, 1966-1981
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folder 14
Trail guides, udnated
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folder 15
"Use of Trails at Pleasant Valley," 1977

iii. Canoe Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1973-1996

Arranged chronologically by record type.

独木舟草地位于皮茨菲尔德,占地264英亩,1976年成为马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的财产. 这一子系列中的记录主要与……的库存、获取和发展有关 the sanctuary. Administrative records include correspondence and steering committee meeting minutes; planning documents include environmental analyses, master plans, recommendations 对于发展,教育计划,考古调查,生态管理计划, and design plans for a visitors center. The Workbook for Sanctuary Planning contains 利记APP官网手机版地质,植被和独木舟草地历史的信息,以及列表 目标、未来使用计划、教育计划目标、物理计划和财务计划 plans. A photographic presentation and newspaper clippings related to the property's acquisition are also found here.

Additional administrative records related to Canoe Meadows may be found within the Pleasant Valley administrative records, specifically within correspondence and advisory committee records.

Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folders 16-22
Administrative records, 1973-1990
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folders 23-29
Planning documents, 1975-1996
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folders 30-34
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1979-1980
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folder 35
Photo essay, [1975]
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folder 36
Newspaper clippings, 1968-1977
Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folder 37
Brochures, 1982-1994
OS Box 1Folder 3
Plans and maps, undated

iv. Ornithological records, 1929-1982

Arranged chronologically.

This subseries includes 1929-1930 bird-banding records by species, cards containing 从1929年到1945年的物种报告,看守莫里斯1931年保存的鸟类记录 布朗,三卷鸟类记录由主任莫里斯·佩尔保存从1933年到1935年,鸟类 records and daily bird lists kept by director George J. Wallace from 1938 to 1940, 1946 物种报告,检查清单,由阿尔瓦·桑伯恩主任保存的每日野外卡片,首先 sightings lists from 1977 to 1982 reported primarily by Marilyn Flor.

Carton 59SH17Y4 5Folders 38-56
Banding records, 1929-1930
Carton 60SH17Y5 6Folders 1-31
Bird lists, 1929-1946
Carton 60SH17Y5 6Folder 32
First sightings lists, 1977-1982

v. Printed material, 1929-2019

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Included in this subseries are articles about Pleasant Valley reprinted from the Bulletin; pamphlets including the 1940 and 1941 editions of Pleasant Valley, which contain essays about the history and nature of the sanctuary; newspaper clippings; program guides listing classes, activities, and events held by the sanctuary, the bulk from 1978 to 1990; brochures and trail maps; and newsletters of the Berkshire Sanctuaries from Spring 1983 and from 1991 to 2001.

See also the Pleasant Valley Sanctuary scrapbooks for additional newspaper clippings and other printed material.

Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folder 1
Articles and reprints, 1929-1979
Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folders 2-3A
Pamphlets, 1930-1992
Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folders 4-9
Newspaper clippings, 1932-2008
Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folders 10-15A
Program guides, 1949-1990, 2002
Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folders 16-17
Brochures and trail maps, 1929-2000
Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folders 17A-24
Newsletters, 1983-2001
Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folder 24A
Miscellaneous printed material, 1996-2019

vi. Photographs, 1929-2000

Arranged chronologically or alphabetically by subject.

本系列包含大量在喜乐谷或与喜乐谷有关的照片 and Canoe Meadows sanctuaries. Photographs of the two sanctuaries are organized separately by date. Undated photographs have been organized alphabetically by subject.

Carton 61SH17Y6 7Folders 25-51
Pleasant Valley dated photographs, 1929-1994

Pleasant Valley undated photographs

Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 1-3
Artifacts and exhibits
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 4-6
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 7-9
Beaver activity
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 10-11
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 12-19
Day camp
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 20-21
House (headquarters)
Carton 62SH17KW JFolder 22
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 23-29
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 30-38
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 39-49
Canoe Meadows dated photographs, 1932-2000

Canoe Meadows undated photographs

Carton 62SH17KW JFolder 50
Bridge near dam
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 51-53
East Pond
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 54-55
Observation building
Carton 62SH17KW JFolder 56
Sacket Brook
Carton 62SH17KW JFolder 57
Service road
Carton 62SH17KW JFolder 58
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 59-61
Carton 62SH17KW JFolder 62
West Pond

vii. Scrapbooks, 1929-1981

Arranged chronologically.

Albums in this subseries consist largely of newspaper clippings from the Berkshire Eagle related to Pleasant Valley, along with occasional brochures, programs, and other printed material. Volumes labeled "scrapbooks" also contain a few letters, reports, and meeting minutes. Two albums contain copies of the Berkshire Eagle newspaper column "Our Berkshires," written in 1940-1941 by various authors, including Pleasant Valley director George J. Wallace.

Carton 63SH17Y7 8Vol. 31
Publicity scrapbook, 1929-1941
Carton 63SH17Y7 8Vol. 32
"Our Berkshires" articles, 1940
Carton 62SH17KW JFolders 63-64
"Our Berkshires" articles, 1941
SH 17IN 8Vol. 33
Scrapbook, 1942-1957
Carton 63SH17Y7 8Vol. 34
Newspaper clippings, 1960-1969
Carton 63SH17Y7 8Vol. 35
Scrapbook, 1969-1973
Carton 63SH17Y7 8Vol. 36
Newspaper clippings, 1969-1980
Carton 63SH17Y7 8Vol. 37
Newspaper clippings, 1980-1981

CC. Rutland Brook Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1916- ca. 1974

Rutland Brook Sanctuary is located on 1,500 acres in Petersham. It includes land originally owned by Charles L. Allen and later Mary Norton Allen of Petersham.

i. Administrative records, ca. 1974

行政记录包括一份未注明日期的年度报告,一份未注明日期的地形图,以及 a ca. 1974 list of goals for the sanctuary.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 39

ii. Allen family camp records, 1916-1965

有关艾伦家族拥有的土地和建筑物的记录最终成为 part of Rutland Brook Sanctuary. They include correspondence, accounts, and plans for the 厨房房,看门人的房子,还有房子上的水坝,还有 园林绿化账目和计划,以及有关财产损坏的信件 1938 and 1953 tornadoes.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 40-47
OS Box 1Folder 7
Plans and elevations, 1922-1938
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 48
Photograph of Charles L. Allen, undated

DD. Sampson's Island Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1953-1977

Arranged chronologically.

Located on 16 acres off the coast of Cotuit, Sampson's Island is an important breeding ground for terns. Previously leased to Mass Audubon in the 1940s, it was gifted to the Society by Harry L. Bailey in 1953 and is managed by Mass Audubon's Coastal Waterbird Program.

这个系列的物品包括一封承认Mass Audubon收到财产的信 1953年5月的契约,保护区管理员1963年和1965年夏季的报告,1964年 newspaper article, and a 1977 list of birds on the island.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 49

EE. South Shore Sanctuaries records, 1964-2009

南岸保护区的记录包括:丹尼尔韦伯斯特野生动物保护区, 506 acres in Marshfield on the site of the former Dwyer farm; North Hill Marsh Wildlife 该保护区占地137英亩,位于达克斯伯里,以前被称为玛拉基溪,现在由马萨诸塞 Audubon and the town of Duxbury; North River Wildlife Sanctuary, 184 acres in Marshfield; and 南岸自然科学中心,位于前基拉姆-罗杰斯庄园的遗址上 Marshfield. It also includes records of the former sanctuaries Black Pond Nature Preserve and Stump Brook Wildlife Sanctuary. These sanctuaries were managed by a central office and referred to collectively as the South Shore Sanctuaries. Annual reports, newsletters, and other material were created and issued jointly. Records consist of administrative records, subject files, printed material, and photographs.

i. Administrative records, 1964-1999

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

行政记录包括与收购和开发有关的通信 玛拉基溪(后来的北山)野生动物保护区和保护区的关系 its neighbors and the town of Duxbury. Other records include correspondence related to the 收购北河保护区,新闻稿和通信创建于 day-to-day sanctuary management. The Workbook for Sanctuary Planning includes plans for the 东南区域中心(以前的基拉姆-罗杰斯财产)和北河野生动物 Sanctuary. It contains correspondence related to its construction, planning reports, 历史文章,照片和图的遗产,一个环境教育计划 库存,避难所目标,规划目标和计划,建设计划和城镇 permits. Also included are monthly and quarterly reports for the combined South Shore sanctuaries.

Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 23-25
General administrative records, 1964-1987
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 26-32
Monthly and quarterly reports, 1979-1999
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 33-41
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1979-1980

ii. Subject files, 1964-1998

Arranged alphabetically.

主题文件主要与个人财产和保护区有关 南岸保护区及其前身组织,并反映了原始文件 order.

Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 42-43
Black Pond, 1974-1985
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 44
Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary, 1979-1986
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 45-46
Killam-Rogers estate (Southeast Regional Center), 1978-1980
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folders 47-51
North Hill Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, 1964-1990
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 52
North River Wildlife Sanctuary, 1998
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 53
South Shore Natural Science Center, 1985-1992
Carton 67SH 17FN 5Folder 54
Stump Brook, 1997

iii. Printed material, 1977-2009

Arranged chronologically by record type.

The bulk of printed material consists of newsletters and program guides, with a gap between 2006 and 2009. The series also contains program and event flyers, newspaper clippings, and a South Shore Sanctuaries brochure.

Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 1-10
Newsletters and program guides, 1982-2009
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 11
Event flyers, 1989-1999
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 12
Miscellaneous printed material, 1977-1988

iv. Photographs, 1979-1992

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 13
Black Pond, 1979
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 14-16
Dwyer Farm (Daniel Webster), 1983
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 17
Duxbury Beach family program, 1992

FF. Stony Brook Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1938-2009

Opened in 1964, Stony Brook is located on 116 acres in Norfolk adjoining Bristol Blake State Reservation. Documents include administrative records, records related to fishing regulations and disputes, printed materials, and photographs.

i. Administrative records, 1938-1995

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

行政记录里有业主贝内特·布里斯托1938年的通信记录 与他的律师和Mass Audubon讨论财产契约和法律限制 land and lakes within it. Other administrative records, which date from the early 1960s, include correspondence related to the potential closing of the sanctuary in 1978; planning records; programming information; a 1990 land management agreement with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management; internal memos; and a Centennial Project case study. Also included here are annual reports and a 1974 ten-year review of sanctuary operations.

Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 18-20
General administrative records, 1938-1995
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 21-25
Annual reports, 1965-1985
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 26
Ten-year review, 1974

ii. Fishing regulations and disputes, 1965-1974

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列中的记录与奥杜邦州限制在保护区捕鱼的努力有关 ponds, in accordance with the wishes of the former owner. They include correspondence 由马萨诸塞州奥杜邦,自然资源部,渔业司和 Game, and the donor, as well as a copy of the 1973 state regulation enforcing these restrictions.

Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 27-30

iii. Printed material, 1963-2009

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Printed material includes brochures and trail maps; newspaper clippings, newsletters and 项目指南(2006年和2009年之间的间隔),一些小册子,项目传单,现场 guides, bird lists, and an undated booklet entitled Stony Brook's Past.

Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 30A
Brochures and trail maps, 1963-1997
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 31
Newspaper clippings, 1964-1993
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 32-41
Newsletters and program guides, 1972-2009
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 42-43
Miscellaneous printed material, 1966-2003

iv. Photographs, 1957-1964

This series contains one 1957 and numerous 1964 photographs of Stony Brook's Day Camp staff and campers, as well as various views of the sanctuary. Several loose pages of a scrapbook contain photos and text that describe the sanctuary.

Carton 68Folders 44-45SH 17L1 W

GG. Straitsmouth Island Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1981-2020

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

海峡茅斯岛归马斯·奥杜邦所有,尽管岛上的灯塔很小 piece of land are owned and maintained by the town of Rockport. The island was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1987, and visitors were allowed on the island beginning in 2019. Records include a 1981 application to and certificate from the National 历史地点登记册,新闻剪报,2019年和2020年的通讯,以及照片 of the island before and after 1998 storm damage.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 50
National Register records, 1981
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 51
Printed material, 1996-2020
Carton 117SH 1A1CFolder 52
Photographs, 1981-1998

HH. Tidmarsh Wildlife Sanctuary records, 2014-2018

Arranged chronologically.

位于普利茅斯的蒂德马什农场野生动物保护区拥有481英亩的冷水 streams, ponds, forest, and woodlands. Once a working cranberry farm, it underwent a large freshwater ecological restoration and opened to the public in 2018. Records consist of 印刷材料,包括期刊和报纸文章,筹款材料,计划 invitations, and a 2018 calendar.

Carton 117SH 1A1CFolders 53-54

II. Wachusett Meadow Wildlife Sanctuary records, 1956-2017

Acquired by Mass Audubon in 1956, Wachusett Meadow contains 1,200 acres in Princeton. A gift of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Crocker, the property included 633 acres of woodland, an inn, and 由爱德华·古德诺(Edward Goodnow)于1786年建造的主楼,在古德诺家族中保留了好几年 generations. Documents in this series include administrative records, records related to the history of the property, and printed material.

i. Administrative records, 1965-1999

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

行政记录包括年度和季度报告,1970年的文件包含 1970年参观保护区的游客统计和与保护区访问有关的信件 咨询委员会会议记录,1983年的情况说明书和1998年的年度运营计划. The 保护区规划工作手册还包括利记APP官网手机版平岩野生动物的信息 Sanctuary. It contains geographic and demographic statistics for each city and town in its service area, and a 1980 environmental education planning project.

Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolders 46-54
Annual and quarterly reports, 1965-1999
Carton 68SH 17L1 WFolder 55
Visitor correspondence and statistics, 1970
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 1-6
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1983
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 7
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1970-1997

ii. History of the property, 1956-1984

Arranged chronologically.

Records in this file include reports and historical research on the Goodnow Farm, Wachusett Meadow, and its environs.

Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 8

iii. Printed material, 1956-2017

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

印刷材料包括财产计划,通讯和项目指南,路线地图,a 1956年利记APP官网手机版马萨诸塞草地的文章,剪报,鸟类清单,小册子,和 a 1996 booklet entitled Wachusett Meadow: Land and People. After 2001, newsletters were combined with Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary, and they are filed with Broad Meadow's newsletters.

OS Box 1Folder 10
Property plans, 1958
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 9-17
Newsletters and program guides, 1970-2001
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 18
Brochures and trail maps, 1958-1997
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 19
Miscellaneous printed material, 1956-2017

JJ. Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary records, ca. 1958-2019

韦尔弗利特湾野生动物保护区于1958年被马萨诸塞州奥杜邦公司收购,占地1100英亩 South Wellfleet. Part of the sanctuary was originally the Oliver L. Austin Ornithological Research Station, established in 1930, where Oliver L. Austin, Sr. and his son Oliver L. Austin, Jr. banded over 650,000 common terns and wrote scientific papers. When Austin, Sr. 1957年去世后,奥杜邦发起了一场购买土地的运动,挽救了340英亩的土地 salt marsh from development. The Austins's comprehensive ornithological records were 连同研究站及其土地的购买一起转移到了马萨诸塞奥杜邦.

Documents in this series include administrative records, plant and wildlife studies, subject files, printed material, scrapbooks, and photographs. See also Series IV.C., the records of the Austin Ornithological Research Station.

i. Administrative records, 1958-2013

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

这一系列的记录包括通信,几份年度报告,1958年的历史 the Austin Ornithological Research Station, and a 1985 planning summary. The Workbook for Sanctuary Planning contains a planning overview, history of the site, correspondence, property inventory, archaeological survey, environmental education market survey, 教育目标,预算估算,建筑和景观规划,人员计划,以及 maps.

Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 20-21
Annual reports, 1965-2013
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 22-26
Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1984-1985
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 27
Miscellaneous administrative records, 1958-1990

ii. Plant and wildlife studies and inventories, 1977-1984

Arranged chronologically.

Inventories and studies include a 1983 preliminary study of the mammals living in the 保护区,1983年的健康社区研究,1984年鳞翅目研究,以及一份未注明日期的清单 of the sanctuary's flora.

Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 28-30

iii. Subject files, 1971-1990

Arranged alphabetically.

Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 31
Education and programming, ca. 1973-1990
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 32
Field reports on waterfowl disasters, 1971
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 33-34
Report of Wellfleet Bay Archaeological Field School, 1986-1987
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 35-38
Sunken Meadow beach construction, 1972-1977

iv. Printed material, 1959-2019

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 39
Monomoy Wilderness, 1972
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolders 40-44
Brochures and information sheets, 1959-2004
Carton 69SH 17L2 XFolder 45-46
Trail maps and guides, 1959-1994
Carton 76SH 17FQ 8Folders 1-17
Newsletters and program guides, 1985-2009

Includes a complete set from 1985 to 2006, with a gap between 2006 and 2009.

Carton 76SH 17FQ 8Folder 18
Miscellaneous printed material, 1960-2019

v. Scrapbooks, ca. 1958-ca. 1965

Arranged chronologically.

Two scrapbooks consist of typewritten paragraphs, photographs, and other illustrations. The first, compiled ca. 1958, gives a brief history of the property and illustrates the goals for purchasing and developing the sanctuary. The second, compiled ca. 1965, offers an illustrated overview of the sanctuary.

Carton 76SH 17FQ 8Folders 19-20

vi. Photographs, ca. 1988-1989

Photographs depict the "Cape Cod from the Bottom Up Oceanography Cruise."

Carton 76SH 17FQ 8Folder 21

KK. Wildwood Overnight Camp records, 1955-1999

Wildwood is Mass Audubon's residential camping program. It is included in this series 因为庇护部的计划、组织中经常包括怀尔德伍德, and budget. Opened in 1948 at Cook's Canyon Wildlife Sanctuary in Barre, it moved in the 20世纪90年代搬到加德纳万帕诺亚格湖畔的科利尔营地,这是莫纳德诺克信托公司的财产. In 2001, the camp moved to Rindge, New Hampshire on the shores of Hubbard Pond. Records include a 1979 Workbook for Sanctuary Planning and various printed materials.

i. Workbook for Sanctuary Planning, 1979-1980

工作簿中载有与营地规划继续进行有关的工作人员备忘录 on the camp's future, a marketing survey, meeting notes, and camp schematics.

Carton 76SH 17FQ 8Folders 22-24

ii. Printed material, 1955-1999

Arranged chronologically.

印刷材料包括文章的再版,小册子,一本1961年怀尔德伍德营地歌曲的书, and a 1999 brochure of camp programs.

Carton 76SH 17FQ 8Folder 25

LL. Worcester County Program Office records, 1985-1994

Arranged chronologically.

该部门最初被称为中央保护区项目办公室,位于 the sanctuary residence at Lincoln Woods Wildlife Sanctuary in Leominster. It developed 为伍斯特县的学校和其他团体提供项目和教育服务 sanctuaries and on other sites. Records include quarterly reports, correspondence, memos, reports, and teachers' guides.

Carton 75SH 17KT GFolders 28-30

MM. Other Mass Audubon land records, 1953-1999

Arranged alphabetically.

i. Barney's Joy, 1967-1980

Barney's Joy是一块大约156英亩的土地,被捐赠给了马萨诸塞州奥杜邦 with a conservation restriction in 1971. Records consist of correspondence and memos between Mass Audubon director Allen Morgan and staff, property donors Angelica L. Russell and D. Lloyd MacDonald, and Massachusetts state agencies. The bulk of the correspondence is related to the property's conservation restriction.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folders 26-27

ii. Brockton Audubon Society land, 1999

记录包括布罗克顿奥杜邦协会的自然资源清单和分析 land in Brockton prepared for Mass Audubon in 1999.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 28

iii. Mongan residence, 1965-1966

罗克波特蒙根住宅的记录由该物业的业主记录组成 (主要是业主和建筑师之间的通信),以及建筑的规格 addition to the house and related plans.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 29

iv. Norman's Woe, 1966-1991

Norman's Woe is a 27.5-acre parcel of land and buildings in Gloucester that was a bequest to Mass Audubon from the estates of Charles Russell Codman and Theodora D. Codman. Administrative records include the 1966 will of Theodora Codman; correspondence between Mass Audubon and the donors; internal memos and correspondence; legal correspondence related to the bequest and the use of the land; records related to the development of the land as a wildlife sanctuary; and several bills and accounts related to the management of the property. Also included is a 1981 annual report.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folders 30-34

v. Popponessett Split, 1953-1976

Popponessett Split是位于Mashpee镇的开放空间,捐赠给Mass Audubon in 1954. Records include correspondence related to the donation, a map of the property, a copy of the transfer of title, and newspaper clippings. 1976 records consist of correspondence between Mass Audubon and the town of Mashpee regarding a conservation 财产限制,保护限制草案,通信 discussing the return of the property to Mashpee.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folders 35-36

vi. Rocky Knoll Nature Center, 1955-1974

Donated to Mass Audubon in 1955 by trustees of the Henry B. Martin Fund and Eleanor P. Martin, Rocky Knoll consisted of a 19th-century house and a woodland tract in Milton. It 在1957年之前一直是马萨诸塞州奥杜邦的教育总部,当时是行政办公室 moved to Drumlin Farm. Records consist of annual reports for the years 1971, 1972, and 1974; a 1955 program guide; and a 1958 brochure.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 37

vii. Salt Pond, 1955-1990

法尔茅斯的盐塘是由盐塘地区鸟类保护区管理的,他们给了这个名字 to Mass Audubon in 1962. In 1974, Mass Audubon returned the land to Salt Pond Area Bird Sanctuaries with the condition of a preservation restriction. Records include bird counts; correspondence and memos related to incorporating Salt Pond Area Bird Sanctuaries; correspondence and reports of the Salt Pond committee; correspondence between Mass Audubon and the Salt Pond committee concerning the management of Salt Pond; a copy of the transfer of title; deeds; annual reports (with gaps); mortgage loan documents; appeals; and hearings. 还包括地图和计划的盐池和各种土地持有,以及几个 newspaper clippings about the property.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folders 38-43
Administrative records, 1955-1990
Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 44
Maps and plans, 1958-1975
Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 45
Newspaper clippings, 1961-1971

viii. Tern Island, 1962-1966

马萨诸塞州奥杜邦在与鸟类联合会合并时获得了查塔姆的燕鸥岛 Clubs of New England in 1936. The island was then one of the most important tern nesting areas along the east coast and was part of the Oliver L. Austin Ornithological Research Station (AORS) program. Records consist of Mass Audubon correspondence related to dredging and fill operations on the island.

See also Series IV. C., the records of the Austin Ornithological Research Station, which include studies conducted on Tern Island.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 46

ix. Tick Thicket, 1972-1986

的属性Tick Thicket的通信和现场报告 West Falmouth donated to Mass Audubon by the Iddings family. Tick Thicket was managed by 阿舒梅特霍利野生动物保护区在奥杜邦大学将财产移交给盐之前 Pond Area Bird Sanctuaries in 1990.

Carton 76SH17FQ 8Folder 47

III. Histories and historical material, 1916-2009

A. Historical material, 1916-1996

Arranged chronologically.

本系列包含两本由Mass Audubon制作的印刷材料剪贴簿,包括 program announcements; membership solicitations and renewals; advertisements for bird charts and calendars; Bulletins; lecture tickets; the Common Birds series of pamphlets and other early publications, including Outdoor Bird Study (1921) and The Utility of Birds (1924) by Edward H. Forbush; and other educational and promotional material. Loose material includes 1897 and 1923 membership certificates, a 1967 约翰·詹姆斯·奥杜邦的传记小册子,以及1996年的一封信和历史资料 concerning Mass Audubon's founding and its relationship to the town of Brookline. Also here are several certificates and proclamations from the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, governor of Massachusetts and other organizations recognizing the service of Mass Audubon.

See also the Allen H. Morgan papers for historical material that Morgan collected as research for his unpublished history of Mass Audubon.

Carton 118SH 1B4TFolders 1-15
Scrapbook, 1916-1925
OS Box 2
Scrapbook, 1921-1947
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 16
Loose historical material, 1947-1996
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 16A
Certificates and proclamations, 1954-1989
OS Box 3Folder 1
Certificates and proclamations, 1949-1984

B. Mass Audubon histories, 1921-2009

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains an outline of Mass Audubon history, a 1958 letter of Audubon remembrances, and several undated historical essays, timelines, and sketches. Also included 是一系列已出版和未出版的奥杜邦大学和几所大学的历史 theses.

Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 17
Winthrop Packard, "The Story of the Audubon Society," 1921
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolders 18-21
Essays, timelines, and notes, 1935-1995
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 22
Francis H. Allen, "History of Massachusetts Audubon Society" draft, ca. 1957
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 23
Allen H. Morgan, "Massachusetts Audubon Society: a brief history," 1963-1974
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 24
Richard K. Walton, "Massachusetts Audubon Society 1896-1921: the first twenty-five years," 1986
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 25
Jennifer Price, "When Women Were Women, Men Were Men, and Birds Were Hats: gender roles and the formation of the Audubon Societies at the turn of the century," 1989
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolders 26-29
Amy C. Derry, "The Stylized Tern: ninety-six years of environmental activism at the Massachusetts Audubon Society," 1992
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 30
Video script, "A Century of Conservation: Massachusetts Audubon Society centennial video," 1995
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 31
John H. Mitchell, "The Mothers of Conservation," Sanctuary, 1996
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 32
Richard K. Walton, "A History of Massachusetts Audubon Society from 1896 into the 1950s," 1997
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 33
John J. Galluzzo, Mass Audubon, 2005
Carton 118SH 1B4TFolder 34
Richard K. Walton and William E. Davis, "Massachusetts Audubon Society: the first sixty years," ca. 2009

IV. Ornithological records, 1880-1984

本系列包括由Mass Audubon, including bird checklists, summaries, and surveys; records related to the compilation of the Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas; monthly field notes; public service announcements; and a bird specimen accession register. Also in this series are personal birding records donated to or collected by Mass Audubon, including those of Francis H. Allen, E. D. Boardman, Norman Winslow Hall, A. C. Dyke, John B. May, and Allen Morgan. This series also includes the records of the Oliver L. Austin Ornithological Research Station, which contain over 30 years of tern research and reports in Wellfleet, Tern Island, and other areas of Cape Cod.

See also Series I.J.i., the Mass Audubon Scientific Staff/Conservation Science Department Tern Conservation Program records.

A. Mass Audubon records, 1932-1984

Arranged chronologically by record type.

鸟类检查清单包括1932年、1949-1950年和1954年的年度清单,其中包括 来自全州的成员提交的鸟类观测的数量、地点和时间. Additional checklists were completed on Audubon Day in early May. Checklist summaries are compilations of members' birding checklists written annually in narrative form.

马萨诸塞州繁殖鸟类图集是马萨诸塞州分部的一个合作项目 和Mass Audubon,其中列出了鸟类的种类、栖息地和筑巢日期 Massachusetts birds. Records include a few newsletters, lists of species, and checklists.

Monthly field notes for eastern and western Massachusetts are official Audubon records listing observations, weather, spottings, and events. Public service information notices include bulletins for rare bird alerts, bird programs, and bird observer announcements. The 鸟类标本登记(1952-1957)记录了鸟类的通俗和学名 奥杜邦博物馆收藏的每一个鸟类标本,以及它们的地点、收集者、收集日期, source, accession date, and remarks. It includes previously acquired birds dating from 1877-1905 collected by Dr. Harris Kennedy through the Children's Museum, as well as later specimens. Also here are surveys on the Cardinal Tufted Titmouse and Nighthawk migration, and 1973年的“birdder’s Kit”,这是一份公共服务公告、鸟类俱乐部名单的汇编 会议、建造鸟舍的说明、普查资料和其他资料 interest to Massachusetts birders.

Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolders 1-7
Yearly checklists, 1932-1954
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolder 8
Daily field cards, 1952
Carton 90SH 17F7 WVol. 38
Bird specimen accession register, 1952-1957
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolders 9-12
Bird Walk checklists, 1953-1954
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolders 13-14
Cardinal-Tufted Titmouse surveys, 1968-1983
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolders 15-16
Checklist summary, 1971-1981
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolders 17-20
"Birder's Kit," 1973
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolder 21
Public service information, 1973-1983
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolder 22
Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas, 1974-1979
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolders 23-38
Monthly field notes for eastern and western Massachusetts, 1974-1984
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolder 39
Nighthawk migration surveys, 1977-1983
Carton 77SH 17F3 SFolder 40
Miscellaneous Mass Audubon ornithological records, 1953-1968

B. Personal birding records, 1880-1980

Arranged chronologically by individual.

i. Francis H. Allen records, 1880-1942

Allen's birding records include 13 birding journals dating from 1880 to 1901. The first 四卷(1880-1884)是他在马萨诸塞州西罗克斯伯里保存的童年日记. Later volumes are larger and were kept almost daily in West Roxbury, Boston, and Bridgewater, New Hampshire. His records also contain lists of birds he observed from 1881-1889, including those in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia (1887); Compton, New Hampshire (1888); and various places in Nova Scotia, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, and Massachusetts. Also included are records of migrations observed in West Roxbury and its vicinity (1889-1942). Membership records related to Allen's affiliations with the American Ornithologists' Union and Mass Audubon.

Carton 99SH 17IE %Folders 1-10
Birding journals, 1880-1902
Carton 99SH 17IE %Folder 11
Lists of birds, 1881-1889
Carton 99SH 17IE %Folder 12
Local geographical lists, 1887-1936
Carton 99SH 17IE %Folder 13
Records of migration in West Roxbury, 1889-1942
Carton 99SH 17IE %Folder 14
Membership records, 1888-1901

ii. Unidentified birding journal, 1885-1896

The majority of entries in this unidentified journal were made in California in 1888. Other locations include Cambridge, Massachusetts; San Diego, California; Provincetown, Massachusetts; Ontario; and New York.

Carton 78SH 17FB -Folder 1

iii. Unidentified birding journals, 1892-1948

这三卷书还包括这位匿名日记作者按物种进行的日常观察 as lists of eggs and nests.

Carton 78SH 17FB -Folders 2-4

iv. Miss E. D. Boardman birding journals, 1899-1929

These seven volumes contain birding notes and weather observations, primarily from Manchester, Massachusetts. Formatted as page-a-day diaries, with space for multiple years on 每一页,每日条目允许读者比较每天的观鸟活动 several years. Numerous newspaper clippings within the journals relate almost exclusively to the weather.

Carton 78SH 17FB -Folders 5-11
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 1-6

v. Norman Winslow Hall birding records, 1910-1954

霍尔是一名动物标本剥制师和收藏家,他在长岛克里克建立了两个射击营地 Duxbury. In 1917, he opened a taxidermy shop on Court St. in Boston. His records include "Records of Birds Observed" (1910-1954), a loose-leaf notebook with species listed alphabetically. A collection handbook (1911-1915) lists Hall's collection of birds, animals, birds eggs, insects, etc., as well as cash paid for mounted birds, diagrams for determining 雄鸟和雌鸟,挂在标本上的标签,狩猎之旅,食谱 剥制标本,收集鸡蛋,标本的价值,以及他的射击描述 camp and stand. His "Record of Mounted Birds" (1911-1950) contains two volumes, an original and a copy, which include date, place shot, shooter, mounter, and descriptive remarks.

“射击计划和商店设计”(1914-1917)包含地图和计划,狩猎地点,成本, results, and a 1914-1915 gunning diary. It also includes the 1917 designs for his taxidermy office and shop at 4 Court St. in Boston, including furniture, pictures, and bird display cases. Three volumes of "Gunning Stand Records" (1916-1920) contain records of Hall's gunning stand at Island Creek, including a brief history, lists of visiting gunners, 1916年、1917年和1918年秋天拍摄的鸭子的所有权证书和记录. Volumes list species, date, shooter, time, wind, and flock remarks. Miscellaneous papers include memos and lists of Hall's mounted collection. Also here are records of Hall's Maine camp from 1947-1950.

Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 7-8
Records of birds observed, 1910-1954
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolder 9
Collection handbook, 1911-1915
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 10-11
Records of mounted birds, 1911-1950
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolder 12
Gunning plans and shop design, 1914-1917
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 13-15
Gunning stand records, 1916-1920
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolder 16
Records of Maine camp, 1947-1950
Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolder 17
Miscellaneous papers, undated

vi. A. C. Dyke birding journals, 1919-1950

戴克的记录包括五本装订的小日志,描述了他在列表中观察到的鸟类 or narrative form. Most are observations from Bridgewater, Massachusetts.

Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 18-19

vii. John B. May, "Down the River to Perce" draft, 1949

这篇未发表的带有编辑更正的手稿草稿的副标题是“一个人的随笔” Naturalist on the Gaspe Peninsula in Eastern Quebec." Dr. John Bichard May was the state ornithologist for the Massachusetts Department of Agriculture.

Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 20-26

viii. Allen Morgan birding records, 1949-1980

摩根的观鸟记录主要包括萨德伯里山谷鸟类的普查名单, both for specific dates and by yearly comparison. Also in this subseries is an article or 他写了一篇利记APP官网手机版萨德伯里山谷观鸟的演讲,一些个人笔记,一些马萨诸塞州奥杜邦 yearly checklists, and a small amount of correspondence related to bird counts.

Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 27-30

ix. Unidentified bird journals and notes, n.d.

这些19世纪的期刊包含了鸟类鸣叫的乐谱、列表和鸣叫 observations. They were donated to Mass Audubon in 1987.

Carton 79SH 17F4 TFolders 31-33

C. Austin Ornithological Research Station records, 1909-1973

连同韦尔弗利特湾野生动物保护区,1958年马斯特奥杜邦获得了完整的 tern records compiled by Dr. Oliver L. Austin, Sr. and his son Oliver L. Austin, Jr. The 奥斯丁在奥斯丁鸟类研究站给燕鸥戴上手铐并进行观察 in South Wellfleet from 1927 to 1957. Dr. Austin, Sr., a retired physician, became interested in studying birds through the work of his son, Austin, Jr., a noted ornithologist, and the 他们在该站点和查塔姆海岸外的特恩岛给近60万只鸟戴上了绑带. 他们的记录包括通信,活动日志,和报告的乐队,地点 recovery, and tern survival. Additional miscellaneous records consist of an early birding journal of Oliver Austin, Jr.; an anonymous shorebird trapping journal; articles and research papers by both Austins, as well as other authors; and a bibliographic file largely compiled by Mass Audubon president William Brewster.

i. Correspondence, 1933-1957

Arranged chronologically.

通信是有关鸟类的目击,绑带,返回,和其他数据,之间 奥斯汀和生物调查局(美国内政部) Massachusetts Department of Conservation, and various universities and research facilities.

Carton 70SH 17FR 9Folders 1-52

ii. Activity journals, 1932-1957

Arranged chronologically.

Activity journals dating from 1932-1934 and 1939-1957 record daily weather, sightings, 筑巢,捆绑和攻击,主要在燕鸥岛,也在蛋岛,杰里米的 Point, Nauset Point, Ram Island, Billingsgate Island, Plymouth Point, and North Point. Observations include those for arctic roseate, common, dougalli, hirundo, and parisaea terns.

Carton 70SH 17FR 9Folders 53-58
Carton 71SH 17RD 7Folders 1-20

iii. Reports, 1922-1957

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Tern reports include banding records organized alphabetically by type of tern; reports listing locations where terns were identified; recovery reports listing the person recovering the band, the type of tern, and the recovery's chronology; survival reports listing the years the bird survived after its banding and its location; and combined reports containing banding, recovery, and survival records.

Carton 71SH 17RD 7Folders 21-59
Tern banding records, 1922-1957
Carton 72SH 17RE 8Folders 1-34
Tern banding records, 1923-1955
Carton 72SH 17RE 8Folders 35-64
Tern locations, 1943-1946
Carton 73SH 17RC 6Folders 1-39
Tern recovery reports, 1924-1957
Carton 73SH 17RC 6Folders 40-52
Tern survival reports, 1930-1946
Carton 73SH 17RC 6Folders 53-64
Tern combined reports, 1954-1957
Carton 74SH 17RF 9
Miscellaneous bird banding reports, 1930-1957
Carton 75SH 17KT GFolders 1-12
Miscellaneous bird banding reports, 1949-1957

iii. Miscellaneous ornithological records, 1909-1973

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 75SH 17KT GFolders 13-14
Bibliographic file, 1909-1937
Carton 75SH 17KT GFolder 15
O. L. Austin, Jr. birding records, 1927-1930
Carton 75SH 17KT GFolders 16-26
Articles and research papers, 1928-1973
Carton 75SH 17KT GFolder 27
Shorebird trapping records, 1934

V. Records of related organizations, 1876-1994

A. Nuttall Ornithological Club records, 1876-1937 (bulk: 1925-1937)

纳托尔鸟类俱乐部成立于1873年,是北方最早的组织之一 America devoted to ornithology. Its members included William Brewster, Ludlow Griscom, Ernst Mayr, Roger Tory Peterson, and 24 other Mass Audubon directors. Its elected members continue to meet monthly.

这个系列的记录是查尔斯·巴切尔德的记录,包括1925-1926年的通信 为了回应他给现任和前任成员的信,询问他们是否撰写了 any ornithological works. Batchelder also sent out brief biographical paragraphs to members for comment or correction in 1937. Almost all records here are biographical or bibliographical in nature. Printed material includes two bulletins and printed meeting minutes.

i. Members' biographies and publications, 1925-1937

按会员姓名的字母顺序排列,记录由载有日期的记事卡组成 election; birth date and place; names of parents; education; residence; and date and place of death. Some cards include newspaper clippings and lists of published works. This 子系列还包含成员本身或成员家庭或成员之间的通信 friends pertaining to members' biographies or publications. Included are biographies of Mass Audubon members William Brewster, Francis H. Allen, John B. May, and Carl Buchheister.

Carton 80SH 17F6 VFolders 1-55

ii. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1915-1935

This subseries consists of correspondence that doesn't relate to biographies or publications or relates to multiple biographies.

Carton 80SH 17F6 VFolder 56

iii. Printed material, 1876-1907

Included here is a Nov. 1876 Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club (Vol. I, No. 4), an Oct. 1879 Bulletin (Vol. IV, No. 4), and an abstract of 1907 meeting minutes.

Carton 80SH 17F6 VFolder 57

B. Brush Hill Bird Club report, 1914

这是一本精装本,这是弥尔顿的毛刷山鸟类俱乐部的第一份报告, Massachusetts. It contains a history of the club, descriptions of its exhibitions, essays, a treasurer's report, the club's constitution, a list of members, and several illustrations.

Carton 80SH 17F6 VFolder 58

C. Morse-Allen, Inc. records, 1938-1994

Mildred (Vining) Morse Allen (1903-1989) was a natural-history artist and a pioneer in natural-history film-making. She won the Grand Award in the 1966 New York International Film and TV Festival for her first movie Nature Remains, a 这部28分钟的彩色电影是她在马萨诸塞州坎顿市130英亩的后院拍摄的. Her later films, such as Nature's Palette and Many Worlds of Nature, won international awards and were shown on public television stations. She also painted watercolors of birds which she published and sold as lithographic prints. Allen bequeathed her Canton property to Mass Audubon, and it 作为米尔德里德莫尔斯艾伦野生动物保护区和视觉艺术中心(后来的 Museum of American Bird Art) in 1999.

Mildred and her husband George Lockwood Allen incorporated Morse-Allen, Inc. in 1965. 这个系列的记录包括行政记录、财务记录、电影剧本和 proposals, subject files, records of the subsidiary The Film Group, Inc., printed material, and photographs.

See also the records of the Museum of American Bird Art and the film prints of Morse-Allen, Inc.

i. Administrative records, 1965-1994

Arranged chronologically.

本子系列包括公司文件及其他公司纪录,例如章程细则、 股票、董事会和股东会会议记录及其他法律文件样本. Also here are correspondence and records related to the sale of Mildred's lithographic prints, including those of retailers, printers, framers, and museum curators.

The subseries also includes records related to the production and marketing of Mildred 摩尔斯·艾伦的自然历史电影,包括与律师的通信,合同和 与电影发行商的通信,与电影制片人的通信和 Morse-Allen employee Cliff Hauptman. Later administrative records relate to the transfer of 由乔治·洛克伍德·艾伦的遗嘱执行人和 dissolution of the company by Mass Audubon in 1994.

Carton 80SH 17F6 VFolders 59-70

ii. Financial records, 1965-1994

Arranged chronologically and by record type.

Tax records include federal, state excise, and Massachusetts Certificate of Condition documents; correspondence with accountants; handwritten notes; and accounts. Bills and 发票用于支付一般费用,包括办公室维护、邮购清单、相机、 film, advertising, mailing supplies, legal fees, equipment, and framing.

一些财务记录与平版印刷品的生产有关,包括邮寄件, order forms, invoices, and letters requesting prints. The ledger entitled "Bird Painting Account Book" lists the costs and sales of prints.

与制作自然影片有关的记录包括两本帐簿、发票和 expense accounts, and the timesheets and invoices of Cliff Hauptman, who worked for Morse-Allen as a producer of the nature films. Royalty statements include those from Screenscope, Inc. and other broadcasters, and royalty account books list income by film. Also found here are bank registers and bank statements from the last years of the company.

Carton 81SH 17KQ DFolders 1-15
Tax records, 1965-1994
Carton 81SH 17KQ DFolders 16-19
General bills and invoices, 1965-1988
Carton 81SH 17KQ DFolders 20-36
Lithographs - orders, 1965-1984
Carton 81SH 17KQ DFolder 37
Lithographs - account book, 1965-1985
Carton 81SH 17KQ DFolders 38-39
Films - account books, 1965-1985
Carton 81SH 17KQ DFolders 40-41
Films - invoices and accounts, 1968-1989
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolders 1-14
Films - Cliff Hauptman timesheets and invoices, 1974-1988
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 15
Films - royalty statements, 1975-1983
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 16
Films - royalty account book, 1976-1984
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 17
Check register, 1978-1985
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolders 18-19
Bank statements, 1991-1994

iii. Film scripts and proposals, 1965-1974

Arranged chronologically.

These include various iterations of the scripts for Nature Remains (1965), Nature's Palette (1966), The Many Worlds of Nature (1973), and several unproduced scripts by Ed Knowlton.

Carton 82SH 17KR EFolders 20-31

iv. Subject files, 1938-1981

Arranged alphabetically.

这里包括与米尔德里德·莫尔斯·艾伦有关的账单、发票和信件 Arriflex camera and her automobiles; copyright certificates for her lithographic prints; samples of Morse-Allen, Inc. letterhead; correspondence and records related to the Meriden Gravure Co. which produced Mildred's prints; lists of retail prospects; papers related to 米尔德丽德的亲戚艾布纳和埃尔西·莫尔斯的地产,米尔德丽德从他们那里继承了坎顿庄园 property; personal correspondence; and biographical information about Mildred written by her husband George Lockwood Allen.

Carton 82SH 17KR EFolders 32-33
Arriflex camera, 1963-1980
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 34
Automobiles, 1958-1966
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 35
Biographical material, undated
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 36
Copyright certificates, 1965-1970
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 37
Letterhead stationery, undated
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolders 38-41
Meriden Gravure Co., 1965-1981
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolders 42-44
Morse estate papers, 1938-1979
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 45
Notes and memos, 1963-1980
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 46
Personal correspondence, 1970-1973
Carton 82SH 17KR EFolder 47
Prospects, 1968-1975

v. The Film Group, Inc. records, 1968-1987

The Film Group was incorporated by George L. Allen and several film producers in 1968. It 是为了制作米尔德里德·艾伦的电影,以及其他商业电影而创建的 existed as a separate company from Morse-Allen, Inc., even though George was one of its directors and the company received most of its financial support from the Allens.

行政记录包括信件、公司记录、合同等 legal documents, and meeting minutes of stockholders and the board of directors. Financial statements are unaudited balance sheets prepared by accountants for the company. Printed material includes an advertisement and a company brochure.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolder 1
Incorporation documents, 1968
Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 2-5
Administrative records, 1968-1987
Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 6-8
Financial statements, 1969-1974
Carton 83SH 17KS FFolder 9
Production proposal, 1972
Carton 83SH 17KS FFolder 10
Printed material, 1969

vi. Printed material, 1966-1969

Items include a brochure for Nature Remains, newspaper and 杂志广告为平版印刷,与剪报发布有关 Nature Remains and the film's subsequent awards. Also included are biographical articles about Mildred Morse Allen.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 11-12

vii. Photographs, undated

照片是米尔德里德·艾伦拍摄野生动物的8英寸× 10英寸黑白照片 numerous poses.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 13-14

D. Nantucket Ornithological Society records, 1960-1991

The Nantucket Ornithological Society was created in 1962 to manage a trust property on Nantucket. In 1986, it transferred its sanctuary land to Mass Audubon. Records in this series include administrative records, financial ledgers, tax records, and a property report produced for Mass Audubon.

i. Administrative records, 1960-1986

这个子系列主要由建立组织的协议纪要组成, approving or replacing trustees, acquiring land, and establishing financial accounts. Also 这里是与土地有关的契约和法律协议,以及与土地有关的信件 administration of the organization, deeds, and finances.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 15-29

ii. Financial ledgers, 1962-1986

财务分类账包括一般日记账、现金收入日记账和会计日记账 现金支出,试算表,银行账户,股票,不动产,实物 personal property, contributions, and other expenses.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 30-38

iii. Tax records, 1964-1991

税务记录包括公司的501(c)3非营利性年度报告、纳税申报表和 financial correspondence related to taxes.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolders 39-41

iv. "Preliminary Report on Flora and Fauna," 1980

This report was prepared for Mass Audubon by Marcia Litchfield in Oct. 1980.

Carton 83SH 17KS FFolder 42

VI. Printed material, 1896-2022

A. Mass Audubon calendars, 1898-2004

这一系列的年度奥杜邦鸟类日历包含许多空白,包括一个 between 1949-1980. Between 1910 and 1915, and after 1983, calendars were printed in a larger format and are stored according to size.

The calendars were first published by L. Prang and Co. of Boston for Mass Audubon, 包含鸟类印刷品,提供有关鸟类和观鸟的相关信息. By 1920, Mass Audubon published the calendars itself, with prints of paintings by Bruce Horsfall, Louis Agassiz Fuertes, and Allen Brooks. In the 1940s, the calendars became small and less elaborate, with photographs as illustrations. By 1980, they were published in association with Mass Audubon by independent publishers as Teaching Calendars and Bird Identification Calendars, with illustrations by John Sill.

Carton 89SH 17EX EFolders 1-25
Carton 90SH 17F7 W
ca. 1910-1915
Carton 90SH 17F7 W

B. Mass Audubon periodicals, 1917-2022

Beginning in February 1917, Mass Audubon published the Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society nine times a year. In September 1958, the publication became Massachusetts Audubon, the Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. It was published five times a year from 1959-1961, then quarterly from 1962 to 1972. The periodical became Man and Nature in 1972, consolidating Connecticut Conservation, Maine Field Naturalist, Massachusetts Audubon, and Narragansett Naturalist; it was published quarterly. By January 1977, the periodical's title was Massachusetts Audubon Newsletter, published monthly except for June and September. The publication became Sanctuary Magazine with the August/September 1980 issue. This set of periodicals contains gaps, most notably between 2006 and 2012.

Connections is a newsletter for Mass Audubon members published three times a year. The publication became Explore with the October 2016 issue. This set contains gaps between 2009 and 2011.

Curious Naturalist, a publication for children, was published 10 times a year beginning September 1961. In the fall of 1976, it became a quarterly publication. A Guide to the Seasons features selections from Curious Naturalist, compiled in 1982. This set is complete from September 1961 to Summer 1982.

Additional newsletters in this series include the Coastal Waterbird Program Newsletter and the Belize Conservation Fund Newsletter.

For newsletters related to individual sanctuaries, see Series II, Sanctuary Records, in the specific sanctuary subseries.

i. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, 1917-1958

Carton 84SH 17FD
Carton 85SH 1B28Folders 1-28
Carton 95SH 17HG OReels 1-6
Microfilm of Vols. 34-39, 1950-1955

ii. Massachusetts Audubon, 1958-1980

Carton 85SH 1B28Folders 29-43
Carton 86SH 17F5 UFolders 1-20

iii. Sanctuary, 1980-2013

With gaps between 2006 and 2012.

Carton 86SH 17F5 UFolders 21-47
Carton 87SH 17KJ 6Folders 1-54

iv. Connections/Explore, 2003-2022

With gaps between 2009 and 2011.

Carton 88SH 17MP EFolders 1-14

v. The Curious Naturalist, 1961-1982

Carton 88SH 17MP EFolders 15-55

v. The Coastal Waterbird Program Newsletter, 2004-2010

Carton 88SH 17MP EFolder 56

v. Belize Conservation Fund Newsletter, 2010-2019

Carton 88SH 17MP EFolder 57

C. Mass Audubon monographs, pamphlets, and reports, 1898-2020

Arranged chronologically and by size.

该系列包括与正字法、自然研究、 以及环境问题,这些都是由马萨诸塞大学奥杜邦分校出版的或与马萨诸塞大学有关的 Audubon.

Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 26
Helps to Bird Study, 1898
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 26A
Edward H. Forbush, The Utility of Birds, 1898
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 27
Bird News for the School, 1932
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 1
Paul S. Miliotis, An Annotated Checklist of the Butterflies of Massachusetts, 1972
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 2
Christopher W. Leahy, An Introduction to Massachusetts Birds, 1975
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 1
Wayne Hanley, ed., The American Years, 1976
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folders 2-4
James Colman and Elizabeth Kline, A Guide to Understanding and Administering the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, 1977
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 29
Going to Seed: A Manual of Winter Bird Feeding, 1977, 1988
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 39
Wayne Hanley, Natural History in America: From Mark Catesby to Rachel Carson, 1977
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 5
An Introduction to Bird Watching, 1977
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 6
Sarah Peskin, Guiding Growth and Change: a handbook for the Massachusetts citizen, 1978
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 3
Charles E. Roth, An Introduction to Massachusetts Mammals, 1978
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 4
Charles E. Roth, The Art of Mammal Watching, 1978
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 5
John H. Mitchell, ed., Man and Nature, [1978?]
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 6
Bruce Lund, Massachusetts Field Guide to Inland Wetland Plants, [1978]
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 7
Wayne Hanley and John Mitchell, ed., The Energy Book, 1979
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 30
Wayne Hanley, A Life Outdoors: A Curmudgeon Looks at the Natural World, Man and Nature Series, 1980
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folders 8-9
Russell A. Cohen, Directory of Massachusetts Land Conservation Trusts, 1981
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 10
Thomas Convel, Quabbin: The Accidental Wilderness, 1981
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 11
Charles E. Roth, Save What Needs to be Saved and Build What Needs to be Built: a brief auto tour of Lincoln, Mass., 1982
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 12
Lynne Newman, Clean Coastal Water: the Costs of Pollution, 1983
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 13
Lynne Newman, Clean Coastal Water: Central Solutions, 1983
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 31
Susan B. Whiting and Barbara B. Pesch, Vineyard Birds, 1983
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 7
Christopher W. Leahy, An Introduction to Massachusetts Insects, 1983
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 8
Those Damned Mosquitos!, 1983
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 32
Richard K. Walton, Birds of the Sudbury River Valley: An Historical Perspective,1984
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 33
Environmental Science Department of Massachusetts Audubon Society, Solar Ideas for your Home or Apartment, 1986
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 34
Steven Nadel and Robert Timbers, Home Heating with Wood and Coal, 1986
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 35
Birds in Your Backyard, 1987
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 14
Elizabeth A. Colburn, Basic Hydrological Calculations for Conservation Commissioners: Runoff, Land Subject to Flooding, and Flow in Pipes and Channels, 1987
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 9
Daniel S. Greenbaum and Arleen O'Donnell, Losing Ground: the case for land conservation in Massachusetts, 1987
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 36
Thomas Hruby and Walter G. Montgomery, Open Marsh Water Management for Open Tidal Marshes in the Northeast: A Manual of Methods, 1988
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 15
Landscaping for Birds, 1988
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 37
Stephen J. Small, Preserving Family Lands: A Landowner's Introduction to Tax Issues and Other Considerations, 1988
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 10
Rights-of-Way Herbicides: a citizen's guide to the state regulations on vegetation management on utility, railroad and roadside rights-of-way, 1988
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 11
Terns: their ecology and conservation, 1988
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 16
Terry Greene, Working the Bugs Out: Improving Pest Control in Public Housing, 1989
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 38
Marie Reid, Amazon/Rainforest Alphabet, 1989
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 17
Elizabeth Colburne and Robie Hubley, ed., Watershed Decisions: The Case for Watershed Protection in Massachusetts, 1990
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 39
Andrea P. Raphael, Urban Pest Management in the Public Sector: A Case Study of 11 Municipal Departments in Boston, Mass., 1990
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 40
Philip E. Simmons, Steven Nadel, and Nancy Schalch, Oil and Gas Heating Systems: Maintenance and Improvement, 1990
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 41
Education Department of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, Building an Environmentally Friendly House, 1991
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 42
Public Policy Department of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, Learning from Experience: Toward an Environmentally Sound Program for Eastern Encephalitis Control in Massachusetts, 1991
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 43
Charles Roth, et al., Beyond the Classroom: Exploration of Schoolground and Backyard, 1991
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 44
Thomas F. Tyning, ed., Conservation of the Timber Rattlesnake in the Northeast, 1991
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 45
Louis J. Wagner, Recommendations for Revisions to Title 5 and Regulations Governing the Use of Privately-Owned Sewage Treatment Facilities, 1991
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 46
Philip E. Simmons, How to Weatherize your Home or Apartment, 1992
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 18
Robert Buchsbaum, ed., Turning the Tide: Toward a Livable Coast in Massachusetts, 1993
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 47
Cleti Cervoni, ed., On the Brink: Activity and Resource Guide to Teaching About Massachusetts Endangered Species, 1993
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 48
Education Department of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, All about Insulation, 1993
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 49
Education Department of the Massachusetts Audubon Society, Contractor's Guide to Finding and Sealing Hidden Air Leaks, 1993
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folders 19-20
Andrew Kendeall, A Study of Rainforest Conservation Opportunities in the Osa Peninsula of Costa Rica, 1993
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 50
Christopher W. Leahy, Eden's End: The Case for Ecological Protection in Massachusetts, 1993
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 40
Richard R. Veit and Wayne R. Peterson, Birds of Massachusetts, 1993
Carton 89SH 17EX EFolder 51
Steven Nadel and Howard Geller, Saving Energy and Money with Home Appliances, 1994
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folders 1-8
Elizabeth A. Colburn, ed., A Guide to Understanding and Administering the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, 1995-2005
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 41-42
Christopher W. Leahy, et al., The Nature of Massachusetts, 1996

2 copies.

Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 9
John Mitchell and the Massachusetts Audubon Society, The Curious Naturalist: A Handbook of Crafts, Games, Activities, and Ideas for Teaching Children About the Magical World of Nature, 1996
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 10
Elizabeth A. Colburn, ed. Certified: A Citizen's Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting Vernal Pools, 1997
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 11
Elizabeth A. Colburn and Nancy Childs, Vernal Pool Lessons and Activities, 1997

A curriculum companion to Certified: A Citizen's Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting Vernal Pools.

Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 12
Andrea L. Jones and Peter D. Vickery, Conserving Grassland Birds, 1997
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 13
E. Heidi Roddis, Guiding Growth and Development in Massachusetts, 1997
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 14
Thomas F. Tyning, ed. Status and Conservation of Turtles of the Northeastern United States, 1997
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 43
Peter D. Vickery and Peter W. Dunwiddie, ed., Grasslands of Northeastern North America: Ecology and Conservation of Native and Agricultural Landscapes, 1997
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 12
Alison Trowbridge et al., Exploring Massachusetts' Wetlands: identifying wetland plant communities, 1997
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 16
Ellsworth Barnard, In a Wild Place: A Natural History of High Ledges, 1998
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 44
Walter Hard, The Connecticut, 1998
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 15
Massachusetts Audubon Society, Migration Calendar for Birds in Massachusetts, 1998
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 17
E. Heidi Roddis and Jennifer Steel, Shaping the Future of Your Community: A Guide to Involvement in Growth Management and Land Protection in Massachusetts, 1998
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 21
Jennifer Steel, Losing Ground: An Analysis of Recent Rates and Patterns of Development and their Effects on Open Space in Massachusetts, 1999
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 13
Coastal Waterbird Program Resource Manual, [2001?]
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 45
Karsten E. Hartel, et al., Inland Fishes of Massachusetts, 2002
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 18
Alison Trowbridge, et al., Exploring Massachusetts' Wetlands; Identifying Wetland Plant Communities, 2002
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 46
Wayne R. Peterson and W. Roger Meservey, Massachusetts Breeding Bird Atlas, 2003
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 14
Massachusetts Conservation Restriction Stewardship Manual: a handbook for land trusts and conservation commissions, 2006
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 15
Heidi Ricci and John J. Clarke, Shaping the Future of Your 社区:公民参与社区规划、土地保护和公共服务的指南 project review in Massachusetts, 2007
Carton 100SH 17IF 0Folder 22
James DeNormandie, Losing Ground, Beyond the Footprint: patterns of development and their impact on the nature of Massachusetts, 2009
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 16
State of the Birds: documenting changes in Massachusetts' birdlife, 2011
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 17
State of the Birds: Massachusetts breeding birds - a closer look, 2013
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 18
Managing Forests for Trees and Birds in Massachusetts: a guide to habitat assessments and silvicultural practices, 2016
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 19
Birds with Silviculture in Mind: focal birds pocket guide for Massachusetts foresters, 2016
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 20
John Hanson Mitchell, ed., The Quiet Earth: nature and health, 2016
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 21
Steven Pavlos Holmes, A Healing Landscape: environmental and social history of the site of Mass Audubon's Boston Nature Center, 2016
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 22
Gwladys Hopkins, Massachusetts Masterpieces: the decoy as art, 2016
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 23
State of the Birds: Massachusetts birds and our changing climate, 2017
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 24
Heidi Ricci et al., Losing Ground: nature"s value in a changing climate, 2020
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 25
Edwin A. Mason, Invite your Bird Neighbors to Dinner, undated,
Carton 121SH 1A1AFolder 26
Migration Calendar for Birds in Massachusetts, undated,
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 19
Widge Arms and Cleti Cervoni, Key to Selected Trees by their Leaves, undated,
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 19
Widge Arms and Cleti Cervoni, Key to Selected Trees in Winter Condition, undated,

D. Mass Audubon brochures, articles, newsletters, and ephemera, 1900-2020

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这个系列包含了各种各样的文章和小册子,包括保护区指南, program and publications catalogs, a series of laminated field guides, teaching sheets 与各种自然主题有关,以及像节目和弥撒门票这样的短暂事物 Audubon events.

For brochures related to individual sanctuaries, see Series II, Sanctuary Records, in the specific sanctuary subseries.

Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 20
Winthrop Packard article reprints, ca. 1928
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 21
Bulletin article reprints, 1946-1968
OS Box 1Folder 11
Birdhouse and bird feeder plans, 1947-1956
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folders 22-26
Gift and publications catalogs, 1952-2006
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folders 27-36
Brochures, 1953-2018

Brochures include those for Audubon Junior Club, Wildwood Camp, membership and 开发,项目,产品,能源和环境问题,以及一般保护区 guides.

Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 37
Postcards, 1962
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folders 38-47
Wayne Hanley, "Nature's Ways" articles, 1968-1970
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 48
Magazine and newspaper clippings, 1968-2017
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folder 49
Miscellaneous newsletters, 1970-1998
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folders 50-54
Public service information leaflets, 1971-2000
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 1-6
Sanctuary guides, 1979-2017
Carton 91SH 17FE $Folders 55-57
Groundwater information flyers, 1983-1987

Laminated field guides, 1988-2006

Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 7
Whale Watchers Guide to the North Atlantic, 1988
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 8
Beachcombers Guide to the North Atlantic Seashore, 1993
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 9
Guide to the Cloud Forest of Monteverde, Costa Rica, 1995
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 10
Pondwatchers Guide to Ponds and Vernal Pools of Eastern North America, 1995
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 11
A Guide to Backyard Birds of Eastern North America, 2006
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 12
Paddlers Guide to New England Rivers, 2006
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 13
A Guide to Northeastern Butterflies and Butterfly Gardening, 2006
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 14
"House to Habitat" materials, 1989-2005
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 15
Wildwood Camp calendar, 1992
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 16
Water resource information flyers, 1993
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 17
Bird checklists and identifiers, 1998-2005
OS Box 5
Poster, Darners of North America, 1999
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 18-23
Program catalogs, 2003-2006
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 24
Programme for Belize material, 2005-2008
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 25
Growing your Community fact sheets, ca. 2014
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 26-27
Mass Audubon Birders meeting programs, 2015-2020
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 28-29
Program invitations, 2016-2020
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 30-31
Greeting cards and stationery, undated
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 32-38
Teaching sheets, undated

Subjects include amphibians and reptiles; animals; earth; insects; nature activities; plants, flowers, trees and fungi; and the seashore.

Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 39-42
Miscellaneous ephemera, undated, 1900-2013

Included are Audubon conference programs (1900); programs and tickets to Audubon events; daily field cards; and other ephemera. Much of this material is undated.

OS Box 3Folders 2-4
Miscellaneous ephemera, undated

E. Printed material of other organizations, 1896-1953

Arranged chronologically.

This series largely consists of material collected by Mass Audubon for their natural history collections, including much donated material. It includes National Audubon Society numbered and illustrated educational leaflets, each highlighting a specific bird; early ornithological publications; and bird illustrations, including copies of Audubon lithographs and U.S. postal stamps bearing an Audubon illustration.

Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 47
Charles J. Maynard, Handbook of the Sparrows, Finches, etc. of New England, Newtonville, Massachusetts, 1896
Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 48
Charles Eliot Norton, The Poet Gray as a Naturalist, Boston, 1903
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 43
Edward H. Forbush, Special Report on the Decrease of Certain Birds, 1905
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 44-49
National Audubon Society leaflets, 1906-1967
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 50
Edward H. Forbush, Statutory Bird Protection in Massachusetts, 1907
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 51
Springfield Museum bird pamphlets, 1908-1916
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 52
Church and Dwight Co., Useful Birds, 1916

Includes pamphlet and illustrated bird cards.

Carton 92SH 17KL 8Vol. 49
Charles J. Maynard, A Field Ornithology of the Birds of Eastern North America, West Newton, Massachusetts, 1916
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 53
The Lincoln, 1925

This automobile catalog contains bird illustrations painted by Louis Agassiz Fuertes.

Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 54
John May, Edward Howe Forbush: A Biographical Sketch, 1928
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 55-56
Julius King, Birds, Books I-III, Cleveland, Ohio, 1934
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 57
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, John J. Audubon: A National Exhibition, 1938
Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folder 58
Animal World, 1939
Carton 90SH 17F7 W
Scrapbook, ca. 1942

This scrapbook includes numerous wildflower postcards published by C. A. Mitchell in 1932, 以及新英格兰出版的着色书、传单和教育工作表 Wildflower Preservation Society. Also here are several 1942 copies of the Bulletin of the Junior Conservation Club of the New England Wildflower Society.

Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 59-60
Miscellaneous printed material, 1906-1953

VII. Photographs, audio-visual, and digital material, 1921-2015

A. Photographs, 1921-1985

This series includes publicity photos for programs, several photographs of Gov. Christian Herter celebrating Arbor and Bird Day and Audubon Week (1954), Gov. Endicott Peabody signing a National Wildlife Week proclamation (1964), and nature views. Also included are several portrait photos of Allen H. Morgan, and a series of photographs of Dan Greenbaum and the Energy Education Program, ca. 1985.

Photographs related to individual sanctuaries may be found in Series II, Sanctuary Records, under the specific sanctuary subseries.

Carton 93SH 17KK 7Folders 61-64
Carton 90SH 17F7 W
American Ornithologists' Union meeting photographs, 1930-1955

B. Audio cassette tapes, ca. 1982-1993

See also Series I.F.v., Education Department-Audio-visual and media records for more information on the production of these audio slide presentations.

Carton 95SH 17HG O
"Toward a Land Ethic," Monadnock Media, ca. 1982

Tapes #3 and #4.

Carton 95SH 17HG O
"A Uncertain Future: Endangered Species," 1993

C. Film prints, ca. 1944- ca. 1984

i. Mass Audubon film library prints, ca. 1944-1968

Arranged alphabetically by title.

Most of these 16mm films were rented by the Mass Audubon Education Department or the Public Information Office to schools and community groups. Almost all are undated and production is unattributed.

Carton 95SH 17HG O
Audubon's Shore Birds, Fenwick Productions, undated
Carton 95SH 17HG O
A Bird Song [illegible], 1944
Carton 95SH 17HG O
Blight of Flight, Steve Briggs, undated

Colorsound print.

Carton 95SH 17HG O
The City: Cars or People, undated
Carton 95SH 17HG O
Conservation and Balance in Nature, undated
Carton 95SH 17HG O
Critter Corner (Fox), undated
From the Bay to the Berkshires, undated

16mm color silent print.

SH 17DG $
Home Free, n.d.
Carton 95SH 17HG O
Life in a Woodlot, McGraw Hill Films, undated
Carton 95SH 17HG O
The Marsh, n.d.
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Marshland is Not Wasteland, Roy Wilcox Productions, undated
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Spring Comes to a New England Marsh, undated
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
The Spring Pool, undated
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
The Third Pollution, undated
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Toast, undated
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
World in a Marsh, 1968
Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Unidentified, undated

ii. Morse-Allen, Inc. films, 1965-ca. 1984

See also Series V.C., Morse-Allen, Inc. records.

Feature films, 1965-1968

Arranged chronologically.

Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Nature Remains, 1965

First version of the film, before it was sold to American Optical.

Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Nature Remains, 1966

American Optical Competition film.

Carton 96SH 17D6 T
Nature's Palette, 1968

Descratched print, produced by the Film Group, Inc.

Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]

Arranged alphabetically.

Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Adaption, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
The Bird's Year: Variety and Change, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Beetles, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Butterflies, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Caterpillars, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Development, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Immature, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Orders, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Solitary Wasps, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Discovering Insects: Winter Signs, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Environmental Manipulation, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 97SH 17F9 Y
Evergreens, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Flowers, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
The Monarch and the Milkweed, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
The Oak, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Of Birds, Beaks and Behavior, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Partners, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Patterns, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Pollution Mechanisms, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Protective Coloration, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Seed Dispersal, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Surviving the Cold, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Tree Blossoms, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17FA Z
Winter, The Many Worlds of Nature series, [1975-1984]
Carton 98SH 17ET A
Venture into Nature, undated

Reversal print, 28 minutes.

D. Digital material, 2006-2015

To access these records, contact the Digital Preservation Archivist.

Mass Audubon overview, 2006 (CD-R, DM0002)

This CD contains an 11-slide powerpoint entitled "Building Conservation Communities: Families, Schools, Citizens, and You." It is a general introduction to Mass Audubon's sanctuaries, history, and staff.

Museum Open House, Episode 1, 2015 (DVD, AV0001)

这张DVD包含了由Jay Sugerman主持的电视节目,他采访了MAS主席 Gary Clayton.

Museum Open House, Episode 2, 2015 (DVD, AV0002)

This DVD contains the second episode of Gary Clayton's interview with Jay Sugerman.

VIII. Gary Clayton additions, 1987-2020


这个系列由加里·克莱顿以奥杜邦大学的身份汇编的记录组成 president from 2015 to 2020, as well as his previous positions as Sanctuary Department director and Conservation Programs vice president. While records are not comprehensive, they 反映了克莱顿作为总裁的日常职责以及他与 various sanctuaries, committees, and departments. Included are general correspondence and papers; board of directors records; strategic planning; financial records; Sanctuary 部门记录,包括个人的法律、财务和土地记录 sanctuaries; other departmental records; and subject files.

A. General correspondence and papers, 1989-2020

Arranged chronologically.

本子系列包括克莱顿1989年3月的求职信 以及有关他的面试和招聘的信件. Also included are drafts of his fiscal year 1991 goals, letters and certificates of 感谢,马萨诸塞州奥杜邦大学校长杰里·伯特兰和劳拉·约翰逊的备忘录,全体员工 and sanctuary memos written by Clayton, letters recognizing his work with specific 避难所,与他在马萨诸塞州奥杜邦工作有关的私人信件,以及祝贺 letters on his five- and ten-year anniversaries. The bulk dates from 2015 to 2020, corresponding to Clayton’s position as Mass Audubon’s president. It includes letters related to his 2015 appointment, lists of his annual objectives, correspondence and supporting documents related to his daily activities, copies of his speeches and remarks, printed 他所演讲的活动的邀请函,报道这些活动的剪报 he participated, and correspondence surrounding his retirement in 2019 and 2020.

B. Board of directors records, 2000-2020

这个子系列由克莱顿汇编的记录组成,这些记录与Mass Audubon有关 board of directors, council of advisors, and various board committees with which he interacted. Except for the board of directors meeting minutes from 2015 to 2020 – the years 但这些记录并不全面,而且存在漏洞. Many records include Clayton’s handwritten notes.

See also Series I.A. – Board of directors records, 1896-1999

i. Board and council records, 2000-2020

Arranged chronologically.

Included is the June 2000 proposal to establish the advisory council, a 2003 annual 审查,各种董事会报告,总裁给董事会的报告,董事会报告 出席率,战略计划和章程变更备忘录,2015年董事会评估,董事会 管理政策,2019年的理事会调查,董事会投票的复印件以及支持材料, and correspondence from Clayton to the board. There are no records between 2003 and 2009.

ii. Board of directors meeting records, 2015-2020

Arranged chronologically.

These records originally consisted of a set of notebooks compiled by Clayton, which 包括会议议程、会议记录和包含背景信息的辅助材料 and specific action on board votes. Also included are Clayton’s handwritten notes, strategic plans, financial reports, board presentations, and newspaper clippings.

Meeting records, 2015-2018

Meeting records, 2019-2020

iii. Board committee records, 2002-2020

Arranged chronologically.

记录包括章程、目标和优先事项、会议纪要和各种投票 board committees, including the Conservation Committee, Administration and Finance Committee, Land Protection and Stewardship Committee, and Habitat Protection Committee. Until 2010, records are mostly those of the Conservation Committee. Also included are records of the Search Committee established in 2020 to find Clayton’s successor.

C. Strategic planning records, 1999-2019

Arranged chronologically.

此子系列包含会议议程和会议记录、通信、演示文稿和 detailed reports related to strategic and fiscal year planning from 1999 to 2019.

D. Capital campaign records, 1994-2008

Arranged chronologically.

Included is a 1994 feasibility study and records related to the 2005-2007 campaign, “Connecting People and Nature.”

E. Financial records, 1993-2020

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of financial records date from 2015 to 2020 and include accounts of the Board 储备基金,向董事会报告,2017年运营和资本预算批准包, fiscal year 2020 budgets for wildlife sanctuaries and programs, and other financial reports.

F. Sanctuary Department records, 1987-2020

这个子系列的记录反映了克莱顿担任庇护部主任和 vice president for Conservation Programs, as well as president. They include sanctuary 局长会议记录、土地保护政策相关记录、一般保护区记录 运营政策和报告,以及与获取和管理相关的记录 individual wildlife sanctuaries. Transition briefing materials give a detailed overview of the department and Mass Audubon operations in 1998.

See also Series I.I. -- Sanctuary Department records, 1956-2010.

i. Sanctuary directors meeting records, 1989-2020

Arranged chronologically.

Sanctuary directors’ meetings were held quarterly at rotating sanctuary locations. Records 包括会议议程和支持文件,包括即将进行的项目清单, vision statements, memos, internal policy updates, and other materials for discussion. Also included are Clayton’s handwritten notes.

ii. Land protection records, 1987-2019

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Included are records related to policies and procedures, such as excerpts from policy manuals; votes on policies; correspondence pertaining to abutters, policy violations, and legal issues; action plans for land protection strategies; reports and inventories; and five-year plans. Land protection and acquisition statistics include lists of properties with 购买年份,面积,价格,地点,捐赠者或卖家的名字,以及 brief description of projects as prepared by the Land Protection Department. Land protection research material largely consists of photocopies of information about properties of interest. Records of the Land Protection Task Force, whose mission was to develop a 保护保护区土地的长期战略,包括2018年章程,会议记录, memos, and a 2019 report to the board of directors.

Policies and procedures, 1987-2017

Land protection and acquisition statistics, 1989-2019

Research material, ca. 2017

Land Protection Task Force records, 2018-2019

iii. Sanctuary operations records, 1988-2016

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

Records consist of subject files related to day-to-day sanctuary operations. Included are 政策手册摘录、备忘录、政策和程序草案、支持文件、打印件 访客资料,以及有关灭蚊、职员等事宜的新闻稿 and visitor safety, and pricing. Also included are best practices interviews with sanctuary directors in 2004 and 2005.

Mosquito control, 1988-2001

Staff and visitor safety, 1989-2007

Visitor services, 1991-2016

Pricing, 2001-2013

Best practices interviews, 2004-2005

Day camps-marketing effectiveness, 2004-2005

Wildlife sanctuaries program summaries, 2005

iv. Transition briefing materials, 1998

Arranged chronologically.

这本笔记本于1998年编撰,包含了庇护所部的详细概述. 它包括麻省理工学院的战略计划、组织结构图和使命宣言; 庇护所部的优先事项、预算、当前的土地项目、政策和程序; 本系教育项目、设施、建设项目说明; and visitors’ services; and brief information on each of the major sanctuaries.

v. Wildlife sanctuaries, 1987-2020

Arranged alphabetically by sanctuary name.

Records in this subseries are Clayton’s working files for individual sanctuaries, and contents vary widely. They include correspondence and memos related to donors and site visits; proposals for acquisitions and sales; votes; strategic plans; budgets; legal records; building proposals; correspondence with sanctuary managers, Mass Audubon officers, and government agencies; and records related to conservation restrictions, preservation plans, fundraising goals, and other management decisions.

拥有最多记录的保护区包括波士顿的蓝山小道博物馆 自然中心、德鲁姆林农场、笑溪、美国鸟类艺术博物馆、缇德马什农场、 Wellfleet Bay, and Wildwood Camp.

See also Series II. – Sanctuary records, 1874-2010.

Allen's Pond, 1999-2015

Records, 1999-2015

Digital material, 2003 (CD-R, DM0003)

Blue Hills Trailside Museum, 1988-2014

Boston Nature Center, 1993-2015

Brewster's Woods, 2017-2020

Records, 2017-2020

Digital material, 2018 (Flash drive, DM0005)

Broad Hill, 2004-2014

Broad Meadow Brook, 1989-2012

Broadmoor, 1990-2014

Burncoat Pond, 2011-2012

Canoe Meadows, 2007-2014

Cook's Canyon, 1991-2013

Conway Hills, 2003-2013

Drumlin Farm, 1992-2017

Audubon Shop, 1992-2001

Branding and marketing research, 2005-2007

Capital campaigns, 2000-2011

Conservation restriction, 2000-2012

Miscellaneous administrative records, 2000-2015

Planning records, 1992-2017

Preschool proposal, 2006-2011

Regulatory issues, 1995-2004

Retreats, 2006-2007

Site plan review, 1996-2004

Eastern Point, 2010-2013

Elm Hill, 1996-2013

Endicott, 2005-2015

Felix Neck, 1995-2002

Graves Farm, 1994-2003

Habitat, 1994-2013

Deeds and land records, 1994-1996

Miscellaneous administrative records, 1994-2013

McClean open space, 2000-2005

High Ledges, 1992-2003

Ipswich River, 1992-2014

Beaver management, 1992-2010

Preschool, 2013-2014

Joppa Flats, 1993-2013

Laughing Brook, 1996-2012

Lime Kiln Farm, 1989-1991

Lincoln Woods, 2001-2002

Long Pasture, 2000-2015

Moose Hill, 1990-2014

Museum of American Bird Art, 1993-2020

Nahant Thicket, 2009-2017

Nantucket sanctuaries, 1999-2011

Nashoba Brook, 1990-2001

Norman's Woe, 1995-2014

Norwood Mill, 1989-2008

Oak Knoll, 1996-2014

Pierpont Meadow, 1987-2002

Pleasant Valley, 1994-2014

Road's End, 1997-2013

Rocky Hill, 1998-2013

Rough Meadows, 1996-2013

Rutland Brook, 1993-2013

South Shore sanctuaries, 2001-2012

Stony Brook, 1989-2006

Tidmarsh Farms, 2013-2018

Wachusett Meadow, 1989-2015

Wellfleet Bay, 1989-2009

Administrative records, 1989-2008

Capital campaign, 2000-2006

Oyster reef restoration, 2007-2008

Sanctuary defense-Harm's Way, 1990-2006

Sanctuary defense-Lieutenant's Island, 2009

Wildwood, 1992-2014

G. Other departmental records, 1988-2020

此子系列包含与庇护部以外的其他部门有关的记录 克莱顿以保护项目副总裁的身份与之合作 president. They include the Capital Assets and Planning Department, Education Department, Conservation Science Department, and Advocacy Department. Also included are 2012 briefing materials related to Conservation Programs and a 2016 organizational resources manual.

i. Capital Assets and Planning Department records, 1988-2020

Arranged chronologically.

Records include reports on capital maintenance; contingency fund budgets; and annual facilities, maintenance, and construction reports.

ii. Education Department records, 1993-2017

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

记录由总体规划专责小组记录组成,包括会议记录、备忘录、 survey responses, and a draft report; the 2000-2017 master plan; urban program initiatives reports dating from 2005 to 2011; and other miscellaneous records.

See also Series I.F. – Education Department records, 1936-2008.

Master plan task force records, 2000

Master plans, 2000-2017

Urban program initiatives, 2005-2011

Miscellaneous records, 1993-2015

iii. Conservation Science Department records, 1997-2017

Arranged chronologically and by subject.

记录包括备忘录、报告、研究材料、会议议程和2017年的五年计划 master plan.

See also Series I.J. – Scientific Staff/Conservation Science Department records, 1948-2019.

Beaver management, 1997-1999

Review of MAS science programs, 2000

White-tailed deer, 2005-2015

Ecological management and bird conservation, 2014

Five-year plan, 2017

iv. Conservation Programs transition briefing materials, 2012

Arranged chronologically.

2012年部门重组后,由加里·克莱顿担任副部长 总统,负责监督宣传、教育和多样性、土地保护、 Ecological Management, and Sanctuaries. This set of materials gives an overview of the new division, including an organizational chart, budget, fact sheets on each sanctuary and department, legislation, position descriptions, and background material.

v. Advocacy records, 2015-2019

Arranged chronologically.

Records include memos, reports on federal laws and programs, meeting agendas, and Clayton’s handwritten notes.

vi. Organizational Resources Manual, 2016

旨在帮助新员工熟悉部门和资源,2016年 手册包含高级职员目录,避难所列表,事件日历,政策 directory, and a list of departments and their responsibilities.

H. Subject files, 1995-2020

Arranged alphabetically by subject.

Subject files are organized as originally filed in Clayton's office. They reflect his 担任保护区部主任和保护项目副主席 as Mass Audubon's president.

All-staff outings, 2015-2019

Annual meeting materials, 2000-2019

Bottle Bill referendum, 2011-2014

Centennial celebration, 1995-1996

Climate action plan, 2018-2020

Nantucket Beach project, 2005-2008

Presidential transition plans, 2012-2015

Program catalog workgroup, 2002-2003

Programme for Belize, 2009-2015

State/regional awards, 2015-2018

Tanglewood, 2016-2018

Task force charters and initiatives, 2015-2019

Thorton, Marian obituary, 2019

Veterans' programs, 2014

Appendix I - Executive Office Subject Files

Carton 17 - "Advertising" to " Bird Food"

Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 1
Advertising (Bulletin), 1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 2
Alexander, Donald C., 1948-1949
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 3
Allen Bird Club, 1953-1957
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 4
Allen, Clarence E., 1958-1965
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 5
Allen, Francis H., 1933
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 6
Allen (Francis H.) Memorial Library, 1953-1954
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 7-8
American Association for the Advancement of Science [conference], 1953-1954
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 9
American Association for Conservation Information Yearbook, 1962
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 10-12
American Ornithologists' Union, 1951-1956
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 13-15
Annual meetings, 1952-1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 16-18
Appeals letters, 1950-1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 19-20
Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary, 1944-1962
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 21
Associated Committees for Wildlife Conservation, 1932
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 22
Atlantis cruise, 1964-1965
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 23
Auditing committee, 1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 24
Audubon in Massachusetts, 1950-1951
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 25-29
Audubon Nature Theater, 1956-1959
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 30
Audubon screen tours, 1957-1959
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 31
Audubon societies, 1952-1954
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 32
The Audubon Trail - Introduction, Foreword, Contents, 1956-1957
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 33-37
The Audubon Trail - Correspondence, 1956-1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 38
Audubon Week (Governors' proclamations), 1955-1959
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 39
Audubon's America, 1952
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 40
Augusta Nature Club, 1958-1959
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 41
Bagg, Aaron Moore, 1933-1965
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 42
Baker, Emmett B., 1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 43
Bald Hill, Boxford, Massachusetts, 1957
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 44
Barnard, Ellsworth, 1957-1959
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 45
Beaver in central Berkshire County, report, 1946
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 46
Bergstrom, E. Alexander, 1948-1965
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 47-48
Berkshire Museum, 1952-1959
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 49-50
Bird and Arbor Day (including Governors' proclamations), 1939-1954
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 51
Bird badges [Girl Scout], 1958
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 52
Bird banding traps, 1956
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 53
Bird bands, 1953-1954
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 54-56
Bird charts, 1938-1952
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolder 57
Bird clubs, 1953-1954
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 58-60
Bird feeding, 1938-1952
Carton 17SH 17QZ SFolders 61-64
Bird food, 1936-1957

Carton 18 - "Bird Garden" to "Contribution Acknowledgments"

Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 1
Bird Garden, Audubon, 1933
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 2
Bird houses, 1947-1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 3
Bird Notes (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds), 1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 4
Bird poisoning, 1944
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 5
Bird song, 1945
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 6
Bird watching as a hobby - features, 1953-1954
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 7-10
Birds (general), 1960-1965
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 11
Birds of Massachusetts, 1951
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 12
Birds Round the World on Postage Stamps, 1956-1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 13
Bleitz, Don, 1958
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 14
Blue Star Memorial Highway, 1953-1958
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 15
Bluegrey gnatcatcher banding, 1947
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 16-17
Board - committee meeting minutes, 1962
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 18-20
Board - committee memos, 1959-1962
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 21-24
Board correspondence, 1960-1964
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 25
Board sanctuary tour, 1961
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 26
Books, 1956
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 27-29
Borden, Richard, 1956-1963
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 30
Boy and Girl Scouts, ca. 1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 31
Brainerd, John, 1952-1964
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 32
Bristol-Blake State Reservation proposal, 1962
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 33-34
Buchheister, Carl W., 1948-1965
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 35
Budget-finance committee, 1958-1960
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 36
Bulletin, 1950-1959
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 37
Bullock's oriole, 1953
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 38
Bump, Boardman, 1955-1963
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 39
Business office, 1960-1962
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 40
Bussewitz, Albert W. (Moose Hill Sanctuary), 1949-1965
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 41
Busways, B & W Lines, 1948
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 42
By-laws, 1957-1959
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 43
Camp Council executive committee, 1956-1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 44-46
Camp Fire Girls, 1951-1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 47
Campouts, 1953
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 48
Camps, 1954-1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 49
Cape campout, 1952-1954
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 50-52
Cape Cod National Seashore, 1958-1961
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 53
Caribbean tour, 1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 54
Chafee, Zechariah III, 1958
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 55
Charles-Neponset Green Belt Council, 1960
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 56
Children's Hospital - nature therapy program, 1958
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 57-58
Children's Museum, 1954-1960
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 59
Christmas census, 1952
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 60
Clarke, Charles E. - Memorial Fund donations, 1958
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 61
Collins, Dr. Stephen, 1957
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 62
Commemorative wildlife stamp, 1954-1956
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 63-65
Committees, 1933-1954
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 66
Conservation Assembly of the Berkshires, 1960
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 67
Conservation Commission memos, 1962
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folder 68
The Conservation Foundation, 1961
Carton 18SH 17R8 2Folders 69-71
Contribution acknowledgments, 1957-1958

Carton 19 - "Cooks Canyon Wildlife Sanctuary" to "Foye, Elmer P."

Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 1-2
Cooks Canyon Wildlife Sanctuary, 1957-1962
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 3
Coues, Elliott - book plates, 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 4
Council of Natural History Societies, 1962
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 5
Crompton, Davis H., 1956-1964
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 6-7
Crop damage by birds, 1955-1957
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 8
Day Trust Company, 1952-1954
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 9-11
DDT, 1954-1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 12-13
Directors, 1952-1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 14
Dogtown reservation committee, 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 15
Draper, Henry, 1956-1957
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 16
Drumlin Farm - day camp building dedication, 1957-1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 17
Drumlin Farm Wildlife Sanctuary, 1958-1962
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 18
Dutch elm disease, 1947
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 19-20
Education, 1957-1962
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 21
Education committee, 1957-1959
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 22
Eliot, Samuel A., Jr., 1933-1964
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 23
Elliott, Hereford N., 1943-1965
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 24
Ernst, Roger, 1949-1964
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 25
Evening grosbeak survey news, 1953-1954
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 26
Executive committee, 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 27
Farnsworth, Charles E. (proposed gift of land), 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 28-30
Feather traffic, 1940-1942
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 31
Federation of Bird Clubs, 1926
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 32-33
Federation of Bird Clubs (merger), 1934-1938
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 34
Federation of Bird Clubs (Briggs estate, Hanover), 1935
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 35
Federation of Ontario Naturalists, 1957
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 36
Field trips, 1953-1954
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 37-38
Fiftieth anniversary luncheon, 1945-1946
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 39-43
Films and photos, 1961-1965
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 44
Finlayson, Helen, 1957-1964
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 45
Fish and wildlife advisory committee, 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 46
Fish and Wildlife Service (Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge controversy), 1954
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 47-49
Fish and Wildlife Service, 1953-1957
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 50
Fisheries and Game [Department], 1958-1959
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 51
Fitts, Goldie Adams (Mrs. Ralph W.), 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 52
Flagg, Wilson (re: English sparrow), 1883, 1941
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 53
Fletcher, Laurence B., 1949-1957
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 54
Flood Central, 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 55
Flood plain zone, 1958
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 56-58
Florida Audubon Society, 1952-1959
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 59-61
Forbush, Birds of Massachusetts, 1936-1940
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 62
Forbush Sanctuary, 1951
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folder 63
Form letters, 1946-1952
Carton 19SH 17HD /Folders 64-66
Foye, Elmer P. (Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary), 1952-1965

Carton 20 - "Frattasio, Vincent P." to "Huckings, Stuart"

Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 1
Frattasio, Vincent P. (art work), 1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 2
Frazier, Frank, Sr., 1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 3
"Friendly Fire," 1979-1980
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 4
Frontiers, 1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 5-6
Fund for Preservation of Wildlife, 1962-1964
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 7
Garden Club, 1951-1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 8-12
Georges Bank offshore oil, 1971-1979
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 13
Gifts and memorials, 1957-1959
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 14
Girl Scouts of America, 1947-1957
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 15
Grayce, Robert L., 1952-1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 16
Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, 1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 17
Grey seal, 1963-1964
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 18
Gull control - "Airports and Bird Problems," 1960
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 19-21
Gull control - correspondence, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 22-23
Gull control - Darling correspondence, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 24-25
Gull control - Logan Airport Electra crash, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 26-27
Gull control - Muskeget Island, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 28-29
Gull control - newspaper clippings, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 30-31
Gull control - reports, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 32
Gull control - statement by A. Morgan, 1960-1961
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 33
Gull control - Wetherbee, 1960
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 34
Gross, Alfred O. - gull study, 1960-1964
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 35
Harvard Engraving Co., 1952
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 36
Hatheway School of Adult Education (Drumlin Farm), 1957-1960
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 37-44
Hawk and Owl Bill, 1932-1938
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 45
Hawks and owls publications, undated
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 46
Hawk and Owl Law, 1956-1957
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 47
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association, 1957
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 48
"Hell's Half Acre," Cambridge, 1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 49
Hemenway, Mrs. Augustus, 1958
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 50-51
Hendricks, Bartlett, 1957-1965
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 52-57
Heywood, Phillip, 1952-1965
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 58
Hingham ammunition dump, 1959
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 59
Hotels and inns, 1952-1957
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folder 60
Hough, Henry Beetle, 1957-1965
Carton 20SH 17R2 $Folders 61-63
Huckins, Stuart, 1958-1965

Carton 21 - "Insurance" to "May, John B."

Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 1
Insurance, 1951-1958
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 2-7
International Exhibition of Nature Photography, 1958-1959
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 8
International Union for the Protection of Nature, 1952
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 9-10
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary, 1951-1962
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 11
Jack Miner Foundation, 1952
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 12
Japanese bird songs, 1954
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 13-14
Job Inquiries (Personnel), 1960-1962
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 15-17
Lawson, Ralph, 1933-1965
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 18-19
Lectures, 1958-1962
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 20-25
Legislation, 1933-1965
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 26
"Let's Go Exploring" correspondence, 1947-1948
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 27-28
"Let's Go Exploring" radio scripts, 1947
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 29
Libner Grain Co., Inc., 1958
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 30
Lichfield Hills Audubon Society, 1960
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 31
Little Cumberland Island, 1964
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 32
Logan International Airport project, 1961-1964
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 33
Lowell Institute program, 1958
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 34-35
Lund, Fred, 1958-1965
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 36
Lybrand, Ross Bros., and Montgomery (auditors), 1952-1957
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 37
MacFarland, Mrs. Jameson D. (Northboro property), 1960-1962
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 38
Magazine, 1961-1965
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 39
Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, 1957-1960
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 40
Martin houses, inquiries, 1957
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 41-43
Mason, C. Russell - correspondence, 1952-1964
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 44-49
Mason, C. Russell - talks, 1940-1952
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 50-52
Mason, Edwin A. (Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary), 1950-1965
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 53
Massachusetts, 1952-1960
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 54
Massachusetts Audubon Society, history of, 1958
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 55
Massachusetts Conservation Council, 1954-1957
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 56
Massachusetts Department of Conservation, 1952-1954
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolder 57
Massachusetts proclamations (Arbor and Bird Day), 1947-1948
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 58-59
Massachusetts Roadside Council, 1956-1957
Carton 21SH 17QW PFolders 60-62
May, John B., 1929-1964

Carton 22 - "Membership" to "Open Spaces"

Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 1
Membership, 1952-1964
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 2
Men's Garden Club of Boston, 1958-1961
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 3
Merganseres, depredation on salmon and trout, 1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 4
"Michigan-Out-of-Doors," 1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 5
Migratory bird treaty, 1956
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 6
Milk Island film, 1960-1962
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 7
Mill Grove, home of John J. Audubon, undated
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 8-9
Miner, David R. (Cook's Canyon), 1953-1965
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 10
Mockingbird record data, 1949-1953
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 11-12
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary, 1931-1961
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 13
Morgan, Allen H. (personal), 1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 14
Morrison, Alva, 1952-1963
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 15
Morse, Mildred V., 1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 16
Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge, 1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 17
Mothball pines of Nantucket, 1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 18
Mount Greylock, 1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 19
Municipal Conservation Commissions, manual, 1961
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 20
Museum of Science, 1956-1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 21
Nahant Thicket Wildlife Sanctuary, advisory committee, 1957
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 22
Nantucket Garden Club, Mrs. Eugene A. Yates, 1961
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 23
National Audubon meeting, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 24-25
National Audubon meeting, Texas, 1962
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 26-33
National Audubon Society, 1958-1979
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 34
National Wildlife Federation, 1954
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 35-39
National Wildlife Week, 1961-1965
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 40
Natural history day camps, 1948
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 41
Natural Resources Council, Maine, undated
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 42
Natural Resources, Department of (Massachusetts), 1957-1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 43
Nature Conservancy, 1953-1954
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 44
Nature study books, 1949-1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 45
Nava, Joseph, Grafton Forrest Association, 1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 46-47
New England Camping Association, 1956-1957
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 48
New England conservation conferences, 1960
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 49
New England Wildflower Preservation Society, 1957-1960
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 50
New Hampshire Audubon Society, 1958-1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 51
New Jersey Audubon Society, 1958-1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 52
Newspaper clippings (general), 1952
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 53
Newsletters, 1952-1954
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 54
Newton Waterworks, 1956
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 55
Nominating committee, 1956-1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 56
North American Wildlife Conference, 1959
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 57-59
Northeast Utilities, 1970-1975
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 60
Northeast Bird-Banding Association, 1949-1958
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 61-64
Nuclear reactor safety, 1971-1979
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 65
Nuttall, Thomas, 1952
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folders 66-68
Nuttall Ornithological Club, 1949-1957
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 69
Office Equipment, 1950-1951
Carton 22SH 17R4 +Folder 70
Open Spaces, Citizens Committee for, 1958-1959

Carton 23 - "Parker River" to "Sanctuary Posters"

Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 1-7
Parker River National Wildlife Refuge (Plum Island), 1937-1966
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 8
Parking lot, 1956-1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 9
Pathescope Films catalog, ca. 1950
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 10
Patuyent Research Refuge (bird banding), 1958-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 11
Peacocks, undated
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 12
Pearson, Gilbert, 1933
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 13
Peregrine White Sanctuary, 1949-1951
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 14
Pequot-sepos Wildlife Sanctuary, Connecticut, undated
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 15-19
Pesticides, 1959-1964
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 20
Peterson, Roger Tory, 1951-1965
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 21
Pettingill, Olin Sewall, 1951-1964
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 22
Pheasants, 1942-1946
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 23
Pigeons, 1941-1964
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 24
Planting to attract birds, 1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 25-27
Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary, 1951-1962
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 28-29
Plum Island Sanctuary (Parker River National Wildlife Refuge), 1945-1948
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 30
Printed material, 1957-1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 31
Proctor Sanctuary, Topsfield, 1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 32
Projector equipment, sources of, 1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 33-36
Public relations/publicity, 1958-1964
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 37
Publications committee, 1958-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 38-39
Parking lot, 1956-1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 40
Purple martins, 1954-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 41
Radio, 1951
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 42
Reports and papers, 1952
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 43
Reprints, 1938-1954
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 44
Rice (Dorothy Frances) Wildlife Sanctuary, 1957-1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 45
Ring-necked pheasant, 1950
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 46
Rocky Knoll Sanctuary lecture series, 1958
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 47-48
Rocky Knoll Sanctuary and Nature Center, 1958-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 49-52
Romaine, Lawrence, 1951-1965
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 53
Roosevelt Memorial Bird Sanctuary, undated
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 54-56
Root, Oscar M., 1951-1964
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 57
Roth, Charles, 1961-1965
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 58
Round Table of Naturalists and Scientists, 1960
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 59
Ruffed grouse populations survey, 1947
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 60
Sales department, 1954
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 61-63
Sampson's Island, 1959-1962
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 64-65
Sanborn, Alvah, 1951-1965
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 66
Sanctuary committee, 1933-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 67
Sanctuary directors, 1958-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 68
Sanctuary directors' conference, 1958-1959
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folders 69-70
Sanctuary directors, memos to, 1958-1962
Carton 23SH 17R5 %Folder 71
Sanctuary posters, 1951

Carton 24 - "Salt Marshes" to "Watson, Ina"

Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 1
Salt marshes, 1959-1962
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 2-5
Sanderson Brothers, 1951-1958
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 6
Shaub, Mrs. Mary S., 1956-1965
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 7-8
Shell Oil Company, 1962-1965
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 9
Shelburne, Frances, 1958-1965
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 10-11
Shop manager, 1962
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 12
Sinclair, Harry H., 1933
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 13
South Hadley Conservation Society, Inc., 1961
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 14
Special gifts committee, 1948
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 15-16
Springfield store, 1964
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 16A
Squibnocket Pond, 1964-1976
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 17
Staff lecturers, ca. 1950-1952
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 18-19
Staff memos and meeting notes, 1960-1962
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 20
"Staff Notes" (newsletters), 1958-1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 21
Stamps, 1954-1955
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 22
State birds, 1939-1946
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 23
Statements, monthly financial, 1951-1953
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 24
Statewide membership committee, 1952-1953
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 25
SuAsCo watershed (Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers), 1958
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 26
[Sudbury Valley Trustees], 1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 27
Surplus property, state agent for, 1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 28
Swigart, Edmund K., 1957-1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 29
Tax exemption, 1951
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 30
Teachers' conference, 1944-1948
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 31-33
Television, educational, 1958-1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 34
Television, appeal letters, 1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 35-37
Tern Island, 1938-1958
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 38-39
Thanks-gifts and contributions, 1961-1962
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 40
Thayer Museum, 1956-1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 41
Town conservation commissions, 1957
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 42
Travel service, 1957
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 43
Trustees for Conservation, 1961
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 44-45
Trustees of Public Reservations, 1946-1951
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 46
Underhill, Clinton, and Hester (Wachusett Meadows), 1956-1959
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 47
United Community Services, 1958
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 48
UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), 1949-1951
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 49
United States, 1952-1954
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 50
U.S. Post Office, "Records of New England Birds," 1954-1956
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 51
University of Massachusetts, Department of Recreation, 1952
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 52
University of Massachusetts, "Nature Guide" newsletters, 1950-1951
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 53
Vermont weekend campout, n.d.
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 54-55
Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, 1957-1963
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolders 56-64
Walcott, Judge Robert, 1936-1954
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 65
Warblers, 1951
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 66
Washburn Island, 1957-1958
Carton 24SH 17QV OFolder 67
Watson, Ina (Australia), 1958

Carton 25 - "Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary" to "Workshop, Natural Science"

Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 1-5
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary, 1958-1962
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 6
Wellesley Conservation Council, 1958
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 7-8
Wetlands meeting (2 May 1958) 1956-1958
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 9
Whimbrel, undated
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 10
White Memorial Foundation, undated
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 11
Whooping cranes, 1953
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 12
Wildlife Conservation, Inc., 1951-1959
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 13
Wildlife protection organizations, 1948-1953
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 14
Wildwood Acres (Waltham, Massachusetts), 1958
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 15
Wildwood Nature Camp, 1958
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 16
Wilson, Alexander (Sports Illustrated article), 1956
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 17
Window nets, 1956
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 18-19
Wood duck bill, 1945
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 20
Wood duck nesting study, 1947
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 21
Wood ducks, 1947-1951
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 22
Woodpecker project, 1943
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolder 23
Workbook, natural science, 1958
Carton 25SH 17QX QFolders 24-29
Workshop, natural science, 1948-1957

Appendix II - Science Department Subject Files

Carton 35 - "ACEC" to "Endangered Species"

Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 31-32
ACEC (Areas of Critical Environmental Concern), 1989-1991
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 33
Birds - Bald eagle, 1972-1982
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 34
Birds - Beach bird survey project, 1981-1983
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 35-37
Birds - Black ducks, 1982-1984
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 38
Birds - Black-headed gulls, 1984
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 39
Birds - Bluebirds, undated
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 40
Birds - census, 1982
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 41
Birds - Coastal, 1981
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 42
Birds - California condor, 1972-1980
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 43
Birds - Geese, 1984-1987
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 44
Birds - General, 1968-1984
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 45-46
Birds - Golden-winged warblers, 1980-1987
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 47
Birds - Herons, 1974-1975
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 48
Birds - Mallards, 1969
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 49
Birds - Osprey, 1972
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 50
Birds - Owls, 1982-1983
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 51
Birds - Piping plover, 1986
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 52
Birds - Red-winged blackbirds, undated
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 53
Birds - Shorebird Proposal, 1981
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 54
Birds - Tropic birds, 1986
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 55-56
Birds - Waterfowl (steel shot), 1981-1985
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 57
Cape Cod/Plymouth development statistics, 1985-1987
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 58
Endangered species - articles, 1978-1981
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 59
Endangered species - clothing trade, ca. 1970
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 60
Endangered species - Dall porpoise coalition, 1981
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 61
Endangered species - international trade, 1980-1981
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolders 62-64
Endangered species - Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1980-1982
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 65
Endangered species - plants and animals lists, 1983-1985
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 66
Endangered species - Sandhill crane, 1974-1975
Carton 35SH 17FT BFolder 67
Endangered species - testimony of W. Drury, 1971

Carton 36 - "Furbearers" to "Wildlife Diseases"

Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 1
Furbearers - trapping, ca. 1978-1982
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 2
Georges Bank, 1972-1982
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 3-4
Insects, undated
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 5
Mammals, 1974
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 6
Mammals - Bats, 1970-1983
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 7-8
Mammals - Bobcats, ca. 1950-1981
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 9-12
Mammals - Coyotes, 1972-1982
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 13
Mammals - Deer, 1977-1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 14
Mammals - Fishers, 1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 15
Mammals - Grey seals, 1982
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 16
Mammals - Peromyscus, undated
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 17-20
Mammals - Porpoise/tuna, 1974
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 21
Mammals - Raccoons, 1977
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 22
Mammals - Seals, 1971
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 23
Mammals - Squirrels, 1980
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 24
Mammals - Timber wolves, 1982
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 25
Mammals - Whales (bowhead), 1980
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 26-27
Mason Act affidavits, 1970
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 28
Migratory species convention, 1979
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 29
Peregrine recovery program, 1974
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 30
Pesticides and wildlife, 1986-1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 31-35
Pesticide white paper, 1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 36
Recreational hunting and fishing values, 1976-1985
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 37
Reptiles, 1981-1986
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 38
Reptiles - Sea turtles, 1981-1982
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 39-40
Steel traps, 1972-1984
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 41
Terns (least), 1973-1981
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 42
Vehicle traffic in recreational areas, 1982-1988
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolders 43-44
Wildlife, general, 1974-1981
Carton 36SH 17FV DFolder 45
Wildlife diseases, 1971-1986

Preferred Citation

Massachusetts Audubon Society records, Massachusetts Historical Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers 欲知有关人士、组织或主题的资料,请查阅本目录 using these headings.


Allen, Francis H. (Francis Henry), 1866-1953.
Austin, Oliver Luther, 1903-1988.
Clayton, Gary.
Bertrand, Gerard Adrian, 1943-.
Burgess, Thornton W. (Thornton Waldo), 1874-1965.
Mason, C. Russell.
Morgan, Allen H.
Packard, Winthrop, 1862-1943.


Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary (Northhampton, Mass.).
Austin Ornithological Research Station (Wellfleet, Mass.).
Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary (Natick, Mass.).
Drumlin Farm (Lincoln, Mass.).
Habitat Education Center (Belmont, Mass.).
Habitat, Inc. (Belmont, Mass.).
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary (Topsfield, Mass.).
Laughing Brook Education Center (Hampden, Mass.).
Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary (Sharon, Mass.).
Morse-Allen, Inc.
Nantucket Ornithological Society (Nantucket, Mass.).
Nuttall Ornithological Club (Cambridge, Mass.).
Pleasant Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (Lenox, Mass.).
Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary (Wellfleet, Mass.).


Audubon societies--Massachusetts.
Birds--Massachusetts--Societies, etc.
Bird refuges--Massachusetts.
Conservation of natural resources--Government policy--United States.
Energy conservation--Study and teaching.
Environmental education-- Periodicals.
Natural history--Study and teaching.
Nature centers--Massachusetts.
Nature conservation--Laws and legislation.
Nature conservation--Massachusetts--Research.
Nature films.
Nature study--Activity programs.
Ornithology--Societies, etc.
Outdoor education--Massachusetts.
Wildlife management--Terns.