
Guide to the Collection

Restrictions on Access

本馆藏(系列XVI)中的图书馆卷存放在异地,必须存放在异地 requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应额外提供 advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Collection Summary


This collection consists of the records of the Old North Church (Christ Church in the City of Boston), an Episcopal church, 1569-1997. It consists of 行政和财务记录,生命记录,皮尤和坟墓记录,建筑记录, legal records, clergy papers, Sunday school records, records of church clubs and organizations, church publications, and church historians' records.

Historical Timeline

2 Sep. 1722
Subscriptions are invited to sponsor the building of Christ Church, as King's Chapel becomes inadequate for the growing number of Boston Anglicans.
15 Apr. 1723
First stone of Christ Church is laid by Rev. Samuel Myles, rector of King's Chapel.
29 Dec. 1723
Rev. Timothy Cutler leads the first public worship service in Christ Church.
6 Apr. 1724
First vestry meeting and election of officers is held.
Anthony Blount and wife transfer land on which the church stands to the Building Committee, who conveys it to the vestry.
Vestry persuades Gov. Jonathan Belcher to request gifts to the parish from King 乔治二世在接下来的三年里送圣餐银,圣经,祈祷书, damask, cushions, and vestments.
Charles Wesley, founder of Methodism, preaches at Old North.
First organ is installed by William Claggett.
A steeple is added to the church. Deacon Shem Drowne designs the weathervane.
A "peal of eight bells" is cast by Abel Rudhall of Gloucester, England.
Four wooden cherubim are seized from a French ship on its way to Quebec by the Queen of Hungary, a privateer owned by Capt. Thomas Gruchy, and they are brought to the church.
15-year-old Paul Revere, a founding member of a guild of bell-ringers, signs a contract to ring bells at Christ Church.
Thomas Johnston of Boston completes a commission to build a new organ for the church.
Rev. Mather Byles, Jr. becomes rector.
18 Apr. 1775
Sexton Robert Newman hangs two lanterns in the Old North steeple as a signal from 保罗·里维尔得知英国人正沿着查尔斯河向剑桥进军 on Lexington.
Apr. 1775-Aug. 1778
The church is closed during the American Revolution.
Rev. Stephen Christopher Lewis, deputy chaplain to General Burgoyne, takes oath of allegiance to the United States and becomes rector.
Rev. William Montague becomes rector.
Rev. William Walter becomes rector.
Rev. Samuel Haskell becomes rector.
Oct. 1804
Original steeple is blown down by a hurricane.
Rev. Asa Eaton becomes rector.
New steeple is erected, reportedly from a drawing by Charles Bullfinch.
Box pews are replaced by "slip pews," but retain old doors and paneling.
Salem Street Academy, a schoolhouse on the north side of the church property, is built.
Salem Street Academy begins Boston's first Sunday school, opening its doors to children throughout the city.
A bust of George Washington is given to the church by Shubael Bell.
President James Monroe receives holy communion at the church.
General Lafayette visits the church and comments on the bust of Washington.
Rev. William Croswell becomes rector.
Interior of church is repaired and improved.
Christ Church Missionary Society is founded.
Exterior of church is repaired, and a new building is erected on the east side of the church for Sunday school.
Rev. John Woart becomes rector.
Steeple is removed for repairs and replaced.
Rev. William T. Smithett becomes rector.
Church becomes embroiled in a series of lawsuits between opposing factions of the church, in what becomes known as the "Smithett controversy."
Rev. John Thompson Burrell becomes rector.
Rev. Henry Burroughs becomes rector.
Rev. William Henry Munroe becomes rector.
Opposing factions again vie for control of the church, taking the dispute to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. The Christ Church Defensive Association is formed.
Rev. Charles Williams Duane becomes rector.
Under Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, Bishop of Massachusetts as rector ex-officio, the church is renovated.
Theodore Roosevelt attends service at the church.
Rev. William Herbert Dewart becomes rector.
Christ Church Women's Guild is founded to raise money for the church through charitable events.
An Italian Protestant chapel, the Chapel of St. Francis, is erected on the south side of church property for Italian Waldensians.
Women's Guild assumes management of "The House by the Side of the Road."
Franklin D. Roosevelt speaks at the church.
Herman Schlicker restores the 1759 organ to its original mechanical key action.
Vice President Calvin Coolidge speaks at the church's 200th anniversary.
Ven. Ernest Joseph Dennen becomes rector.
The Lantern League is formed by Rev. Dennen to raise money to preserve the church.
Rev. Francis Ellsworth Webster becomes rector.
George Robert White Fund is founded, sponsoring "urban renewal" and the construction of the Paul Revere mall.
基督教堂修改其行政结构,因为它不再是有组织的 as a parish. Rev. Webster becomes vicar; Bishop Henry Knox Sherrill becomes rector.
Rev. William Henry Paine Hatch becomes vicar.
Rev. Charles Russell Peck becomes vicar.
Christ Church forms a new corporation, becoming "Christ Church in the City of 波士顿,有了新的宪法和章程,取消了教堂的监护人和法衣室 officers.
Aug. 1954
Steeple falls in Hurricane Carol.
May 1955
New steeple is completed after Rev. Peck and Lantern League hold national fundraising campaign; contributions are received from around the country.
Rev. Howard Pearson Kellett becomes vicar.
Corporation purchases Clough House at 21 Unity St. from the White Fund under the urging of Rev. Kellett.
Old North Church receives Massachusetts Historic Landmark certification.
Rev. Robert W. Golledge becomes vicar.
250th anniversary celebration is held, including a re-enactment of the laying of the first stone and a visit by the Bishop of Norwich.
18 Apr. 1975
President Gerald Ford comes to Old North to begin America's Bicentennial celebration; hangs "Third Lantern."
11 July 1976
Queen Elizabeth II visits Old North as part of the American Bicentennial.
Rev. Stephen T. Ayers becomes vicar.

Collection Description

老北教堂(波士顿市的基督教堂)的记录有52条 箱子,75套卷,6个超大箱,和12个记录纸箱,跨越多年 1685-1997. The collection has been organized into sixteen series: Administrative records; Financial records; Baptism, marriage, and burial records; Pew records; Tomb records; Building records; Legal records; Clergy papers; Sunday school records; Church clubs and organizations; Church services and special events; Church publications; Church historians' records; Ecclesiastical volumes; Unrelated or unidentified volumes; and Church library volumes (stored offsite).

1775年4月18日,教堂司事罗伯特·纽曼在这里挂了两个灯笼 这是保罗·里维尔发出的信号,表明英国士兵正“通过海路”穿越大西洋 查尔斯在去列克星敦的路上,旧北方从此与 beginnings of the American Revolutionary War. The records of the Old North Church, however, 教堂建于1722年,当时圣公会教徒从拥挤的国王学院赶来 Chapel in Boston solicited contributions for its construction. The church's long and varied 历史最好通过行政记录来记录,包括典狱长和法衣 records; proprietors' records; reports of the wardens, treasurers, clergy, and committees; and the correspondence of church officers. Also contained here is the ca. 1750 bell-ringing 保罗·里维尔签署的合同,这是收藏中唯一与 Revere.

除了行政记录,早期,前革命时期的教会 history is well documented in several series. Financial records include wardens' and 司库帐簿、散帐及收据、认缴及捐款 records. Many of these records relate to the early construction and organization of the church. Building records include 1729 contracts with "joyner" Thomas Tippen for interior 教堂的建造,以及与阿贝尔·鲁德霍尔的通信和合同 Gloucester, England, for "a peal of eight bells." Ecclesiastical volumes within this 收藏包括《利记APP官网手机版》和三本祈祷书赠送给基督教堂 King George II in 1733. Known as the "Vinegar" Bible, the 1717 volume is one of eight known 包含印刷错误的版本指的是"醋的寓言"而不是 "parable of the vineyard." Also of interest is the 1731 prayer book in which pieces of paper 是在1779年为英国国王和他的大臣们祈祷时粘贴的 the president and the United States were written over them. Other than the "revised" prayer 然而,很少有其他独立战争时期的文件存在于旧的收藏品中 北方,主要是因为教堂的大门在1775年4月到8月之间关闭 1778.

系谱学家和家庭历史学家感兴趣的个别教区居民的记录可以 found in the baptism, marriage, and burial records; pew records; tomb records; deeds; and subscribers lists. In addition, Sunday school attendance rolls and registers record the 来自波士顿北端和整个波士顿参加基督仪式的数百名儿童的名字 Church Sunday School throughout the mid- to late-19th century.

这些记录也提供了基督教堂与它的关系不断变化的证据 surrounding community in Boston's North End. An 18th-century book of poor records contains lists of contributions to local paupers, mentioned by name. By the early 19th century, 然而,教堂本身的财政状况也很糟糕,因为它很难维持自己的教堂 physical building with a dwindling number of proprietors. Few organized charitable efforts are found within the records. One exception was the Sunday School Fragment Society, whose 记录编年史的成员努力缝制合适的衣服给贫穷的孩子穿 Sunday school, as long as the children returned the clothing by Monday morning. Early 20世纪的行政和法律记录详细记录了教会和 随着教堂试图购买并撕毁这片日益壮大的意大利天主教社区 拆除公寓楼,同时派遣社会工作者进入社区. 妇女协会和她们的“路边之家”委员会的记录 illustrate these efforts to support local social work.

在这个合集里,比其他任何主题都要多的是利记APP官网手机版旧北方的记录 教会展示了教会对其在历史上的重要作用的持续认识 Revolutionary-era Boston. Church leaders and historians were conscious of the church's historical significance from at least the early 1800s. Throughout its history, major 建筑工程是为了保护教堂的原始结构 建筑记录详细记录了1846年和1954年尖塔的修复,主要是内部 and exterior renovations in 1911, and later preservation efforts. Records of the clergy 包含大量的布道和演讲,颂扬教会的历史,以及历史学家的 记录一丝不苟地记录了教堂过去的每一个细节,提供了丰富和 thorough source for researchers. Most significant are the works of historian Thomas Hall, 包括他的“索引”和“摘要”,这些都是后来很多著作的基础 research on the history of the church; the research notes of historian Charles K. Bolton; and the numerous published and unpublished manuscripts of Mary K. D. Babcock.

老北教堂从一个圣公会教区转变为一个受欢迎的全国性历史教堂 landmark is especially evident in the mid-20th-century papers of Charles R. Peck (vicar from 1946-1956), Howard P. Kellett (vicar from 1956-1971), and Robert W. Golledge (vicar from 1971-1996). After Old North's incorporation in 1947, clergy increasingly took a managerial 在教会中的角色,与牧师的行政往来,主题档案,甚至 布道和写作越来越多地涉及历史主题,涉及保存 issues, and with presenting Old North as a popular historic site. In addition, fundraising 灯会记录中的信件,还有教堂的剪贴簿和 报纸上的文章,说明了国家对老北教堂日益增长的兴趣 culminated in its pivotal role in the U.S. Bicentennial celebrations in 1975-1976.


In addition to records held continually by the church until their deposit at the 在2004-2006年,老北教堂的部分记录是 在20世纪30年代被收藏在波士顿雅典娜博物馆,后来被转移到 the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts. At each institution, records were arranged, 编号,并以各种方式存储,这些早期系统的证据(如 earlier volume numbers) can often still be seen. A list of volumes as they were formerly numbered, along with their current locations in this collection, can be found after the detailed list of the collection's contents.

Acquisition Information

老北教堂的记录被存放在马萨诸塞州历史博物馆 Society in three installments: in January and March 2004, and in March 2006. Additions to church historians' records were deposited in November 2014.

Restrictions on Access

本馆藏(系列XVI)中的图书馆卷存放在异地,必须存放在异地 requested at least two business days in advance via Portal1791. 研究人员需要从校外储存超过6件物品时,应额外提供 advance notice. If you have questions about requesting materials from offsite storage, please contact the reference desk at 617-646-0532 or

Detailed Description of the Collection

I. Administrative records, 1722-1997

这个系列包含了与基督的组织和管理有关的材料 Church. It consists of wardens' and vestry meeting minutes; proprietors' meeting minutes; reports to the proprietors from wardens, treasurers, collectors, clergy, and various committees; and the correspondence of church officers and clergy. Administrative records consist of both bound and loose records. Significant early documents include a letter to Timothy Cutler inviting him to become rector of Christ Church (1722); a draft 一封基督教堂写给格拉夫顿公爵的信请求王室赠送礼物 church (1722); a receipt for the silver, Bible, and prayer books that were the gifts of King George II (1733); and a contract between the church wardens and a bell ringing society signed by Paul Revere (ca. 1750). Very few records exist between the years 1775 and 1778, when the church ceased operation during the Revolutionary War.

后来的行政记录也记录了1854年和1882年的教会争议 as changes in church government in 1912 and 1947. Although few administrative records 可以在这个1913-1925年的系列中找到,由查尔斯 波顿涵盖了1912年至1938年,包含了大量的信件、报告和其他内容 administrative documents collected during Bolton's tenure as senior warden. (See Series XIII.I.)

In general, correspondence of the church's early clergy relating to church 行政管理可以在这里找到,而任何现有的个人信件都在这里 in Series VIII. Clergy papers. With the church's corporate restructuring in 1947, 然而,神职人员承担了以前由神职人员承担的大部分行政责任 而监狱长和法务人员,越来越成为行政记录的一部分 papers of the clergy, especially within the papers of Rev. Charles R. Peck (Series VIII.B.), Rev. Howard P. Kellett (Series VIII.C.), and Rev. Robert W. Golledge (Series VIII.D.).

从1947年到1959年,教会的行政记录也由哈丽特保存 Cazmay, clerk of the corporation. Organized chronologically and numbered by page, they 构成这一时期的大部分行政记录并已保存 within this series in the order that she filed them.

For additional administrative records, see also Series VIII.B. Rev. Charles R. Peck papers; Series VIII.C. Rev. Howard Kellett papers; Series VIII.D. Rev. Robert Golledge papers; and Series XIII.I. Charles Bolton scrapbooks.

A. Volumes, 1724-1946

i. Wardens' and vestry record volumes, 1724-1946

Arranged chronologically.

The vestry is a body of lay members elected by the congregation to conduct the secular business of the church. The leading members of the vestry, the junior and senior wardens, handled the church's administrative affairs, primarily church property including deeds for tombs and pews, rental property, the collection of 租金和每周的祭品,以及教堂的物理维护和维修 and its buildings. Early wardens also assumed the role of church treasurer.

典狱长和法衣室记录包括会议纪要和通信,以及 督导员在每年的复活节会议上给业主的报告 1839. Wardens' reports consist of offertory totals, rents, expenditures on the 教堂的实体结构及其出租财产、遗产收入、 and other items. Although early reports are primarily financial, by the 1870s they were often narrative in style and are a good source of information for church history. The wardens and vestry served as church officers until the church was incorporated as "Christ Church in the City of Boston" in 1947.

For wardens' ledgers and accounts, see Series II. Financial records.

Vol. 1 (XT)
Vestry book, 1724-1802

"Christ Church Vestry Book of Votes" contains accounts of vestry meetings and copies of correspondence. It includes records relating to the dispute with Rev. Mather Byles over salary through the early 1770s. There are no entries from 1774-1779. The volume contains an index.

Use of this volume is restricted. Use photocopy (Vol. 2).

Vol. 2 (XT)
Vestry book (bound photocopy), 1724-1802
Box 1Folder 1
Index to vestry book (Vols. 1 and 2), 1724-1802
Vol. 3 (XT)
Wardens' and vestry records, 1854-1871
Vol. 4 (XT)
Wardens' and vestry records, 1854-1861

This volume is a copy of Vol. 3 up to 1861.

Vol. 5 (XT)
Wardens' and vestry records, 1871-1895
Vol. 6 (XT)
Wardens' and vestry records, 1896-1946

Many items are pasted into this volume, including correspondence, programs, and newspaper clippings.

Box 1Folders 2-3
Papers removed from wardens' and vestry records, 1896-1946

ii. Proprietors' record volumes, 1724-1946

Arranged chronologically.

Proprietors are pew owners and voting members of the congregation. Proprietors' 记录包括年度和特别业主会议记录、委员会会议记录 records, reports, contracts, correspondence, pew records, election records, and by-laws. Proprietors served as the governing body of the church until it was incorporated as "Christ Church in the City of Boston" in 1947.

Vol. 7
Church [proprietors'] records, 1724-1806

This volume also contains pew records.

Vol. 8 (OS)
Proprietors' records (photocopy), 1724-1776

This bound photocopy of the first part of Volume 7 is for research use.

Box 1Folder 4
Index to proprietors' records, 1724-1776
Vol. 9 (XT)
Proprietors' records, 1806-1840

This volume includes plans of the tombs and pews.

Vol. 10 (XT)
Proprietors' records, 1840-1854
Vol. 11 (XT)
Proprietors' records, 1855-1857

本卷包含会议纪要、报告和与会议相关的通信 "Smithett controversy."

Vol. 12 (XT)
Proprietors' records, 1854-1875
Vol. 13 (XT)
Proprietors' records, 1875-1911
Vol. 14 (XT)
Proprietors' records, 1911-1946

Many items are pasted into this volume, including reports and newspaper clippings.

Box 1Folder 5
Papers removed from proprietors' records, 1911-1946

B. Loose administrative records, 1722-1997

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of this sub-series consists of reports to proprietors at their annual meeting on Easter Monday each year beginning in 1839 from wardens, collectors, auditors, treasurers, and various committees. (Some of these reports are duplicates of those found in the bound volumes listed above.) Also included is correspondence 神职人员和教会官员之间,以及教会领袖和教区居民之间, and others outside the church. A letter index contains a partial listing of subjects and authors of letters written from 1830-1938. Researchers can access letters listed here by the year in which they were written.

"Papers relating to dressing the church for Christmas, 1844-1850" consist of documents organized in a separate packet relating to the purchase of greenery, banners, and other decorations purchased each year to celebrate the Christmas season.

Box 1Folders 6-39
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4
Box 5
Box 6Folders 1-38
Box 6Folder 39
Letter index (partial), 1830-1938
Box 6Folder 40
"Papers relating to dressing the church for Christmas, 1844-1850"

II. Financial records, 1722-1963

A. Wardens' and treasurers' account books, 1722-1934

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series consists of account books kept by the church's wardens and treasurers. Many early account books overlap in their coverage of years or financial 交易,一些按时间顺序列出借方和贷方,另一些按 individual debtor or creditor. A few contain expenses relating to the original building of the church, along with various notes, lists, and meeting records. They have been described individually below.

Until the mid-19th century, the junior warden usually functioned as the church's 财务主管,保管订户名单,拍卖总额,皮尤购买记录 and taxes, building accounts, and other financial records. In 1801, the church voted to elect a treasurer, although few formal records exist until 1819. Before this date, it is often difficult to determine whether records were kept by the warden or the treasurer. From 1820 to 1831, for example, Thomas Clark served as both senior warden and treasurer.

Vol. 15 (XT)
Book of Accounts, 1722-1758

This volume appears to be the first book of church records. It begins with Rev. Samuel Myles's 22 Sep. 1722 announcement of a subscription to form a new church and the formation of a committee to receive funds. Also included are general accounts, a 1735 inventory of "all the plate, ornaments, and all other utensils belonging to 基督教堂"各种事业的捐款人名单,1736年的业主名单 of pews, accounts relating to the organ (1736), a calligraphic list of mottos and subscribers for the church bells (1744-1746), a library catalog of "folios and quartos," and accounts of pew taxes.

Box 7Folder 1
Church records book #1 ("A"), 1722-1731

Described as "Document No. 1 for History of Christ Church, Boston" by a later hand, 这本小册子的前半部分包含了编号的交易,对应于 numbered receipts located in Series II.C. Accounts and receipts. These are mostly building and construction expenses. The second half of the book covers the same time period, but corresponds to expenses that appear in Account Book D in a different format. The booklet also contains a copy of the "proclamation" to build Christ Church, a list of subscribers, and early pew purchases.

Box 7Folder 2
Account book ("C"), 1722-1729

This booklet contains primarily individual accounts, listed by names of subscribers, workmen, and merchants. Also included are several pew accounts (1723-1729) and an "account of gifts." An index to this book is found at the beginning of book "G."

Box 7Folder 3
Account book ("E"), 1722-1732

Included here are accounts of the treasurer of the building committee.

Box 7Folder 4
Account book ("G"), 1723-1733

This booklet contains the same accounts as Book "C," but they are recorded differently. It contains an index in the front which actually refers to pages in Book "C" rather than "G."

Box 7Folder 5
Account book ("D"), 1724-1730

"D"里有监狱长吉拉姆·菲利普斯和乔治·蒙克的记录 building of the church. It also includes building accounts (1724-1730), wardens' 利记APP官网手机版教堂建设的会议,与建筑委员会的其他账目 它的司库,1729年法衣会议的记录,订阅者名单,和一份副本 of the articles of agreement with carpenter Thomas Tippen.

See Series VI.A. Early building records for original articles of agreement.

Box 7Folder 6
Warden's account book, 1724-1731

This book contains accounts kept by warden William Patton.

Box 7Folder 7
Warden's account book, 1730-1731

This book contains accounts kept by warden George Monk.

Box 7Folder 8
Warden's cash book ("F"), 1733-1741

In 1733, the vestry voted that a cash box containing the church's money be kept 在高级典狱长的控制下,两个典狱长每月见面一次 settle their accounts, any leftover cash to be locked in the box. This book is an account of those meetings, although only a few pages are filled.

Box OS 1
Warden's receipt book (photocopy), 1733-1760

Due to severe mildew, this volume was photocopied and the original volume was removed from the collection.

Box 7Folder 9
Warden's account book, 1760
Vol. 16 (OS)
Treasurer's account book with proprietors, 1760-1823

This large volume lists taxes and contributions by pew, as well as warden's accounts by year.

Use of this volume is restricted. Use photocopy (Vol. 17).

Vol. 17 (XT)
Treasurer's account book with proprietors (photocopy), 1760-1823

Photocopy of Vol. 16 for research use.

Box 7Folder 10
Warden's account book, 1767-1768

This booklet contains the accounts of warden Thomas Ivers.

Box 7Folder 11
Account book, 1812-1815
Vol. 18
Treasurer's account book with proprietors, 1819-1833

This volume contains general accounts and pew accounts.

Vol. 19
Treasurer's account book with proprietors, 1835-1844
Vol. 20
Treasurer's account book with proprietors, 1844-1852
Vol. 21
Treasurer's account book with proprietors, 1852-1857
Vol. 22 (XT)
Treasurer's account book, 1857-1870
Box 7Folder 12
Treasurer's account book, 1866-1867
Box 7Folders 13-15
Collector's account book, 1868-1870

这本书是典狱长约翰·福克斯利记APP官网手机版祭品,租金和财产成本的记录 maintenance and repair, and property taxes.

Vol. 23 (XT)
Treasurer's account book, 1870-1873
Vol. 24 (XT)
Treasurer's account book, 1873-1901
Box 7Folder 16
Papers removed from treasurer's account books (Vols. 18-24), 1812-1898
Vol. 25 (XT)
Warden's cash book, 1889-1905
Vol. 26 (XT)
Warden's ledger, 1889-1911

This volume includes records for the Burroughs Fund for the poor, contributions, offertories, property maintenance and repair, renters' accounts (the bulk of the volume), the poor box, and the sale of the pamphlet "A Visit to Christ Church."

Vol. 27 (XT)
Treasurer's records, 1900-1932

This volume is the cash book of treasurer William A. Carrie.

Vol. 28 (XT)
Warden's cash book, 1905-1911

This volume is the cash book of warden Thomas Hall.

Vol. 29 (XT)
Treasurer's records, 1932-1934

This volume is the journal of treasurer Campbell Bosson.

B. Loose treasurers' accounts, 1808-1840

Arranged chronologically.

这里包括汇总账户和分类账的教会费用,如报告 by the church treasurer.

Box 7Folders 17-21

C. General accounts and receipts, 1722-1955

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包括单笔交易的收据或与银行账户往来的收据 single individual or company. Some of the earliest receipts (1722-1732) were numbered and placed in individual paper folders in 1733 or 1734 by vestry clerk Francis Beteilhe, who was paid by the vestry to organize the church's accounts. The numbers on the receipt folders correspond to the numbered transactions in Account Book "A." These relate primarily to building expenses. It is unclear why some early receipts were numbered and others were not.

Box 7Folders 22-27
1722- July 1723
Box 8
Aug. 1723-Apr. 1729
Box 9
May 1729-Dec. 1819
Box 10
Box 11
Box 12
Box 13
Box 14
Box 15Folders 1-16
Box 15Folder 17
Receipt book, Feb. 1868-June 1870
Box 15Folder 18
Receipt book, July 1870-Apr. 1874

D. Subscription and contribution records, 1722-1962

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains subscription lists, in which church members or patrons pledge money for a particular cause. Many of these lists contain the original signatures of the contributors. Lists include subscriptions for building Christ Church (1722-1723), for the "subsistence of Rev. Mr. Cutler while in London" (1723), for building the altar and pulpit (1729-1730), for paving Salem St. (1732), for building 尖塔(1740年),并用于教堂和尖塔的维修(1805年),以及其他各种 causes.

贡献书,也包括在这里,是一个贡献的记录 Sunday worship services, listed by pew number. These records were kept by the warden.

Box 15Folders 19-25
Lists of subscribers, 1722-1743
Box OS 1
Lists of subscribers, 1723-1746
Box 15Folder 26
Contribution book, 1760-1761
Box 15Folder 27
Contribution book, 1761-1763
Box 15Folder 28
Contribution book, 1763-1764
Box 15Folder 29
Contribution book, 1765-1766
Box 15Folder 30
Contribution book, 1766-1767
Box 15Folder 31
Contribution books, 1767-1768
Box 15Folder 32
Contribution book, 1768-1769
Box OS 1
Contribution book (photocopy), 1768-1769
Box 15Folder 33
Contribution book, 1769-1770
Box 15Folder 34
Lists of subscribers, 1781-1783
Box 15Folder 35
Contribution records, 1797-1811
Box 15Folder 36
Lists of subscribers, 1805-1806
Box 15Folder 37
Contribution book, 1812
Vol. 30
Contribution book, 1812-1815
Box 15Folder 38
Lists of subscribers, 1820-1840
Box 16Folder 1
Lists of subscribers, 1841-1847
Box 16Folder 2
Subscription book, 1841-1847
Box 16Folders 3-4
Subscription books [to rebuild spire], 1847-1848
Box 16Folder 5
Subscription lists, 1848-1853
Box 16Folders 6-8
Attendance and offertories, 1877-1909
Box 16Folder 9
Subscription book, 1911
Box 16Folders 10-11
Subscription lists, 1911-1913
Vol. 31
"Descendants of Paul Revere who Contributed to Restoration of Christ Church Steeple," 1912

This volume contains an alphabetical list of contributors written in calligraphy. It was given to the church by Bishop William Lawrence's estate.

Box 16Folder 12
Lists of contributors, 1931
Vol. 32 (XT)
"Book of Patriots," 1962

This volume contains lists of donors who contributed to purchasing the painting Midnight Ride of Paul Revere by William Robinson Leigh. The list is written in calligraphy. This painting is currently on deposit at the Massachusetts Historical Society.

E. Pew tax records, 1744-1955

Arranged chronologically.

此子系列载有每年征收的年税或“租金”的记录 each pew, usually listed only by pew number. Pew taxes were collected by the senior warden until 1869, when a separate office of collector was created.

For listings of pews by owners' names and locations, see Series IV. Pew records. For money contributed to the church by pewholders other than for taxes, see Series II.D. Subscription and contribution records.

Box OS 1
Pew tax receipt book, 1744-1750
Box 16Folders 13-29
Pew tax records, 1819-1955

F. Bonds and notes, 1725-1853

Arranged chronologically.

本子系列中的债券和票据本质上是由 the wardens and vestry to help build and maintain the church. Funds were obtained 主要来自个人,也来自波士顿圣公会慈善协会.

Box OS 1
Wardens' and vestry bonds, 1725-1741
Box 16Folders 30-31
Wardens' and vestry bonds, 1741-1787
Box 16Folders 32-35
Wardens' promissory notes, 1829-1853

G. Rental property records, 1821-1912

本子系列包括与钱伯斯岛出租物业有关的记录 and Salem Sts. managed by the wardens to generate income for the church.

See also Series VII.C. Legal records--Deeds.

i. Chambers St. property, 1821-1912

Arranged chronologically by subject.

This section contains papers relating to the management of the Chambers St. rental properties. In March 1928, the proprietors created a committee to manage and lease the property on Chambers St. in Boston left to them by Mrs. Jane Keene Richardson. 作为理查森遗产的受托人,监狱长租下了31号和33号的房产 Chambers St., later adding additional buildings. The property was sold in 1912. For expenses related to repairs and improvements on the Chambers St. property, see Series II.C. Accounts and receipts for years 1851-1852, 1863, 1880, and 1882-1883.

Box 16Folder 36
Will of Jane Richardson, 1824
Box 16Folders 37-38
Richardson estate settlement, 1821-1829
Box 16Folders 39-40
Leases, 1828-1892
Box 16Folders 41-44
Trustees' reports and records, 1829-1894
Box 17Folder 1
Trustees' reports and records, 1895-1910
Box 17Folder 2
Papers relating to sale, 1912

ii. Salem St. property, 1848-1870

Arranged chronologically by subject.

This section contains papers relating to the management of the Salem St. rental properties. The 1848 building records primarily consist of proposals from architects 承包商拆除现有建筑,在土地上重建 the church. Although #177 Salem St. was at one time occupied by the rector, other houses on the property, as well as a house at the rear of #193 Salem St., were used as rental property.

Box 17Folder 3
Building records, 1848
Box 17Folder 4
Leases, 1849-1867
Box 17Folder 5
Rental receipt stubs, 1862-1870

H. Savings and investment records, 1893-1956

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains bank books and investment records of the church, many relating to funds established for specific purposes.

Box 17Folder 6
Bank book, North End Savings Bank, 1893-1935
Box 17Folder 7
Wardens' trust, 1924
Box 17Folder 8
Suffolk Savings bank book, 1934-1948

"Emergency Reserve #2."

Box 17Folder 9
State St. Trust bank book, 1944-1955

"Organ Fund."

Box 17Folder 10
State St. Trust bank book, 1950-1955

"Friends of Christ Church."

Box 17Folder 11
State St. Trust bank book, 1954-1955

"Special Fund."

Box 17Folder 12
State St. Trust bank book, 1955

"Good Neighbor Fund."

Box 17Folders 13-16
Investment funds, 1940-1956

I. Insurance records, 1873-1955

Arranged chronologically.

此子系列包含火灾保险单、财产清单、帐户和保险 correspondence relating to the church's insurance coverage.

Box 17Folders 17-24
Insurance policies, 1873-1928
Box 17Folder 25
Property inventories, 1912-1923
Box 17Folders 26-27
Insurance accounts and coverages, 1947-1950
Box 17Folders 28-29
Correspondence, 1947-1955
Box 17Folders 30-31
Church Fire Insurance Corp. papers, 1948-1955

J. Legacies and bequests, 1735-1959

Arranged chronologically by subject.

位于这个子系列的是有关遗产和遗赠的记录 Christ Church for its support. Records include wills and estate papers, account books, trustees' reports, receipts, and correspondence. Significant contributions include the legacy of Mrs. Katharine Farnham Hay, who bequeathed $1,000 to the church to invest for the purchase of a parsonage; the $5,000 bequest of Lydia Loring, with which the church purchased property on Hillside Dr. (later Wait St.); the Price Lecture Fund, which in 1771 provided money to support eight sermons a year, to be preached by ministers of King's Chapel, Christ Church, and Trinity Church in Boston; the bequest of Bishop Samuel G. Babcock, who left $1,000 to endow Pew #26 as a free pew; and the 巴布科克主教的妻子,教会历史学家玛丽·肯特·戴维·巴布科克留下的1000美元遗产 left $1,000 to add historical plaques and details to the church.

For records of the Jane Keene Richardson bequest, see Series II.G. Rental property records--Chambers St. property.

i. Price Lecture fund, 1771, 1948-1954

Box 17Folder 32
Will of William Price, 1771
Box 17Folder 33
Papers relating to Price Lecture fund, 1948-1954

ii. Hay legacy, 1826-1948

Box 17Folder 34
Will of Katharine Hay, 1826
Box 17Folder 35
Katharine Hay biographical material, 1912-1948
Box 17Folder 36
Trustees' account book, 1827-1877
Box 17Folders 37-39
Trustees' reports, 1829-1880
Box 17Folder 40
Wardens' notes, 1847-1861

iii. James Bangs annuity, 1827-1832

Box 17Folder 41

iv. William Howard legacy, 1875-1891

Box 18Folder 1

v. Lydia Loring trust, 1879-1910

Box 18Folder 2
Deed of trust, 1879-1881
Box 18Folder 3
Deed to Hillside St. (38 Wait St.), 1881
Box 18Folders 4-6
Trustees' reports and records, 1879-1910
Box 18Folder 7
Wait St. papers, 1892-1896

vi. Atkinson trust fund, 1892-1910

Box 18Folder 8

vii. Samuel G. Babcock fund, 1947-1949

Box 18Folder 9

viii. Mary K. D. Babcock fund, 1948-1949

Box 18Folder 10

ix. J. H. Means fund, 1950-1955

Box 18Folder 11

x. Miscellaneous legacies and bequests, 1735-1959

Box 18Folders 12-14

K. Gift shop records, 1935-1963

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包括礼品店的帐簿,其中包含出售的物品清单和 numbers of visitors, as well as receipts for gift shop items and contracts with vendors.

Box 18Folder 15
Account book, 1935-1937
Box 18Folder 16
Account book, 1945-1947
Box 18Folder 17
Account book, 1959
Box 18Folder 18
Petty cash book, 1960
Box 18Folder 19
Miscellaneous papers, 1947-1955
Box 18Folders 20-21
Receipts, 1963

L. Miscellaneous financial records, 1733-1958

Arranged chronologically.

Among the miscellaneous financial records of Christ Church is a book of "Poor 显示资金拨给了“波士顿基督教堂的穷人”的账户 largely from weekly offertories. Recipients are listed by name.

Also found here are papers relating to the estate of Shubael Bell. Bell was senior 从1812年到1819年去世担任典狱长,并因此担任了许多教会 books, receipts, and tomb deed payments. After his death, the church appointed a 委员会接受当时持有的属于教会的记录和款项 by Bell's estate.

See also receipts collected by Shubael Bell in Series V. Tomb records.

Vol. 33
Poor accounts, 1733-1759
Box 18Folder 22
Papers relating to the estate of Shubael Bell, 1812-1819
Box 18Folder 23
Tax abatement correspondence and certificate, 1954-1955
Box 18Folder 24
Miscellaneous financial records, 1948-1958

III. Baptism, marriage, and burial records (parish registers), 1723-1970

Arranged chronologically.

这部分包含基督教堂的洗礼、结婚和葬礼记录 within a series of bound registers dating from 1723 to 1970. Also in this series are several typed and handwritten indexes to records in Vols. 34, 36, and 46 (1723-1881). The series also includes the work of church historian Mary K. D. Babcock, who created 从1723年到1775年所有洗礼、结婚和葬礼记录的抄本和索引, as well as separate listings for African American records.

第39卷和第40卷保存了1882年至1970年的记录,内容更为详细 information than earlier registers. Baptism records include date and place of birth, names of parents, and sponsors. Marriage records include date and place, ages, residences, places of birth, occupations, and parents' names. Burial records include 埋葬日期和死亡日期,年龄,居住地,死因和埋葬地点. A 洗礼和埋葬的单独索引包含在这两卷中的每一卷.

Vol. 34 (XT)
Clark's register, 1723-1851
Vol. 35
Index to records of baptisms, marriages, and burials, 1723-1851

This volume is a typed index to Vol. 34.

Box 18Folder 25
Index to baptisms at Christ Church, 1723-1775
Box 18Folders 26-29
Typed transcription of baptism records, 1723-1775
Box 18Folder 30
Typed transcription of African American baptisms, 1725-1775
Box 18Folder 31
Index to marriage records, 1723-1775
Box 18Folder 32
Typed transcription of marriage records, 1723-1775
Box 18Folder 33
Typed transcription of African American marriages, 1736-1774
Box 19Folder 1
Index to burial records, 1723-1775
Box 19Folders 2-3
Typed transcription of burial records, 1724-1775
Box 19Folder 4
Typed transcription of African American burials, 1733-1774
Vol. 36 (XT)
Parish register, 1829-1881
Vol. 37 (XT)
Index of baptisms, marriages, and burials, 1723-1881

This is a handwritten index of Vols. 34, 36, and 46.

Vol. 38
Baptisms, marriages, and burials, 1860-1863

The volume contains very few entries.

Vol. 39 (XT)
Parish register, 1882-1970

This register lists baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials, but contains very few entries after about 1917. An index is with the volume.

Vol. 40 (XT)
Parish register, 1918-1961

This register lists baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and burials. An index is with the volume.

Box 19Folder 5
Papers removed from parish register (Vol. 40), 1890-1961

这些记录包括结婚证书、丧葬证书和结婚证书 transfer.

Box 19Folder 6
Miscellaneous baptism, marriage, or burial papers, 1846-1956

IV. Pew records, 1724-1960

For pew tax records listing the amount of annual tax due by pew number, see Series II.E. Financial records--Pew taxes.

A. Pew deeds, 1724-1945

Arranged chronologically by record format.

这个子系列中的皮尤契约,一旦长椅被出售或放弃,就会归还给教堂 by their owners, were retained in several formats. Most 18th-century deeds were arranged in two scrapbooks by the church historian in 1938. These deeds have been removed from the scrapbooks for preservation purposes, but their order has been retained. Other pew deeds were retained as loose records, but most 19th- and 20th-century deeds were bound into volumes. New pew deeds were issued (and old deeds recalled) after major church restorations in 1806 and 1912. This sub-series also 包括教会发给归还皮尤的皮尤拥有人的退居认领契约 deeds in the late 1800s.

For a more complete list of pew owners and dates of ownership, see Series IV.C. Pew and proprietors lists. See also Charles K. Bolton's manuscript notes "Early Pew Owners" (1945) in Series XIII.E. Church historians' records--Charles K. Bolton papers.

Box 19Folders 7-13
Pew deeds from Scrapbook #1, 1724-1734
Box 19Folders 14-20
Pew deeds from Scrapbook #2, 1724-1788
Box 19Folder 21
Loose pew deeds, 1724-1738
Box 19Folders 22-39
Loose pew deeds, 1806-1927
Vol. 41 (XT)
Pew deeds, 1806-1853
Vol. 42 (XT)
Pew deeds, 1870-1884
Vol. 43 (XT)
Pew deeds, 1885-1911
Vol. 44 (XT)
Pew deeds, 1912-1945
Box 19Folder 40
Pew quit-claim deeds, 1860-1878

B. Papers relating to pew ownership, 1756-1960

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series includes correspondence and records of votes relating to the purchase, sale, and improvement of church pews.

Box 19Folders 41-42
Papers relating to pews, 1756-1831
Box 20Folders 1-9
Papers relating to pews, 1832-1960

C. Pew and proprietors lists, 1806-1952

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列中包括两个pew所有者卡片文件,列出了来自 1806 to 1868 and from 1868 to 1911. Both sets contain an alphabetical index. The cards are numbered by pew, identifying pew owners and the amount paid by them. The 子系列还包含几个皮尤所有者列表,在某些情况下包括地点 residence.

Box 20Folder 10
Index to pew owners card file, 1806-1868
Box 20Folders 11-14
Pew owners card file, 1806-1868
Box 20Folder 15
Index to pew owners card file, 1868-1911
Box 20Folders 16-18
Pew owners card file, 1868-1911
Box 20Folders 19-23
Pew lists, 1806-1952
Box 20Folder 24
Clerk's book/list of pew owners, 1933

D. Pew plans, 1724-1811

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列中的皮尤计划由皮尤安排的插图组成 1724 to 1806, copied at a later time from original sources.

Box 20Folder 25

V. Tomb records, 1808-1852

Arranged chronologically.

在老北教堂的地板下有三十七座坟墓,里面埋葬着大约 1,000 people. Some were held as private or family tombs, while others were the property of the church, which accepted payment from persons to be buried there. The tombs were sealed in the mid-1800s. This series contains tomb deeds issued from 1808 to 1847, in 活页和装订两种格式,以及典狱长收的墓契收据 Shubael Bell and other miscellaneous records.

Box 20Folder 26
Receipts collected by Shubael Bell, 1808-1816
Box 20Folder 27
Tomb deeds, 1808-1844
Vol. 45 (XT)
Tomb deeds, 1808-1847

This volume contains deeds, a plan of tombs, and an index. (These are deeds of privately-owned tombs, as opposed to church-owned tombs.)

Box 20Folder 28
Miscellaneous tomb records, 1819-1852
Vol. 46
Record of tombs, 1829-1852

这本书被认为是“1829年基督教堂下的墓葬记录, and a report of the committee on tombs, 1820, with a plan of the same." It contains a 按埋葬日期、司事、墓室编号、死者年龄及备注记录 (whether buried in a private tomb or how much was paid to be buried in a church tomb).

VI. Building records, 1729-1990

A. Early records, 1729-1834

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains copies of contracts with "joyner" Thomas Tippen, who installed the church's windows, doors, galleries, stairs, and pews. Also found here are papers relating to the installation of the church's bells, including 与英国格洛斯特的钟钟创始人阿贝尔·鲁德霍尔的通信,利记APP官网手机版 教堂尖塔的强度,钟的重量,它们的设计,还有座右铭 be placed on the bells, and Rudhall's receipts. Other early building records include plans for repair of the steeple, or "spire," and papers relating to a series of interior and exterior repairs in the 1830s.

See also the early account books in Series II.A. for building expenses and accounts relating to the original construction of the church, especially Account Books "D" and "E." In addition, Account Book "D" includes a copy of the contract with and payments to joiner Thomas Tippen.

Box 21Folder 1
Articles of agreement with Thomas Tippen, 1729-1730
Box OS 1
Letter from Abel Rudhall concerning bells, 1742
Box 21Folders 2-3
Papers relating to Christ Church bells, 1742-1747
Box 21Folders 4-5
Miscellaneous building records, 1786-1834

B. Steeple repair, 1846-1848

Arranged chronologically by subject.

本分系列包括委员会会议记录和报告、建议 repair, subscriptions for payment of the work, work specifications, and contracts.

Box 21Folders 6-7
Committee meeting minutes and reports, 1846-1848
Box 21Folder 8
Proposals for repair, 1846-1847
Box 21Folder 9
Subscriptions, 1846-1847
Box 21Folder 10
Specifications and contracts, 1847

C. Committee on Repair records, 1884-1885

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains committee records and lists of work completed, including repair of the church organ, furnace installation, carpentry, decoration, and improvements to the structure of the building.

Box 21Folders 11-14

D. Exterior painting estimates and contracts, 1899

Arranged chronologically.

Box 21Folder 15

E. Repair Committee records, 1911-1913

Arranged chronologically by record type.

Repair Committee records consist of the 1911 committee report; correspondence, 主要是建筑师克利普斯顿·斯特吉斯和主教威廉·劳伦斯之间的纠纷 the Repair Committee; cost summaries; receipts; invoices for Sturgis's services; and the committee's checkbook and cancelled checks.

See also the 1912 and 1913 scrapbooks compiled by warden Charles K. Bolton in Series XIII.I.

Box 21Folder 16
Repair Committee report, 1911
Box 21Folders 17-20
Correspondence, 1911-1913
Box 21Folder 21
Summary of costs, 1911-1913
Box 21Folders 22-25
Receipts, 1911-1913
Box 21Folders 26-28
Architect's certificates, 1912-1913
Box 21Folders 29-32
Repair Committee checks and checkbook, 1912-1913

F. Clough-Langdon House records, 1943-1959

Arranged chronologically.

Located at 21 Unity St., the Clough-Langdon House was originally purchased by Christ Church for demolition to make room for the Paul Revere Mall. Responding to preservationists' appeals to save the ca. 1715 structure, the church eventually restored it for use as a meeting space and vicar's residence. Records in this 子系列包括房子的原理图,一篇利记APP官网手机版房子的文章的复印件 by Frank C. Brown that appeared in Old-Time New England (Apr. 1947), and correspondence concerning the restoration.

Box 21Folder 33

G. Steeple restoration records, 1954-1956

Arranged chronologically by record type.

这一子系列的记录与教堂尖顶的修复有关 was destroyed by Hurricane Carol in 1954. They include correspondence with architect 查尔斯·思特里克兰德,以及思特里克兰德的研究笔记,建筑草图, and articles concerning the rebuilding of the steeple.

For additional information about the steeple restoration, see the papers of Rev. Charles Peck (Series VIII.B.), the Lantern League records (Series X.D.), and the scrapbook "The Fall and Rise of the Steeple" (Series XIII.I.).

Box 21Folders 34-37
Charles Strickland correspondence, 1954-1955
Box 21Folders 38-39
Charles Strickland architectural drawings, 1955-1956
Box 22Folders 1-7
Charles Strickland historical research, 1955
Box 22Folder 8
Pamphlet "A Steeple and a Weathervane," 1955
Box 22Folder 9
Charles R. Strickland, "Rebuilding the Old North Church Steeple," Antiques, July 1955

H. Structural repair records, 1966

Arranged chronologically.

本分系列包括与修复有关的通信和实地报告 beetle and fungus damage, including plans and photographs by Maurice A. Reidy Engineers.

Box 22Folders 10-12

I. Historic Structures report, 1981

这份建筑数据报告,由国家公园管理局准备,包含一个 extensive history and chronology of the structure.

Box 22Folder 13

J. Bell restoration project records, 1982-1983

Arranged chronologically.

这里包括有关修复原来的八座教堂的记录 由阿贝尔·鲁德霍尔于1744年铸造的钟,包括安装一个新的钟架和 ringing elements. Records include correspondence, proposals, plans, a certificate of insurance, bills and expenses, and project reports.

Box 22Folders 14-21
Project records, 1982-1983
Box OS 1
Schematics and architectural drawings, 1983

K. "Project Preservation" records, 1988-1990

Arranged chronologically by subject.

"Project Preservation" was developed to review existing conditions of Old North Church properties and to offer direction for improvements. Included here are marketing 和发展规划,以及包含详细的场地规划和总体规划 photocopies of historic photographs.

Box 22Folders 22-23
Marketing and development plans, 1988-1989
Box 23Folders 1-5
Master plan study, 1990

L. Miscellaneous building records, 1946-1965

Arranged chronologically.

本系列包括与自动洒水装置安装有关的记录 systems, brick repair, exterior paint, HVAC, and inspections.

Box 23Folders 6-12

M. Site plans, ca. 1730-1977

Arranged chronologically by record format.

Box 23Folder 13
Christ Church, ca. 1730-ca. 1970
Box 23Folder 14
Miscellaneous properties, 1848-1977
Box OS 2
Christ Church and miscellaneous properties, 1830-1966

VII. Legal records, 1725-1966

A. Acts of incorporation and by-laws, 1789-1947

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含了不同版本的教会的合并和行为 by-laws. In 1789, the wardens incorporated under a special act in order to conduct business. The proprietors formed a constitution and by-laws in 1871 under the name "The Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of the Parish of Christ Church in Boston." In 1947, the church incorporated as "Christ Church in the City of Boston."

Box 23Folder 15
Acts of incorporation, 1789, 1849
Box 23Folders 16-17
Vestry constitution and by-laws, 1854-1871
Box 23Folders 18-19
Proprietors' constitution and by-laws, 1869-1912
Box 23Folder 20
Christ Church constitution and by-laws, 1946
Box 23Folders 21-22
Christ Church Acts of Incorporation and by-laws, 1947
Box OS 3
Christ Church Acts of Incorporation, 1947

B. Collectors' and treasurers' bonds, 1869-1954

Arranged chronologically.

Included here are legal certificates verifying that the church's collectors and treasurers are bonded and therefore authorized to handle money belonging to the church.

Box 23Folder 23

C. Deeds, indentures, and mortgages, 1725-1965

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含旧北方财产的契约和契约 Church, including land on which the church sits, related structures, and rental properties. Mortgages attached to these properties are also found here. Extensive deed 1965年,波士顿的一家法律公司进行了一项研究,其中包括所有这些文件的复印件 现存教会财产契约附有解释性说明,并包括若干 oversize documents.

Box 23Folder 24
Deed: Barnes et al. to Wardens and Vestry, 1725
Box 23Folder 25
Deed: Baker to Wardens, 1737
Box 23Folder 26
Indenture: Stimpson et al. to Dillaway, 1841
Box 23Folder 27
Deeds relating to church property, 1835-1898
Box 23Folder 28
Deeds of land held by church (photocopies), 1965
Box OS 3
Deed research, 1726-1965
Box 23Folder 29
Deed research, 1789-1965
Box 23Folder 30
Mortgages, 1839-1934

D. "Smithett Controversy," 1854-1857

Arranged chronologically.

Papers within this sub-series relate to the 1853-1855 conflict between Rev. William Smithett and wardens Elias Goddard and William Parrott. Goddard and Parrott challenged Smithett's authority on personal and legal grounds and attempted to prevent parishioners from purchasing pews (thereby preventing them from becoming voting proprietors). The conflict between Goddard and Smithett eventually came to blows, resulting in one civil and two criminal suits, and ultimately reached the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Documents found here include narratives and notes relating to the controversy; newspaper clippings; a wardens' report for 1855; "A “基督教堂教区事务声明”,由司衣室印制 1855; and printed court documents relating to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court trial.

Box 23Folders 31-32
Papers relating to, 1854-1857
Box 23Folder 33
"A Statement of the Affairs of the Parish of Christ Church," 1855
Box 23Folder 34
Court documents, 1856

E. "Church Conflict of 1882," 1882-1885

Arranged chronologically by subject.

Contained within this sub-series are papers relating to a second struggle between factions of the church in 1882. Warden Thomas Mair refused to sign pew deeds for "不做礼拜的教区居民"被教会官员认为企图 a "hostile takeover" of the church by electing new wardens and vestry. Legal actions again reached the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, which, after several 十字装,原来是为教会官员而发现的,反对“不做礼拜” parishioners." Papers found here include the 1882 election ballots for church officers, legal briefs and court documents, correspondence, and lists of expenses relating to the lawsuits. Also here are the records of the Christ Church Defensive 协会,一个由原教会官员为筹集资金而成立的组织 fight the "hostile takeover." They include a constitution and by-laws, a record book 里面有创始会议记录,皮尤契约副本,皮尤所有者名单 from 1806 to 1882, and copies of significant church documents. A narrative of the 《利记APP官网手机版》这本书没有署名,但很可能是托马斯·霍尔在1885年写的 sub-series.

Box 24Folder 1
Election proxies, 1882
Box 24Folder 2
Election ballots for treasurer (1st ballot), 1882
Box 24Folder 3
Election ballots for treasurer (2nd ballot), 1882
Box 24Folder 4
Election ballots for wardens, 1882
Box 24Folder 5
Election ballots for clerk, 1882
Box 24Folder 6
Election ballots for vestrymen, 1882
Box 24Folders 7-9
Proprietors v. Munroe, 1882-1883
Box 24Folders 10-11
Bates v. Proprietors, 1883
Box 24Folder 12
Munroe v. Bates, 1883
Box 24Folder 13
Munroe v. Ropes, 1883
Box 24Folders 14-17
Papers relating to lawsuits, 1882-1883
Box 24Folder 18
Legal writ of injunction, 1883
Vol. 47
Christ Church Defensive Association record book, 1882
Box 24Folder 19
Papers relating to Christ Church Defensive Association, 1883
Box 24Folder 20
Narrative of conflict and proprietors' meetings, 1885

F. Miscellaneous legal actions, 1836-1966

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含了与基督所采取的各种法律行动有关的记录 Church was involved, including findings of damages against the church, writs of attachment, and proxy statements. In Cutter v. Wardens and Vestry (1911), an architect sued the church to recover payment for his services. Wardens v. Angelina Lavezzelo involved a dispute with abutting neighbors, and in Trustees of Donations v. Christ Church (1948), legal control of the church was passed to the recently incorporated Christ Church in the City of Boston. The Massachusetts Historic Landmark certification was received from the Massachusetts Historical Commission in 1966.

Box 24Folder 21
Legal actions, 1836-1844
Box 24Folder 22
Cutter v. Wardens and Vestry, 1911
Box 24Folder 23
Wardens and Vestry v. Angelina Lavezzolo, 1911-1912
Box 24Folder 24
Trustees of Donations v. Christ Church, 1948
Box 24Folder 25
Massachusetts Historic Landmark certification, 1966

VIII. Clergy papers, 1685-1997

This series contains the papers of Christ Church's clergy. Until the 1940s, the bulk of clergy papers are personal correspondence, sermons, and other writings. Later clergy 在教会事务的日常管理中扮演越来越重要的角色 administrative correspondence and records may be found within their papers. Many ministers' papers contain sermons or essays about the history of the church.

A. Papers of early Christ Church clergy, 1685-1941

Arranged chronologically by minister's term of service.

在这个子系列中有蒂莫西·卡特勒(1723年至1765年担任牧师)的论文, including early Cutler family deeds, a declaration of conformity to the Church of 英国(影印本),以及在基督教传播协会布道的布道 the Gospel (ca. 1754). Also found here are an 1824 sermon entitled "A Discourse: An Historical Account of Christ Church" by Asa Easton (minister from 1805-1829); the 威廉·克罗斯威尔(1829-1840年任部长)的文件,包括与他有关的文件 ordination and a book of Croswell's poetry published in 1861; and a funeral address delivered in 1848 by John Woart (minister from 1840-1850). The papers of Bishop 威廉·劳伦斯(1912年至1914年担任牧师)包括手稿和印刷版 1912年基督教堂重新开放时的布道,各种地址和 articles, and correspondence concerning prisons. The papers of William Dewart (1914-1926年担任牧师)包含一本祈祷书和一本印刷的小册子 George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Phillips Brooks" (1926); and the papers of 欧内斯特·丹嫩(1927年至1929年担任部长),包括信件和1927年的文章 "One if by Land, Two if by Sea."

For clergy correspondence with wardens, treasurers, or other church officers, see also Series I. Administrative records.

Box 24Folders 26-28
Timothy Cutler papers, 1685-1765
Box 24Folder 29
Asa Eaton, "Historical Discourse," 1824
Box 24Folders 30-31
William Croswell papers, 1829-1851
Vol. 48
William Croswell, Poems, Sacred and Secular, Boston, 1861
Box 24Folder 32
John Woart, funeral address for Joseph Ingraham, 1848
Box 24Folder 33
William Munroe, funeral sermon delivered by Rev. Daniel Rollins, 1892
Box 24Folders 34-37
Bishop William Lawrence papers, 1912-1937
Box 25Folders 1-3
William Dewart papers, ca. 1918-1926
Box 25Folders 4-8
Ernest Dennen papers, 1927-1928
Box 25Folder 9
Francis E. Webster obituary, 1941

B. Charles R. Peck papers, 1937-1969

Arranged chronologically by format.

The papers of Charles R. Peck, who served as minister from 1946 to 1956, consist primarily of correspondence, notes, and memoranda. Beginning in the fall of 1954, most 佩克的信件中有一部分是利记APP官网手机版为修复尖塔筹款的 well as his interactions with the Lantern League. Peck's articles include "The Day of 1954年8月31日,“以第一人称描述了飓风摧毁了老北的 steeple written in 1966, and the 1969 article "A Backward Glance."

Box 25Folders 10-35
Correspondence and notes, 1946-Sep. 1954
Box 26Folders 1-7
Correspondence and notes, Oct. 1954-1956
Box 26Folders 8-9
Notes relating to Christmas services, 1937-1953
Box 26Folder 10
Notes for Howard Kellett, 1956
Box 26Folders 11-12
Articles and addresses, 1954-1969

C. Howard P. Kellett papers, 1942-1993

Howard P. Kellett served as minister of Old North Church from 1956 to 1971. His 文件包括信件,有关他作为牧师活动的主题文件, speeches and sermons, and an unpublished essay. The bulk of Kellett's papers were donated to the church after his death by his son, Dr. Merle Kellett, including a 系列75打字和手写的讲道,贴上标签,装在单独的信封里. 这些最早的布道与凯莱特作为国家牧师的地位有关 prison in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Much of Kellett's early correspondence consists of letters congratulating him on his installation at Old North Church. His papers 说明他的角色,既是一个普世的精神领袖和导演的国家 historic site.

i. Correspondence, 1956-1970

Arranged chronologically.

Box 26Folders 13-27

ii. Subject files, 1956-1974

Arranged chronologically by subject.

Box 26Folders 28-29
Kellett's installation, 1956
Box 26Folders 30-36
Lantern services, 1956-1970
Box 26Folders 37-38
Historic site designation, 1957-ca. 1964
Box 26Folders 39-40
"Evensong with Special Music," 1958-1959
Box 27Folder 1
Freedom Trail Historic Sites Report, 1960
Box 27Folders 2-3
Arts Guild of Christ Church, 1960-1964
Box 27Folder 4
Reports to the corporation, ca. 1964-1970
Box 27Folders 5-6
Boston University Chorus, 1969-1974
Box 27Folders 7-8
Miscellaneous papers, 1957-1971

iii. Undated speeches

Arranged by subject.

Box 27Folder 9
"Mather Byles" speech to Parsons Club
Box 27Folder 10
Speech to Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company
Box 27Folder 11
"Old North Speech" to visitors

iv. Undated sermons

Arranged by subject.

Box 27Folder 12
"Old North"
Box 27Folder 13
"Timothy Cutler"
Box 27Folders 14-15
"Rev. Asa Eaton"
Box 27Folders 16-17
"Timothy Cutler and Asa Eaton"
Box 27Folder 18
"Rev. Samuel Myles"
Box 27Folder 19
"Rev. William Croswell"
Box 27Folder 20
"Robert Newman"
Box 27Folder 21
"Pile of Bricks"
Box 27Folder 22
"United Fund"
Box 27Folder 23
"New Year's Day"
Box 27Folder 24
Box 27Folder 25
Box 27Folder 26
"Palm Sunday"
Box 27Folder 27
"Maundy Thursday"
Box 27Folder 28
Box 27Folder 29
"Sunday before Thanksgiving"
Box 27Folder 30
"Thanksgiving Day"
Box 27Folder 31
"All Saints Day"
Box 27Folder 32-33
Box 27Folder 34
"Last Sunday in Advent"
Box 27Folder 35
"Sunday before Christmas"
Box 27Folder 36
"New Year's Eve"
Box 27Folder 37
"Dr. Miriam van Waters"
Box 27Folder 38
"The Work of a Prison Chaplain"
Box 27Folder 39
"The Boy Offender"
Box 27Folder 40
"The State of Religion and the Problem of the Church"
Box 27Folder 41
Box 27Folder 42
Box 27Folder 43
"Jealousy and Worldly Goods"
Box 27Folder 44
Box 27Folder 45
Box 27Folder 46
Box 27Folder 47
Box 27Folder 48
"Blind Bartimaeus"
Box 27Folder 49
"Christian Living"
Box 27Folder 50
"Christian Community"
Box 27Folder 51
"The Cross"
Box 27Folder 52
"Faith in God"
Box 27Folder 53
"The Feeding of the 5000"
Box 28Folder 1
"The Good Samaritan"
Box 28Folder 2
"The Holy Spirit"
Box 28Folder 3
"Matthew the Publican"
Box 28Folder 4
"The Parable of the Great Banquet"
Box 28Folder 5
Box 28Folder 6
"St. Peter"
Box 28Folder 7
"Who is my Neighbor?"
Box 28Folder 8
"Prayer for our Country"
Box 28Folder 9
Box 28Folder 10
"Unity (Charles Wesley)"
Box 28Folder 11
"Social Service Sunday"
Box 28Folder 12
"Three Hour Service," St. Paul's, Dedham

v. Sermons, ca. 1942-1976

Arranged chronologically.

Box 28Folder 13
"Christmas in Prison," ca. 1942
Box 28Folder 14
"St. Paul," ca. 1955
Box 28Folder 15
"The Good Shepherd," 15 Apr. 1956
Box 28Folder 16
"Rogation Sunday," 6 May 1956
Box 28Folder 17
"Lazarus," 23 Sep. 1956
Box 28Folder 18
"Timothy Cutler," 1957
Box 28Folder 19
"The Ten Lepers," 22 Sep. 1957
Box 28Folder 20
"Charles Wesley," [Oct.?] 1957
Box 28Folder 21
"Old North," 13 Oct. 1957
Box 28Folder 22
Sermon, Dec. 1957
Box 28Folder 23
"Christmas Eve," 24 Dec. 1957
Box 28Folder 24
"Parable of the Vineyard," 2 Feb. 1958
Box 28Folder 25
"This I Know" sermons, 6 Feb.-9 Nov. 1958
Box 28Folder 26
"Lent," 17 Feb. 1958
Box 28Folder 27
"Disciple Philip," 16 Mar. 1958
Box 28Folder 28
"237th Anniversary," 1960
Box 28Folder 29
"Death of President Kennedy," [Nov.] 1963
Box 28Folder 30
"Rev. William Walter, Rev. Mather Byles," 1967
Box 28Folder 31
"Death of Robert Kennedy," [June 1968]
Box 28Folder 32
Sermon, 21 Mar. 1976

vi. Essays and articles, 1956-1969

Arranged chronologically.

Box 28Folder 33
"How Effective is the Threat?" Church Militant, Feb. 1956
Box 28Folder 34
"Unique Missionary Opportunity," Church Militant, Oct. 1961
Box 28Folder 35
"Case Study of an Historical Church," 1966, 1969

vii. Biographical material and obituaries, 1956-1993

Arranged chronologically.

Box 28Folder 36

D. Robert W. Golledge papers, 1969-1997

The papers of Robert W. Golledge, who served as minister from 1971 to 1996, consist 信件,与他的教堂和社区活动有关的主题文件, sermons, and speeches.

i. Correspondence, 1971-1997

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of the correspondence in this section relates to general administrative matters and letters of inquiry. Additional correspondence may be found in Golledge's subject files.

Box 28Folders 37-45
Box 29
1972-July 1974
Box 30
Aug. 1974-Mar. 1993
Box 31Folders 1-14
May 1993-Jan. 1997

ii. Subject files, 1969-1996

Arranged chronologically by subject.

Golledge organized his papers into subject files, which have been left in their original order. They include topics such as lantern services, historic church conferences, and Boston's 350th anniversary celebration. The bulk of Golledge's papers are related to his involvement with celebrations of the U.S. Bicentennial in 1975 and 1976, including hosting the visits of President Gerald R. Ford and Queen 伊丽莎白二世,在二百周年纪念委员会任职,并创建和管理 Third Lantern Forum. Other files in this section relate to personal milestones of 高利奇的牧师任期,包括他的就职典礼(1971年),十五周年纪念 party (1986), and retirement gala (1996).

Box 31Folder 15
Installation of Bishop Burgess, 1969-1970
Box 31Folder 16
Installation [Golledge], 1971
Box 31Folder 17
Lantern service, 1971
Box 31Folders 18-20
Papers removed from scrapbook, 1971-1973
Box 31Folder 21
Lantern service, 1972
Box 31Folders 22-23
Correspondence with Archibald MacLeish, Aug. 1972-Feb. 1973
Box 31Folders 24-31
Historic Churches conferences, 1972-1979
Box 31Folder 32-36
250th anniversary, 1972
Box 32Folders 1-9
250th anniversary, 1973-1974
Box 32Folder 10
Lantern service (250th anniversary), 1973
Box 32Folder 11
Bishop of Norwich visit, 1973
Box 32Folders 12-18
Boston 200, 1973-1976
Box 32Folders 19-21
Episcopal Church Bicentennial Committee, 1973-1974
Box 32Folders 22-28
Miscellaneous Bicentennial papers, 1972-1976
Box 32Folder 29
"Bicentennial News" press releases, 1972-1973
Box 32Folders 30-35
"Bicentennial Bulletin," 1972-1974
Box 32Folder 36
"Bicentennial Times," 1973
Box 33Folders 1-3
"American Bicentennial Newsletter," 1973
Box 33Folders 4-5
"American Bicentennial Monthly," 1974-1975
Box 33Folders 6-8
Exhibit Plan "The Revolution: Where It All Began," 1974
Box 33Folder 9
Lantern service, 1974
Box 33Folder 10
Colonial Episcopal Church service, 1974
Box 33Folders 11-18
200th lantern service/Ford visit, 1974-1975
Box 33Folders 19-33
Ford visit "fan mail," 1975
Box 33Folders 34-38
Third Lantern Forum correspondence, 1975-1976
Box 33Folders 39-43
Third Lantern Forum papers, 1976
Box 34Folders 1-2
Bishop of Norwich visit, 1975-1976
Box 34Folders 3-17
Queen Elizabeth II visit, 1975-1976
Box 34Folders 18-22
Queen's Visit "fan mail," 1976
Box 34Folders 23-24
Consecration of Bishop Colburne, 1976
Box 34Folders 25-26
Bicentennial Finale, 1976
Box 34Folder 27
Lantern services, 1976-1977
Box 34Folders 28-31
Correspondence with William Bedal, 1977-1993
Box 34Folders 32-35
Queen's Silver Jubilee, 1977
Box 34Folders 36-37
Boston 350, 1978
Box 35Folders 1-4
Boston 350, 1980
Box 35Folders 5-9
Boston 350, trip to England, 1979-1980
Box 35Folder 10
Boston 350, British visitors, 1980
Box 35Folders 11-12
Memorial services, 1979-1980
Box 35Folder 13
15th anniversary party, 1986
Box 35Folder 14
International Churches Conferences, 1986-1992
Box 36Folder 1
TADD dog inspections, 1987
Box 36Folders 2-5
Refugee Immigration Ministry, 1987-1989
Box 36Folders 6-7
Bishop of Worcester visit, 1990
Box 36Folders 8-9
Columbus 500th anniversary, 1990-1991
Box 36Folder 10
29th Division Association memorial service, 1991-1993
Box 36Folders 11-22
Retirement gala, 1996
Box 36Folder 23
Robert Golledge Fund, 1996
Box 36Folders 24-26
Miscellaneous, 1971-1996

iii. Sermons and speeches, 1971-1994

Arranged chronologically.

Golledge's sermons and speeches in this section include both formal and informal remarks. They have been identified by title or occasion whenever possible. 高利奇的“波士顿欢迎”是他至少在地方大会上发表的演讲 four times, altering his remarks slightly for the year and the audience.

Box 36Folder 27
Sermons, undated
Box 36Folder 28
Sermons and remarks, 1971-1974
Box 36Folder 29
"A New Signal: The Third Lantern," 18 Apr. 1975
Box 36Folder 30
"The American Promise," July 1975
Box 36Folder 31
Sermons and remarks, 1975
Box 36Folder 32
Sermon for Queen Elizabeth's visit, 11 July 1976
Box 36Folders 33-34
Sermons and remarks, 1976
Box 36Folder 35
Sermon for Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee, 5 June 1977
Box 37Folders 1-3
Sermons and remarks, 1978-1986
Box 37Folder 4
"Boston Welcome," 25 Sep. 1987
Box 37Folder 5
"The Lord's Prayer: The Name of God," 21 Feb. 1988
Box 37Folder 6
"The Lord's Prayer: Taking God Seriously," 28 Feb. 1988
Box 37Folder 7
"The Lord's Prayer: The Kingdom," 6 Mar. 1988
Box 37Folder 8
"The Lord's Prayer: Daily Bread," 13 Mar. 1988
Box 37Folder 9
"The Lord's Prayer: Our Trespasses," 20 Mar. 1988
Box 37Folder 10
Sermons and remarks, 1988-1990
Box 37Folders 11-14
"The Story of Saul, Parts I-IV," 17 Feb.-10 Mar. 1991
Box 37Folder 15
"Celebrate Discovery," 14 Oct. 1991
Box 37Folders 16-19
"Elijah, Parts I-IV," 8-29 Mar. 1992
Box 37Folder 20
Sermons and remarks, 1992
Box 37Folder 21
"Boston Welcome," 5 July 1993
Box 37Folder 22
Sermons and remarks, 1994

iv. Biographical material, 1975-1996

Arranged chronologically.

The bulk of this section contains various versions of Golledge's resume.

Box 37Folders 23-24

E. Jonathan Young correspondence, 1993-1997

Arranged chronologically.

Jonathan Young served as Associate Vicar and Vicar Pro Tem from 1993 to 1997. His papers consist of correspondence with Howard Kellett and his son, Dr. Merle Kellett, and on various administrative matters.

Box 37Folder 25

F. Sermons and remarks of visiting clergy, 1927-1982

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains sermons and remarks delivered at Old North Church by visiting bishops, cardinals, and dignitaries.

Box 37Folder 26
Bishop Samuel Babcock sermon, 1927
Box 37Folder 27
Archbishop of Canterbury address, 1952
Box 37Folder 28
Gardiner M. Day sermon "Our Endangered Freedom," 1953
Box 37Folder 29
Norman B. Nash sermon for steeple dedication, 1955
Box 37Folder 30
G. Earl Daniels sermons, 1970-1973
Box 37Folder 31
John Cardinal Wright sermon, 1976
Box 37Folder 32
Margaret Bush Wilson remarks, 1982

IX. Sunday school records, 1810-1908

This series contains the records of the Salem St. Academy, the Salem St. Academy Sunday School, and its successor, the Christ Church Sunday School. Also located here are 基督教堂主日学图书馆,基督教师协会的记录 Church Sunday School, and the Fragment Society.

A. Salem St. Academy records, 1810-1850

Arranged chronologically.

The Salem St. Academy was a school owned in part by Christ Church, built on land owned by the church at 193 Salem St. in 1810 and leased for fifty years for the express purpose of operating an academy. The property was held by fifty-two shareholders or proprietors. In June 1815, the academy began Boston's first Sunday 学校不仅向教区居民敞开大门,也向全国的孩子们敞开大门 city. The Sunday school's name was changed to Christ Church Sunday School in 1826.

This sub-series includes an index to the Salem St. Academy records, although some of the material listed is now missing. Other records include plans, an 1817 list of 官员和学者,信件,契约,账目,收据和股东 certificates that were transferred back to the church between 1833 and 1838.

Box 37Folder 33
Index to records, undated
Box 37Folders 34-36
Records, 1810-1838
Box OS 3
List of Officers and Scholars, 1817
Box 37Folder 37
Shareholder certificates, 1817-1838
Box 37Folder 38
Bills and receipts, 1841-1850

B. Sunday school minute books, 1867-1883

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包括主日学的会议记录,这是卷出版 by the General Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union with pre-printed pages to 记录上课日期,开闭活动,学生人数 and teachers, new students, and remarks.

Box 37Folder 39
Minute book, 1867-1869
Box 38Folder 1
Minute book, 1869-1871
Box 38Folder 2
Minute book, 1872-1879
Box 38Folder 3
Minute book, 1874-1883

C. Sunday school registers, 1867-1902

Arranged chronologically.

在此子系列中发现的班级注册表包括新学生的姓名,以及他们的姓名 were introduced to the school, and the date the student began.

Box 38Folder 4
Register, 1867-1868
Box 38Folder 5
Register, 1867-1870
Box 38Folder 6
Register, 1885-1902

D. Sunday school attendance books, 1848-1908

Arranged chronologically.

本子系列中的出勤簿列出了每个主日学班级的出勤情况 date, including names of teachers and students.

Box 38Folder 7
Attendance book, 1848-1850
Box 38Folder 8
Attendance book, 1851-1852
Box 38Folder 9
Attendance book, 1853-1855
Box 38Folder 10
Attendance book, 1867
Box 38Folder 11
Attendance book, 1867-1868
Box 38Folder 12
Attendance book, 1867-1868
Box 38Folder 13
Attendance book, 1868-1869
Box 38Folder 14
Attendance book, 1868-1869
Box 38Folder 15
Attendance book, 1868-1869
Box 38Folder 16
Attendance book, 1869
Box 38Folder 17
Attendance book, 1869-1870
Box 39Folder 1
Attendance book, 1869-1870
Box 39Folder 2
Attendance book, 1870-1871
Box 39Folder 3
Attendance book, 1870-1871
Box 39Folder 4
Attendance book, 1871
Box 39Folder 5
Attendance book, 1871
Box 39Folder 6
Attendance book, ca. 1873
Box 39Folder 7
Attendance book, 1873-1875
Box 39Folder 8
Attendance book (photocopy), 1875-1876

Due to severe mildew, this record was photocopied, and the original record was removed from the collection.

Box 39Folder 9
Attendance book, 1876-1878
Box 39Folder 10
Attendance book, 1878-1879
Box 39Folders 11-15
Attendance book (photocopy), 1881-1886

Due to severe mildew, this record was photocopied, and the original record was removed from the collection.

Box 39Folders 16-20
Attendance book, 1886-1891
Vol. 49
Attendance register, 1892-1898
Vol. 50
Attendance register, 1899-1908
Box 39Folder 21
Papers removed from Sunday school attendance books, 1886-1908

E. Miscellaneous Sunday school records, 1815-1888

Arranged chronologically.

Records in this sub-series include notes concerning the school taken from the journals of the Diocesan Conventions; an 1817 list of students, teachers, and school officers; committee and superintendent reports; a printed Sunday school prayer book; and several programs for Sunday school Christmas festivals.

Box 39Folder 22
"Memoranda from the Journals of the Diocesan Conventions," 1815-1848
Box 39Folder 23
List of Officers and Scholars, 1817
Box 39Folder 24
Superintendent's report, 1826
Box 39Folder 25
Miscellaneous records, 1828-1878
Box 39Folder 26
Printed material, 1845-1888

F. Sunday school library records, 1835-1906

Arranged chronologically by format.

This sub-series contains records of the library of Christ Church Sunday School, 包括拥有的图书目录,340本书捐赠给学校的名单 实践虔诚改善协会于1825年解散 列出每个主日学校借阅书籍数量的图书馆记录 classes. Also included here are a monograph on infant baptism and a Sunday school periodical that were part of the school's library collections.

Box 40Folder 1
Library catalogs, undated
Box 40Folder 2
Library catalog, formerly of Society for Improvement of Practical Piety, 1835
Vol. 51 (XT)
Library Record of Christ Church Sunday School, 1865-1875
Vol. 52 (XT)
Library Record of Christ Church Sunday School, 1875-1886
Box 40Folders 3-9
Library Record of Christ Church Sunday School (photocopy), 1886-1906

Due to severe mildew, this record was photocopied, and the original record was removed from the collection.

Box 40Folder 10
Charles Jerram, Conversations on Infant Baptism and Some Popular Objects Against the Church of the United Kingdom, London, 1820
Box 40Folder 11
Sunday Scholars Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep. 1822

G. Teachers' Association of Christ Church Sunday School records, 1865-1898

Arranged chronologically.

Records of the Teachers' Association include meeting minutes; accounts; reports of the treasurer, librarian, and various committees; and a detailed narrative of school activities and events.

Vol. 53
Records, 1865-1882
Box 40Folder 12
Records, 1872
Box 40Folders 13-26
Records (photocopies), 1879-1898

由于严重霉变,这些记录被影印,原始记录被 removed from the collection.

H. Fragment Society journal, 1818-1854

碎片协会是一个成立于1818年1月的妇女组织 其中一条是“给那些孩子,只有那些孩子,提供合适的衣服。 attend or wish to attend the Salem St. Sunday School." Society members made clothing 哪些是借给孩子们在星期天穿的,哪些是归还给社会的 each Monday. The journal contains meeting minutes, as well as reports of the treasurer and the Keeper of the Wardrobe.

Vol. 54 (XT)

X. Church clubs and organizations, 1810-1959

A. Singing School Committee records, 1810-1813

Arranged chronologically.

歌唱学校委员会由七名业主选出的个人组成 监督教会的声乐并筹集资金培训学生参加 choir. Records in this sub-series include subscriptions, accounts, and organizing documents of the committee.

Box 40Folder 27

B. Christ Church Missionary Society records, 1833-1857

Arranged chronologically by record type.

The Christ Church Missionary Society was founded in 1832 as a branch of the Massachusetts Episcopal Missionary Society. The society collected money as part of the 每周的教堂祭品,并用它来帮助支持圣公会的传教活动 throughout the world, including the Boston Episcopal City Missionary, churches in Tennessee and Illinois, and the Persian mission. The society also helped to pay for current expenses of the church. Records found here include meeting minute books, treasurers' reports, receipts for contributions, and treasurers' accounts for the affiliated Female Auxiliary Mission Society.

Box 41Folder 1
Minute book, 1833-1842
Box 41Folder 2
Minute book, 1850-1857
Box 41Folders 3-16
Financial records, 1833-1854
Box 41Folder 17
Female Auxiliary Mission Society, treasurers' accounts, 1833-1853

C. Women's Guild records, 1915-1949

Arranged chronologically by record type.

The Women's Guild was founded in 1915 to raise money for the church through charitable events. In 1919, the Guild assumed the management of the church property at 193 Salem St., using it as a meeting place and a residence for social workers in Boston's North End. "The House by the Side of the Road," as the Guild named the 这处房产也被用作教堂的招待所,并用于过夜 客人,招待会,茶会,并为销售明信片和印刷品而受益 church.

在这个子系列中有公会的会议记录,其中包括财务记录 records and copies of correspondence. Other records include copies of the Guild's constitution and by-laws, annual reports, membership lists, and sales notices. "The 《利记APP官网手机版》是一份打印的利记APP官网手机版教堂历史的手稿 Bishop William Lawrence on his ninetieth birthday. Also here are the "House by the “路边”委员会记录,包括向业主提交的年度报告; correspondence, meeting minutes, financial records, and newspaper clippings.

i. General organization records, 1915-1949

Box 41Folder 18
Constitution and by-laws, 1915
Box 41Folder 19
Minutes, 1915-1921
Vol. 55
Minutes, 1927-1940
Vol. 56
Minutes, 1941-1949
Box 41Folders 20-21
Miscellaneous records, 1919-1949
Box 41Folder 22
"The Bishop's Window," 1940

ii. House by the Side of the Road committee records, 1919-1938

Box 42Folder 1
House Committee, annual reports to proprietors, 1923-1929
Box 42Folders 2-5
House Committee, "Records and Reports," 1919-1938
Box 42Folder 6
Newspaper clippings, 1919-1923

D. Lantern League records, 1927-1956

Arranged chronologically by record type.

The Lantern League was founded by Rev. Ernest Dennen in 1927 and was incorporated in 1932年,保护和维护老北教堂建筑,它的周围环境,以及它的 contents. Led by fundraising consultant Charles W. French, the major objective of the League's fundraising campaign in the 1930s was the acquisition and removal of surrounding buildings deemed "fire hazards." After 1939, the League was largely inactive, but when Hurricane Carol destroyed the church's steeple in 1954, it regrouped to raise money for the restoration of the historic structure.

Records in this sub-series include articles of incorporation, a valuation of 周边房产,会议记录,财务报告,和 联盟和法国的领导人,以及法国与潜在捐助者的通信. 弗伦奇的账户包括他的费用报告和佣金,以及跑步 tally of money that he raised. Later Lantern League records primarily consist of letters sent in response to fundraising appeals to restore the steeple.

For Lantern League correspondence relating directly to building and construction, see Building records--Steeple restoration (Series VI.F.). See Charles Peck's papers (Series VIII.J.) for Peck's correspondence with League leader Thomas Temple Pond and for additional fundraising letters.

i. First fundraising campaign, 1927-1941

Box 42Folders 7-18
Papers, 1931-1941
Box 42Folders 19-28
Accounts with Charles W. French, 1932-1935
Box 42Folder 29
Account book, 1933-1938
Box 42Folder 30
Papers found in account book, 1933-1938
Box 42Folder 31
Contributors' lists, ca. 1932-1939
Box 42Folder 32
Printed fundraising material, ca. 1927-1936

ii. Second fundraising campaign (steeple restoration), 1949-1956

Box 43Folder 1
Papers, 1949-1955
Box 43Folders 2-7
Fundraising responses, 1954-1956

XI. Church services and special events, 1808-1996

A. Service record books, 1914-1988

Arranged chronologically.

服务记录簿列出服务的日期和日期,地点,时间,出勤, amount of offerings, officiating clergy and the nature of the service (worship service, funeral service, confirmation, patriotic, wedding, holy communion, or other).

Vol. 57
Service record book, 1914-1954
Vol. 58
Service record book, 1955-1988

B. Programs and orders of service, 1808-1996

Arranged chronologically by record type. Programs from the scrapbook are left in original order.

这部分包括主日敬拜的“敬拜次序”,以及 those for annual "lantern services." Lantern services commemorate the anniversary of 由教堂司事罗伯特·纽曼在基督教堂的尖塔上展示灯笼 to warn Paul Revere of the approach of British troops. The event is celebrated with a religious service each April 18th. Traditionally, descendants of the Revere or Newman family ascend the stairs and light the lantern.

这里还有一些特殊的宗教服务项目,比如百年纪念活动 of the inauguration of Washington (30 Apr. 1889), the 175th anniversary of Christ Church (29 Dec. 1898), and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Paul Revere (1 Jan. 1935). Sunday worship services often have themes as well, such as the service commemorating the rectorate of Rev. William Croswell (21 May 1933), the service of Thanksgiving for the restoration of the steeple (12 Oct. 1955), and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Charles Wesley. A scrapbook, compiled about 1955, contains programs from lantern services, regular Sunday services, and special events. The 出于保存的目的,剪贴簿上的程序被删除了,但保留了下来 their original order.

Box 43Folders 8-27
Church services, 1808-1996
Box 43Folders 28-37
Lantern services, 1923-1975
Box 44Folders 1-10
Special events, 1935-1994
Box 44Folders 11-17
Programs removed from scrapbook, 1875-1955

First folder contains index.

XII. Church publications, 1872-1985

A. Guide and souvenir booklets, 1893-1978

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains historical guides to Old North Church, which include sketches of the church's history, information about its physical structure, and details about the art and artifacts owned by the church. Charles Downer's A Visit to Old North Church (1893) was largely taken from earlier church histories. (See Series XIII.C. Early church histories.) Christ Church Guide Book, compiled by Charles K. Bolton in 1913年,后来的教会历史学家在他死后对其进行了扩展,并进行了多次更新 times between 1923 and 1952. In addition to a history and description of the church, it contains lists of clergy, church officers, and pew owners; a timeline of events; and numerous photographs. Later guidebooks are more general in nature.

For more detailed information on the history of Old North Church, see Series XIII. Parish historians' records.

Box 44Folder 18
Charles Downer, A Visit to Old North Church, Boston, 1893
Box 44Folders 19-26
[Charles K. Bolton et al.], Christ Church Guide Book, Boston, [1913-1952]
Box 44Folder 27
The Old North Church: In Picture and in Story, Boston, 1960
Box 44Folders 28-29
The Old North Church: A Historical Portrait, Boston, 1973-1978
Box 44Folder 30
The Old North Church: 250 Years of Freedom, Boston, 1975

B. Welcome and orientation materials, ca. 1900-ca. 1950

Arranged [roughly] chronologically.

This sub-series contains small cards or pamphlets that include maps, directions, hours of operation, and occasionally a brief history of the church. Although none of the material is dated, it appears to have been created in the first half of the twentieth century.

Box 45Folders 1-2

C. Newsletters, 1916-1985

Arranged chronologically.

从1916年开始,教会多次尝试创办教会通讯 包含有关神职人员,教区居民,教会活动,筹款的当前信息 activities, and community news. This sub-series contains issues of the Christ Church Chronicle, published between 1916 and 1924; a 1931 issue of Chronicles of the Old North Church; and issues of Christ Church's longest-running newsletter, The Old North Steeple, for the years 1958-1965, 1971-1976, and 1985.

Box 45Folders 3-6
Christ Church Chronicle, 1916-1924
Box 45Folder 7
Chronicles of the Old North Church, 1931
Box 45Folders 8-16
The Old North Steeple, 1958-1985 (with gaps)

D. Miscellaneous printed material, 1872-1978

Arranged chronologically.

此子系列包括教堂活动的广告材料、标牌、 and a capital campaign brochure entitled "250 Years of Freedom, 250 Years of God."

Box 45Folders 17-19

XIII. Church historians' records, [1723]-1993

这个系列包含列表、抄本、已发表和未发表的手稿, 研究笔记、剪报和由古代历史学家编辑的剪贴簿 North Church.

A. Inventories of church records and artifacts, 1932-1960

Arranged chronologically by subject.

这里包括以前保存在老北教堂的教堂记录清单, as well as records placed at the Boston Athenaeum for safekeeping by Charles K. Bolton in the 1920s. Also included in this sub-series is a register of gifts, consisting of an alphabetical accession list of artifacts and books given to the church. The library and publication list was originally compiled by church librarian Edward Percival Merritt in 1923.

See Series XVI. Church library volumes, stored offsite. See also the list of former volume numbers in this finding aid to locate current volume numbers from the volumes' previous numbering system.

Box 45Folders 20-24
Lists of church records, 1932-1960
Box 45Folders 25-31
Register of gifts, undated
Box 45Folder 32
Library books and publications list, 1923-1943

B. Copies or transcriptions of records, [1723-ca.1820]

Arranged chronologically by date of original document.

虽然这个子系列中的一些教会记录抄录是由 早期的历史学家,这些记录大部分是由教区历史学家玛丽 K. D. Babcock in about 1940.

Box 45Folders 33-36
Transcriptions of church records, [1723-ca. 1820]
Box 46Folder 1
Paul Revere's account of 18 Apr. 1775 (photocopy)
Box 46Folder 2
Episcopal Church broadsides (photocopies), 1790-1791
Box 46Folder 3
Paul Revere deed and will (photocopies), 1796-1818

C. Early church histories, 1824-1901

Arranged chronologically.

早期的历史论文,演讲,手稿草稿,打字稿位于 this sub-series served as a basis for later guidebooks and research into church history.

Box 46Folder 4
Asa Eaton, "Historical Account of Christ Church," 1824
Box 46Folder 5
Elias W. Goddard, "Memorandum of Clergy at Christ Church," 1843
Box 46Folder 6
Henry Burroughs, "Historical Account of Christ Church," 1873
Box 46Folders 7-23
George McConnell, "Rectors and Ministers," manuscript draft and typescript, 1885-1887
Box 46Folders 24-26
George McConnell, "Memorial History of Christ Church," manuscript draft, 1887
Box 46Folder 27
Charles Duane, "A Brief History of the North or Christ Church, Boston," 1901

D. Thomas Hall papers, 1893-1910

Arranged chronologically.

托马斯·霍尔从1887年起担任教会执事和非官方教会历史学家 his death in 1911. His detailed and methodical research was cited often in later church publications and in the works of church historians Charles K. Bolton and Mary K. D. Babcock. This sub-series contains three volumes of Hall's work, described individually below. His "Indexes" and "Summaries" were so highly esteemed that they 在1913年被衣库的命令约束,在库存中被标记为1号和2号 of church records.

Vol. 59 (XT)
Historical Notes on Christ Church, ca. 1905

This volume contains a chronology of church history; copies of various historical documents, such as letters written by Paul Revere; articles and extracts from records relating to Christ Church, as well as other Boston churches and meeting houses; and accounts of the early religious history of Boston. An index is included in the front of the volume.

Vol. 60 (XT)
Index to Proprietors' Records (1724-1875) and Vestry Records (1854-1895), ca. 1905-1910

【利记手机官网】除了业主和司仪记录的索引外, this volume includes pew plans, tomb records, real estate plans, newspaper 剪报,历史笔记和传记,教堂记录的抄本,还有 several original documents.

Vol. 61(XT)
Summaries and Pew Records, ca. 1910

["Hall's Summaries"] This volume includes alphabetically organized historical topics, dates and summaries of significant events, pew plans, and pew records containing names of pew owners and dates of ownership.

Box 46AFolder 1
Index to Hall's Summaries (Vol. 61), ca. 1910
Box 46AFolder 2
Papers removed from Hall's Summaries, 1893-1910

E. Charles K. Bolton papers, ca. 1912-1947

Arranged chronologically.

Charles K. Bolton (1867-1950) served as senior warden and unofficial historian of Christ Church from 1912-1917 and from 1920-1937. (Bolton was also the librarian of the 波士顿雅典娜神庙,并担任保护新社会的主席 England Antiquities.) This sub-series contains Bolton's unpublished manuscripts and historical research on the history of Old North Church, including biographical information about the church's clergy, early pew owners, church officers, and benefactors. His "Vignettes of the Old North" chronicle various noteworthy episodes in the church's history.

See also Bolton's Christ Church Guide Book in Series XII.A. Church publications--Guide and souvenir booklets. Bolton's scrapbooks (Series XIII.I.) contain mostly administrative records and include very little historical material.

Box 46AFolder 3
Historical notes and research, ca. 1912-1947
Box 46AFolder 4
"Clergy of the Old North Church," ca. 1940
Box 46AFolders 5-7
"Benefactors of the Old North Church," ca. 1940

Three manuscript volumes listed alphabetically from A-G, H-S, and St.-Z.

Box 47Folders 1-5
"Early Pew Owners," 1945

Five manuscript volumes arranged alphabetically.

Box 47Folders 6-7
"Vignettes of the Old North, Vols. I and II," 1946
Box 47Folder 8
"Officers and Employees of Old North Church, 1724-1806," 1947

F. Edward Percival Merritt papers, 1917-1924

Arranged chronologically.

Edward Percival Merritt (1860-1932) served as church librarian from 1919-1930. This 子系列包括梅里特写的一系列利记APP官网手机版圣公会神职人员的文章, 包括蒂洛森·布鲁斯农,马瑟·拜尔斯,亚伯拉罕·林森·克拉克,蒂莫西·卡特勒,约翰 Sylvester, John Gardiner, James Greaton, William Hooper, Samuel Parker, William Walter, and William Montague. His papers also include research notes concerning the Salem St. Academy and two articles reprinted from the publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts.

Box 47Folder 9
Essays on Episcopal clergy, undated
Box 47Folder 10
Salem St. Academy research, undated
Box 47Folder 11
"The King's Gift to Christ Church, Boston, 1733," Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications, Vol. XIX (1917)
Box 47Folder 12
"Sketch of Rev. Stephen Christopher Lewis, Rector of Christ Church, Boston, 1778-1784," Colonial Society of Massachusetts Publications, Vol. XXV (1924)

G. Mary K. D. Babcock papers, 1932-1947

Arranged by record type.

主教塞缪尔·巴布科克的妻子玛丽·肯特·戴维·巴布科克担任官员 historian for Old North Church from 1935-1944. Papers in this sub-series include correspondence sent and received by Mary K. D. Babcock in her capacity as church 历史学家收集了大量有关旧北的各种主题的研究笔记 Church history, and manuscripts of both published and unpublished articles. Copies of published articles from The Church Militant and the Massachusetts Diocesan Library are also here. The typed manuscript "The Old North Church of Paul Revere Fame" is a draft of her book Christ Church, Salem Street, Boston: The Old North Church of Paul Revere Fame, published in 1947. The draft includes illustrations, an index, and a bibliography.

在这个系列中还有巴布科克在欧洲旅行期间写的个人日记 她的丈夫和他们从1924年8月5日至9月20日经魁北克返回波士顿. Photographs, postcards, and other ephemera are pasted into the volume.

See also Mary K. D. Babcock, Christ Church, Salem Street, Boston: The Old North Church of Paul Revere Fame, (Boston, 1947) in the MHS printed collection.

i. Correspondence, 1932-1942

Box 47Folders 13-17

ii. Research notes, undated

Box 47Folder 18
Bishop Bass
Box 47Folder 19
Shubael Bell
Box 47Folder 20
Rev. William Bentley's diary
Box 47Folder 21
Christ Church clergy
Box 47Folders 22-25
James Wentworth Ingraham
Box 47Folder 26
Box 48Folders 1-2
Robert Newman
Box 48Folder 3
Proprietors' records, 1911-1936
Box 48Folder 4
Box 48Folder 5
Box 48Folder 6
Sunday school
Box 48Folder 7
Rev. William Walter
Box 48Folder 8
Washington's bust
Box 48Folder 9
Rev. William Wheeler
Box 48Folders 10-15
Miscellaneous research notes

iii. Writings, 1933-1947

Box 48Folders 16-21
"History of Christ Church Rectors and Ministers," undated

111-page unpublished manuscript, typed.

Box 48Folder 22
"William Croswell and Christ Church," 1933

Typed manuscript of article published in The Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Mar. 1933.

Box 48Folder 23
"William Croswell and Christ Church," [1933]

Manuscript draft.

Box 48Folder 24
"A Pioneer Sunday School," 1933

Typed manuscript of article published in The Church Militant, Apr. 1933.

Box 48Folder 25
"A Lady Discovers Old North's Rector-Poet," 1933

Typed manuscript of article published in The Boston Transcript, 20 May 1933.

Box 48Folder 26
"The Constitutional Convention, Diocese of Massachusetts," 5 Oct. 1790

Typed manuscript.

Box 48Folder 27
"Hymns from the Cloisters of the Old North Church by Rev. William Croswell," 1935

Typed manuscript.

Box 48Folder 28
"The Old North's Debt to Christopher Wren," The Church Militant, Dec. 1936
Box 48Folder 29
"Gather Up the Fragments," 1937

Typed manuscript.

Box 48Folder 30
"Old Christ Church, Boston," 1939

Publication No. 2, Massachusetts Diocesan Library.

Box 48Folder 31
"The Weather-Vane on Christ Church, Boston," Old Time New England, Oct. 1941
Box 48Folder 32
"Dr. Cutler Entertains the Clergy, 1738," ca. 1944

Typed manuscript with photographic illustrations.

Box 48Folder 33
"Dr. Cutler Entertains the Clergy," 1944

Publication No. 6, Massachusetts Diocesan Library.

Box 48Folder 34
"Boston Episcopal Charitable Society," The Church Militant, May 1944
Box 49Folders 1-16
"The Old North Church of Paul Revere Fame," 1947

376-page typed manuscript with photographic illustrations.

Travel diary, 1924

Vol. 76

H. Miscellaneous historical research, 1850-1975

Arranged alphabetically.

本子系列包含未发表的文章和研究笔记 particular historian or written by a person other than a church historian. The papers are arranged by subject and dated by the date of the research, if known.

Box 49Folder 17
Bells, 1859-1938
Box 49Folder 18
Clergy: Rev. Timothy Cutler, 1850-1912
Box 49Folder 19
Clergy: Rev. Mather Byles, undated
Box 49Folder 20
Clergy: Rev. William Montague, undated
Box 49Folder 21
Clergy: Rev. William Walter, 1946-1960
Box 49Folder 22
Clergy: Rev. Asa Eaton, undated
Box 49Folder 23
Clergy: Rev. William Croswell, undated
Box 49Folder 24
Clergy: Rev. William Smithett, 1975
Box 49Folder 25
Clergy: Rev. William Munroe, 1971
Box 49Folder 26
General history of Christ Church, 1931-1932
Box 49Folder 27
Knight, Adah: Memorandum, 1958
Box 49Folder 28
Lanterns (Paul Revere signal lanterns), 1878
Box 49Folder 29
Leigh, William Robinson (painter of The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere), 1954-1958
Box 49Folder 30
Organ, 1935-1936
Box 49Folder 31
Steeple, 1938-1953
Box 49Folder 32
Sunday school, 1915-1933
Box 49Folder 33
Miscellaneous research, undated

I. Scrapbooks, 1858-1973

Arranged chronologically.

Contained in this section are scrapbooks compiled by various officers and parishioners of Christ Church, many of whom are unidentified. Most of the scrapbooks 包括与教堂历史或当前教堂有关的剪报 activities, photographs, programs, and other printed church material. Scrapbooks 相关的具体主题包括“尖塔的兴衰”,汇编于 1954-1955, and the scrapbook chronicling the early ministry of Rev. Robert Golledge, compiled in 1971-1973.

Senior warden Charles K. Bolton compiled a set of six scrapbooks during his service from 1912-1917 and from 1920-1936. They contain the bulk of Bolton's administrative papers, including correspondence with architect Clipston Sturgis, Bishop William Lawrence, Rev. William Dewart, Rev. Ernest Dennen, and other church officers. Also included in Bolton's scrapbooks are lists of subscribers, pew plans and deeds, 财务报告,选举选票,年会议程,照片,打印出来 programs, and newspaper clippings relating to the church. Scrapbook #4 (1921-1938) contains a typed index.

Box OS 4
Scrapbook "Newspaper Clippings and Pictures through 1949," 1858-1949
Vol. 62
Newspaper clipping scrapbook, 1870-1923
Box 50Folders 1-3
Papers removed from newspaper clipping scrapbook, 1870-1923
Box OS 5
Scrapbook, 1885-1970
Box OS 4
Scrapbook "Newspaper Clippings and Pictures re Paul Revere, Washington, Trinity Church, Newport RI and Miscellaneous Subjects," 1904-1950
Box 50Folders 4-12
Charles K. Bolton scrapbook #1, 1912
Box 50Folders 13-24
Charles K. Bolton scrapbook #2, 1913
Box 51Folders 1-12
Charles K. Bolton scrapbook #3, 1913-1919
Vol. 63 (OS)
Charles K. Bolton scrapbook #4, 1921-1938
Box 51Folders 13-14
Papers removed from Bolton scrapbook #4, 1921-1938
Vol. 64 (OS)
Charles K. Bolton scrapbook #5, 1927-1929
Box 51Folders 15-16
Papers removed from Bolton scrapbook #5, 1912-1933
Vol. 65 (OS)
Charles K. Bolton scrapbook #6, 1930-1933
Box 51Folder 17
Papers removed from Bolton scrapbook #6, 1931-1933
Box OS 6
Scrapbook, ca. 1940-1955
Box OS 6
Scrapbook, 1945-1957
Vol. 66 (OS)
Scrapbook "The Fall and Rise of the Steeple," 1954-1955
Vol. 67 (OS)
Scrapbook, 1957-1959
Box 51Folders 18-20
Scrapbook concerning Rev. Robert Golledge, 1971-1973

J. Newspaper clippings, 1885-1993

Arranged chronologically.

这个子系列包含与历史或活动有关的剪报 of the Old North Church, collected by various persons. It also includes newspaper articles relating to the U.S. Bicentennial celebrations, President Gerald R. Ford, and Ford's visit to the Old North Church in April 1975, collected by a newsclipping service from newspapers around the country.

Box 51Folders 21-26
Newspaper clippings relating to Old North Church, 1885-1993
Box OS 3
Newspaper clippings relating to Old North Church, 1954-1984
Box 51Folders 27-31
News service clippings relating to the U.S. Bicentennial, 4-18 Apr. 1975
Box 52Folders 1-18
News service clippings relating to the U.S. Bicentennial, 19 Apr.-6 May 1975

K. Printed material relating to church history, 1895-1975

Arranged chronologically.

Included in this section are magazine and journal articles, pamphlets, Christmas 卡片、小册子、首日封及其他有关的印刷品 旧北教堂的历史,并由教堂的历史学家,官员或 members.

Box 52Folder 19
Ralph Adams Cram, "Christ Church Bells," New England Magazine, Jan. 1895
Box 52Folder 20
Arthur H. Nichols, "Christ Church Bells," New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan. 1904
Box 52Folder 21
"The Restoration of the Old North Church," The Church Militant, Jan. 1913
Box 52Folder 22
Caroline Ticknor, The Old North Signal Lights, or Christmas Comes to Boston, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1923
Box 52Folder 23
Charles Place, "From Meeting House to Church in New England," Old-Time New England, Apr. 1923
Box 52Folder 24
"Paul Revere's Ride," Christmas card, 1927
Box 52Folder 25
Joseph Dillaway Sawyer, The Last Leaf on the Tree: Reminiscences of the Old North Church, Boston, 1930
Box 52Folder 26
"Paul Revere's Lantern," Antiques, Dec. 1930
Box 52Folder 27
Frank Chouteau Brown, "The Clough-Langdon House, 21 Unity Street, Boston," Old-Time New England, Apr. 1947
Box 52Folder 28
American Oil Company, Fascinating Trips to Historic Spots in and about Boston, 1948
Box 52Folders 29-30
57th General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Boston, Massachusetts, miscellaneous publications, Sep. 1952
Box 52Folder 31
James Bruns, "History of the Old North Church," Children of the American Revolution, Nov. 1958
Box 52Folder 32
First day covers, 1958-1975
Box 52Folder 33
Don Guy, "There are Two Ways to Ring the Bells of Old North Church," Yankee Magazine, Oct. 1974
Box 52Folder 34
Freedom Trail brochure, ca. 1975

XIV. Ecclesiastical volumes, 1716-1731

A. Volumes given to Christ Church by King George II, 1717-1731

Arranged chronologically.

This sub-series contains a Bible and three of the original fourteen prayer books that were presented to Christ Church by King George II in 1733.

Vol. 68 (OS)
Holy Bible, Oxford, 1717

Printed by John Baskett, this large volume is one of the eight known extant 被称为"醋圣经"的版本因为路加福音中的一个印刷错误 to the "parable of the vinegar" instead of the "parable of the vineyard."

Vol. 69 (XT)
Book of Common Prayer, London, [1731]

On 31 Mar. 1779, the vestry voted "that the Rev. Mr. [Stephen] Lewis be desired to prepare a proper form of Prayer for the Congress on the United States, for the 为了他们在当前重要的比赛中取得成功,将被使用 Daily in the Church." Accordingly, allusions to the king of England and his 牧师们用纸片贴满了这本祈祷书,并为之祈祷 the president and the country were written in.

Vol. 70 (XT)
Book of Common Prayer, London, 1731

Inscribed "for the use of the altar, A.D. 1733," this volume appears to have been rebound in the mid-1800s.

Vol. 71 (XT)
Book of Common Prayer, London, 1731

本卷的标题是“国王陛下送给波士顿基督教堂的礼物”, New England."

B. Miscellaneous volumes, 1716

Vol. 72 (XT)
The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels To Be Used Throughout the Year, undated

"From Christ Church, Canterbury" is engraved on the cover of this volume. It was donated to Christ Church, Boston, by R. Clipston Sturgis and his wife Esther in memory of their son, who died in 1913.

Vol. 73
Holy Bible, [Edinburgh, 1716]

Owned by Paul Revere's mother, Deborah Hitchborn Revere.

XV. Unrelated or unidentified volumes, ca. 1750-1872

Arranged chronologically.

This series contains volumes that were found within the records of the Old North Church whose connection to the church is unclear.

Vol. 74
"An Epitome of Scriptural Promises," ca. 1750

这本未署名的圣经引语手稿卷上写着“to his。 much honored and well beloved friend Mrs. Elizabeth Granger, the compiler of these 圣经的应许衷心地献上了这粗糙而不完美的草稿 designed more largely and particularly to have been written by him."

Vol. 75
Autograph book, 1872

This volume contains autographs of various ministers of Boston churches.

XVI. Church library volumes, 1569-1995 (stored offsite)

Arranged alphabetically by author.

这个系列包含的卷是教堂图书馆的一部分,共284卷 works, bound in 173 volumes. The bulk of the volumes were published in the 18th century. 虽然这个系列的一些作品后来被捐赠给了教堂,但a 这些卷在1752年被确定为教堂图书馆的一部分,现在是 noted below. Each title is listed individually by author's name, including every title contained in volumes of bound pamphlets; these are noted with the phrase "bound with [author], [brief title]."

All of the volumes in this series are stored offsite in cartons. Users should request volumes they would like to see by barcode number (the number beginning with SH). Requests for materials stored offsite must be made at least two business days in advance. Contact the reference librarian for more information.

Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Jacques Abbadie, A Vindication of the Truth of Christian Religion, Against the Objections of all Modern Opposers, Part II, London, 1698 [translated into English by Henry Lussan]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Joseph Alleine, An Alarm to Unconverted Sinners in a Serious Treatise, Boston, 1767
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Heinrich Alting, Scriptorum Theologicorum Heidelbergensium, Amsterdam, 1646 [printed in Latin]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Heinrich Alting, Theologica Elenctica Nova, Amsterdam, 1654
Carton 12SH 1AY2
Ammianus Marcellinus, Ammiani Marcellini Rerum gestarum qui de XXXI. supersunt, libri XVIII, Paris, 1681
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
The Analogy of Reason, London, 1739 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Francis Atterbury, Sermons and Discourses on Several Subjects and Occasions, Vol. I, London, 1726
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Francis Atterbury, Sermons and Discourses on Several Subjects and Occasions, Vol. II, London, 1726
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
John Balguy, An essay on redemption, London, 1741 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
John Balguy, A letter to a deist, London, 1730 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Edward Bass, Sermon, delivered in St. Paul's church, Newburyport, September 6, 1803, Newburyport, 1803 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
James Bate, Methodism displayed, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Edmund Bateman, A sermon preached before the honourable Trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia, in America, London, 1741 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Adolph Baumbach, Baumbach's Sacred Quartetts: A Collection of Pieces for the Opening and Close of Service, Boston, 1862
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Richard Baxter, An Abridgment of Mr. Baxter's History of his Life and Times, London, 1702
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Richard Baxter, The Divine Life in Three Treatises, London, 1664
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Benjamin Bayly, An Essay on Inspiration, in Two Parts, London, 1707
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Phillip Bearcroft, A sermon preached before the Honorable Trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia in America, London, 1738 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Arthur Bedford, Animadversions upon Sir Isaac Newton's book, intitled The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended, London, 1728 [bound with Present state of the Republic of Letters]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Arthur Bedford, The doctrine of justification by faith, London, 1741 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Philip Bedingfield, A Manual History of Repentance and Impenitence, as Recorded in the Books of the Old and New Testament, London, 1724
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Thomas Bennet, An Answer to the Dissenters Pleas for Separation, or, an Abridgement of the London Cases, 5th edition, London, 1711
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Thomas Bennet, A Confutation of Quakerism; or a Plain Proof of the Falsehood of what the Principal Quaker Writers do Teach, 2nd edition, London, 1709
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Thomas Bennet, A Confutation of Quakerism; or a Plain Proof of the Falsehood of what the Principal Quaker Writers do Teach, 3rd edition, London, 1733
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
William Berriman, A sermon preach'd before the honourable Trustees for Establishing the Colony of Georgia in America, London, 1739 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
William Berriman, A sermon preach'd to the religious societies in and about London, London, 1739 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
William Best, The merit and reward of a good intention, London, 1742 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
William Beveridge, The Great Necessity and Advantage of Publick Prayer and Frequent Communion; Designed to Revive Primitive Piety, 6th edition, London, 1724
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Bible [English], Geneva, 1608: The Bible translated according to the Ebrew and Greeke, London, 1608

也被称为“马裤圣经”,因为“围裙”这个词被翻译成“马裤”。 in Genesis 3:7. This copy retains its original covers, although several pages are mis-ordered and pages 436 and 484-485 are missing. Given to Christ Church by Mr. and Mrs. William C. Conant on 29 Dec. 1923.

Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Bible, N.T. [Greek], 1569: Nouum Testamentum : ex Bibliotheca Regia, Lutetiae, 1569
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. I and II, London, 1708

Owned by the church in 1752, as well as other Bingham volumes.

Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. III, Part I, London, 1711
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. IV, London, 1715
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. V, London, 1719
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. VI, London, 1719
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. VII, London, 1720
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. VIII, London, 1720
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. IX, London, 1722
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Joseph Bingham, Origines Ecclesiasticae: or, the Antiquities of the Christian Church, Vol. X, London, 1722
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
John Bisset, Letter to a Gentleman in Edinburgh, 2nd ed, Glasgow, 1743 [and other pamphlets]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
John Bowden, A letter from a churchman to his friend in New-Haven, New Haven, 1808 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
John Bowden, Observations on a letter from Noah Webster, Jun., esq., New Haven, 1809 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
William Bowman, The imposture of Methodism display'd, London, 1740 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Thomas Bradbury, The Mystery of Godliness, considered in LXI Sermons, Vol. I, London, 1726
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Thomas Brett, A chronological essay on the sacred history, London, 1729 [bound with Present state of the Republic of Letters]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Arthur Browne, The Scripture bishop, Boston, 1733 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Claudius Buchanan, Star in the East, Boston, 1809 [and other pamphlets]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Gilbert Burnet, A Discourse of the Pastoral Care, [3rd edition, London, 1713]

Owned by Shubael Bell.

Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Gilbert Burnet, A Discourse of the Pastoral Care, 4th edition, London, 1713]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Gilbert Burnet, An Exposition of the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England, 6th edition, Edinburgh, 1745

Owned by Joseph Warren in 1796.

Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Mather Byles, Discourse on the Present Vileness of the Body, Boston, 1771 [and other tracts]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Henry Caner, The firm belief of a future reward a powerful motive to obedience and a good life, Boston, 1765 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 7SH 17ZU W
Guilielmi Cave, Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria, Pars Altera, [Vol. II?], London, 1698
Carton 7SH 17ZU W
Guilielmi Cave, Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia Literaria, [Vol. I?], London, 1688
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
William E. Channing, A sermon, delivered at the ordination of the Rev. John Codman, Boston, 1808 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
William E. Channing, A sermon on war, Boston, 1835 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 9SH 17ZW Y
William Chillingworth, The Works of William Chillingworth, M.A. of the University of Oxford, containing his book, entitl'd 'The Religion of Protestants, a Safe Way to Salvation', London, 1719 [also contains sermons and letters]

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Christ Church Sunday School, Abstract of the superintendent's annual report, 1830, Sixteenth year, Boston, 1830 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Christ Church Sunday School, Report of the Superintendent of the Christ Church Sunday School (late Salem Street Sunday School), Boston, 1826 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Christ Church Sunday School, Superintendent's annual report, Thirteenth year, [1827] [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Church of England, The Book of Common Prayer, Oxford, 1790
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
William Claggett, A Treatise Concerning the Operations of the Holy Spirit: Being the Substance of the late Reverend and Learned Dr. William Clagett's Discourses upon that Subject, London, 1719
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Clarke, A discourse, delivered before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, 1793 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Clarke, An Enquiry into the Cause and Origin of Evil, London, 1720
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Clarke, Enquiry into the Cause & Origin of Moral Evil, London, 1721
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Samuel Clarke, A Discourse Concerning the Being and 神的属性,自然宗教的义务,真理和确定性 of the Christian Revelation, 8th edition, London, 1732

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Thomas Cockman, Salvation by Jesus Christ alone asserted and vindicated, London, 1733 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 11SH 1AY1
Jeremy Collier, An Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain, 2 vols., London, 1708-1714
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Thomas Comber, A Discourse upon the Form and Manner of 主教、司铎和执事的任命、任命和祝圣 Order of the Church of England, London, 1699 (copy 1)
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Thomas Comber, A Discourse upon the Form and Manner of 主教、司铎和执事的任命、任命和祝圣 Order of the Church of England, London, 1699 (copy 2)
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
A comparison between the doctrines taught by the 以及怀特菲尔德,西格雷夫, and others, London, 1741 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Complete Letter-Writer, containing Familiar Letters on the Most Common Occasions in Life, London, 1796
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
The conduct and doctrine of the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, vindicated, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
John Conybeare, A Defence of Reveal'd Religion against 一位已故作家的例外,在他的书中,建立了“基督教与古代一样古老” Creation, etc.', 2nd edition, London, 1732
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
John Conybeare, The nature, possibility and certainty of miracles set forth, London, 1733 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Roland Cotton, The Generation of Light, or, Vindication of the Bible, Vol. I, Boston, 1796
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
William Crowe, The duty of public spirit recommended 在为建立殖民地而向尊敬的受托人布道时 Georgia in America, London, 1740 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Defence of the Lord Bishop of St. Davids, London, 1729 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
George W. Doane, The Gospel in the church, Boston, 1832 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
George W. Doane, The Missionary Spirit, Boston, 1831 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Robert Dodsley, The Economy of Human Life, Boston, 1804
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
John Edwards, An Enquiry into four Remarkable Texts of 新约,其中包含一些困难:与一个可能的解决方案 of them, Cambridge, 1692
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Jonathan Edwards, The Justice of god in the Damnation of Sinners, Illustrated in a Sermon, to which is added a Farewell Sermon, Northampton, 1750
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Jonathan Edwards, A Preservative Against Socinianism, 表明它与上帝所启示的宗教之间存在着直接而明显的对立 in the Holy Scriptures, Oxford, 1693
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
[John Ellis], The Knowledge of Divine Things from Revelation, not from Reason or Nature, London, 1743
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Episcopal Church, The Book of Common Prayer, Boston (Manning and Loring), 1794
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Episcopal Church, The Book of Common Prayer, New York, 1826

Presented to Christ Church, 25 Dec. 1834.

Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Episcopal Church, To the members of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America, Philadelphia, 1793 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Ralph Erskine, The power and policy of Satan, bounded [and] baffled by the Lord Jesus Christ, London, 1742 [bound with Bisset, Letter, 1743]
Carton 9SH 17ZW Y
Robert Devereaux Essex, Arraynment, tryal & condemnation, London, 1679 [bound with Stillingfleet, Origenes, 1685]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
An extract of sundry passages taken out of Mr. Whitefield's printed sermons, journals and letters, London, 1741 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
James Fisher, A review of the preface to a Narrative of the extraordinary work at Kilsyth, and other congregations in the neighbourhood, Glasgow, 1743 [bound with Bisset, Letter, 1743]
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Nathaniel Fisher, Sermons Preached in St. Peter's Church, Salem, Salem, 1818
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Flavel, The Fountain of Life opened or a display of Christ in his essential and mediatorial glory, London, 1673
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
James Foster, An answer to Dr. Stebbing's True state of the controversy, London, 1737 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Andrew Fowler, An exposition of The book of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, Burlington, 1805 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 7SH 17ZU W
John Foxe, The New and Complete Book of Martyrs, or an Universal History of Martyrdom: Being Fox's Book of Marytrs, Vol. I, New York, 1794
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Free thoughts on Mr. Woolston and his writings, London, 1730 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
James Gardiner, Concio Habita in Solenni conventu Cleri Londinensis ad Collegium Sionense, Oxford, 1713 [and other tracts]
Carton 7SH 17ZU W
John Gauden, The Tears, Sighs, Complaints, and Prayers of the Church of England, London, 1659
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Adam Gib, A warning against countenancing the ministrations of Mr. George Whitefield, Edinburgh, 1743 [bound with Bisset, Letter, 1743]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Edmund Gibson, The Bishop of London's Pastoral letter to the people of his diocese, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Edmund Gibson, Observations upon the conduct and behaviour of a certain sect usually distinguished by the name of Methodists, 1743 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
N. Gookin, The Day of Trouble Near, the tokens of it, and a due preparation for it, Exeter, 1796
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Nathaniel Greene, An address delivered before the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, Boston, 1833 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Hugo Grotius, Annotationes in Vetus & Novum Testamentum Praefatio a Samuele Moody, London, 1727
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
William Guthrie, A Short Treatise of the Christian's Great Interest: Divided into Two Parts; The first whereof containeth The Trial of a 在基督里存储蓄的兴趣,第二点清楚地指出了怎样达到的途径 it, Boston, 1728
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Thomas Halyburton, Natural Religion Insufficient and Reveal'd Necessary to Man's Happiness in his Present State, Edinburgh, 1714
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
H. Hammond, A Practical Catechism, 14th edition, London, 1700
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
George Hickes, Apologetical Vindication of the Church of England, 1706 [and other tracts]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Benjamin Hoadly, A defence of the reasonableness of conformity to the Church of England, &c., London, 1705 [bound with Hoadly, Reasonableness, 1703]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Benjamin Hoadly, The Reasonableness of Conformity to the Church of England, Represented to the Dissenting Ministers, 2nd edition, London, 1703 [and other tracts]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Benjamin Hoadly, A serious admonition of Mr. Calamy, occasion'd by the first part of his Defence of moderate non-conformity, London, 1705 [bound with Hoadly, Reasonableness, 1703]
Carton 11SH 1AY1
Richard Hooker, The Works of That Learned and Judicious Divine Mr. Richard Hooker, London, 1705
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Anthony Horneck, Several Sermons Upon the Fifth of St. Matthew; Being Part of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, Vol. I, 2nd edition, London, 1706

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Anthony Horneck, Several Sermons upon the Fifth of St. Matthew; Being Part of Christ's Sermon on the Mount, Vol. II, London, 1706

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 5SH 17ZS U
John Humfrey, Lord's Day Entertainment for Families; being Seven Sermons to be Read at Home, after the Service of God in Publick, London, 1704
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Henry Hunter, Sacred Biography; or the History of the Patriarchs, being a Course of Lectures, delivered at the Scots Church, London-wall, Vol. III, London, 1786
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Charles L. Hutchins, The Chant and Service Book, Boston, 1894
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Joseph W. Ingraham, An address, to the parents, guardians, and friends, of the scholars of the Christ Church Sunday School, Boston, Boston, 1827 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Robert Jenkin, The Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion, Vol. I, London, 1708

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Robert Jenkin, The Reasonableness and Certainty of the Christian Religion, Vol. II, London, 1708

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Pierre Jurieu, The Practice of Devotion: or, a Treatise of Divine Love, in two parts, London, 1710
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Kettlewell, An Help and Exhortation to Worthy Communicating, or, a Treatise Describing the Meaning, Worthy Reception, Duty and Benefits of the Holy Sacrament, 10th edition, London, 1737
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Richard Kidder, A Demonstration of the Massias, in which the truth of the Christian Religion is proved especially against The Jews, Part I, London, 1684
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Richard Kidder, A Demonstration of the Massias, in which the truth of the Christian Religion is proved especially against The Jews, Part III, London, 1700
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
James King, A sermon preached before the Honourable Trustees for establishing the colony of Georgia, in America, London, 1743 [bound Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Samuel Langdon, Government corrupted by vice, and recovered by righteousness, Watertown, 1775 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Francois de La Pilonniere, An answer to the Reverend Dr. Snape's accusation, London, 1717 [and other pamphlets]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Francois de La Pilonniere, A reply to Dr. Snape's Vindication of a passage in his Second letter to the Bishop of Bangor, London, 1718 [bound with La Pilonniere, Answer]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
William Law, Oxford Methodists, London, 1738 [and other tracts]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Peter Francis Le Courayer, A Defence of the Validity of the English Ordinations, and of the Succession of the Bishops in the Church of England, London, 1725 [translated into English by Daniel Williams]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Leland, The Divine Authority of the Old and New Testament Asserted, [Vol. I?], 2nd edition, London, 1739

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Leland, The Divine Authority of the Old and New Testament Asserted, Vol. II, London, 1740

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 6SH 17ZT V
[Charles Leslie], The Case Stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of England, 5th edition, London, 1714
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, London, 1744 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Daniel Lewes, Good rulers the fathers of their people, Boston, 1748 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Robert Lowth, The Life of William of Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, London, 1758

Owned by Isabella Manchester.

Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Robert Lowth, A Short Introduction to English Grammar: with Critical Notes, London, 1791

Owned by Rev. Asa Eaton in 1799.

Carton 8SH 17ZV X
William Lupton, A sermon preached at the Parish Church of St. Dunstan's in the West, London, 1720 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 12SH 1AY2
Juan de Mariana, The General History of Spain, London, 1699
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Lowell Mason, The Modern Psalmist: a Collection of Church Music, Boston, 1839
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Matthias Mawson, A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, London, 1743 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Jonathan Mayhew, Sermons upon the Following Subjects..., Boston, 1755
Carton 9SH 17ZW Y
Joseph Mede, The Works of the Pious and Profoundly-Learned Joseph Mede, B. D., Sometime Fellow of Christ's College in Cambridge, London, 1664 (vol. 1 only)

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Robert Millar, The History of the Propagation of Christianity, and the Overthrow of Paganism, Vol. II, London, 1731

Owned by Joseph Warren.

Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Henry Mills, A full answer to Mr. Pillonniere's reply to Dr. Snape and to the Bishop of Bangor's preface, London, 1718 [bound with La Pilonniere, Answer]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Modest and Serious Defence of the author of the whole duty of man, London, 1740 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Benjamin Moore, The charge of the Right Reverend Benjamin Moore, D.D., New York, 1803 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Benjamin Moore, The duty of fulfilling all righteousness, New York, 1806 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Moore, A Journal During a Residence in France, from the Beginning of August to the Middle of December, 1792, Vol. I, Boston, 1794
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Thomas Morgan, A Collection of Tracts, Relating to the Right of Private Judgment, the Sufficiency of Scripture, and the Terms of Church-Communion; upon Christian Principles; Occasion'd by the late Trinitarian Controversy, London, 1726
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Betty Hughes Morris, A History of the Church of the Advent, Boston, 1995
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Peter Newcome, A Catechetical Course of Sermons for the whole Year, being an explanation of the Church Catechism, Vol. II, 3rd edition, London, 1712

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 12SH 1AY2
Samuel Newman, A Concordance to the Holy Scriptures, Cambridge, 1698
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
William Nichols, A Conference with a Theist, Containing an Answer to the most usual Objections of the Infidels against the Christian Religion, in Five Parts, Vol. II, 3rd edition, London, 1723
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Nottingham, The answer of the Earl of Nottingham to Mr. Whiston's letter to him, London, 1721 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Observations and remarks on Mr. Seagrave's conduct and writings, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Ollyffe, A Practical Exposition of the Church Catechism, in two volumes, London, 1710
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Origen, Traite D'Origene contra Celse: ou Defence de la Religion Chretienne contre les accusations des Paiens, Amsterdam, 1700 [in French]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
David Osgood, The Devil Let Loose, Boston, 1799 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
David Osgood, A discourse: delivered before the Lieutenant-Governor, Boston, 1809 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Samuel Parker, A sermon, preached before His Honor the lieutenant-governor, Boston, 1793 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 7SH 17ZU W
John [Pearson], Lord Bishop of Chester, An Exposition of the Creed, 10th edition, London, 1715
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Philalethes, A letter to Samuel Osgood, Esq. occasioned by his letter upon the subject of episcopacy, New York, 1807 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Samuel Phillips, The Orthodox Christian, or A Child Well-Instructed in the Principles of the Christian Religion, Boston, 1738
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Plutarch, Plutarch's Morals by way of Abstract: done from the Greek, London, 1707
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Baron van Pollnintz, Gedenk-Schriften van den Baron van Pollnintz, [Vol. 1], Amsterdam, 1735
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Potter, A Discourse of Church-Government: Wherein 教会的权利和基督教君主至高无上的地位得到了维护 Adjusted, 3rd edition, London, 1724

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Potter, A sermon preach'd before the honble House of Lords, on the first day of August, 1715, London, 1715 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Presbyter of the Church of England, Supplement to the Rev. Mr. Whitefield's answer, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
The Present State of the Republic of Letters, for April, 1728, Vol. I, London, 1728 [and other tracts]

Includes an abstract of Isaac Newton's Chronology.

Carton 4SH 17ZR T
The Present State of the Republic of Letters, for April, 1729, London, 1729
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Humphrey Prideaux, The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations, Part I, 4th edition, London, 1718

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Humphrey Prideaux, The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations, Vol. II, Part I, London, 1718

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Humphrey Prideaux, The Old and New Testament Connected in the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations, Vol. II, Part II, London, 1718

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Prison Discipline Society, Tenth Annual Report [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Protestant Episcopal Tract Society, Tracts, 1811-1815

Includes "A Tract on the Sins of the Tongue" (1814); "A Tract on Prayer" (1814); "A Tract on the Sin of Profane Swearing" (1815); and others.

Carton 9SH 17ZW Y
Baron Pufendorf, Of the Law of Nature and Nations, 2nd edition, Oxford, 1710
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Timothy Puller, The Moderation of the Church of England, London, 1679
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Reed, A sermon, preached December 12, 1787, Boston, 1788 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
William Reeves, The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minucius Felix, in Defence of the Christian Religion, Vol I, 2nd edition, London, 1716

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 4SH 17ZR T
William Reeves, The Apologies of Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Minucius Felix, in Defence of the Christian Religion, Vol II, 2nd edition, London, 1717

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Chandler Robbins, A sermon, preached before His Excellency Jonh [sic] Hancock, Esq., Boston, 1791 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
James Robe, A short narrative of the extraordinary work at Cambuslang, Glasgow, 1742 [bound with Bisset, Letter, 1743]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Rogers, A Vindication of the Civil Establishment of Religion, London, 1728
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
William Romaine, Future rewards and punishments proved to be the sanctions of the mosaic dispensation, London, 1742 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Rev. Ross, The American Latin Grammar: or a complete Introduction to the Latin Tongue, Newburyport, 1780

Owned by Rev. Asa Eaton in 1799.

Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
John L. Russell, A discourse delivered before the Massachusetts horticultural society, Boston, 1835 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
James Sabine, Glorying in the Cross, Charlestown, 1819 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Zedekiah Sanger, A discourse, delivered at the ordination of the Rev. Nehemiah Thomas, Providence, 1793 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Scott, Practical Discourses Concerning Obedience and the Love of God, Vol. II, 2nd edition, London, 1701

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Samuel Seabury, Discourse on Several Subjects, Vol. I, Hudson, 1815
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Samuel Seabury, Discourse on Several Subjects, Vol. I, Hudson, 1815
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Samuel Seabury, Discourse on Several Subjects, Vol. II, Hudson, 1815
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Samuel Seabury, A sermon delivered before the Boston Episcopal Charitable Society in Trinity Church, Boston, 1788 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Jeremiah Seed, The happiness of the good in a future state set forth, London, 1741 [bound with Waterland, Doctrinal Use]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Sharp, Eighteen Sermons Preached on Several Occasions, Vol. IV, London, 1716
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Sharp, Sermons Preached on Several Occasions: with two discourses of Conscience, Vol. II, London, 1715
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
John Sharp, Sixteen Casuistical Sermons Preached on Several Occassions, Vol. III, London, 1716
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Shaw, The Fundamental Doctrines of the Church of England as set down in her Catechism, London, 1720 (vol. 2 only)
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Samuel Shaw, Immanuel: or, a Discovery of True Religion, Boston, 1741
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
William Shaw, A sermon, preached, October 3, 1792, Boston, 1793 [in vol. backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Mrs. Sherwood, Narrative of Little Emily, Boston, 1824 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Samuel Shuckford, The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, Vol. II, 2nd edition, London, 1731

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 4SH 17ZR T
Samuel Shuckford, The Sacred and Profane History of the World Connected, Vol. III, London, 1732
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Richard Smalbroke, A Charge Delivered to the Reverend Clergy of the Diocese of St. David's in a Triennial Visitation of the Same in August, 1728, London, 1729 [and other tracts]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Samuel S. Smith, A discourse on the nature and danger of small faults, Boston, 1791 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Samuel S. Smith, Sermon on Slander, Boston, 1791 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Andrew Snape, A vindication of a passage in Dr. Snape's Second letter to the Lord Bishop of Bangor, London, 1717 [bound with La Pilonniere, Answer]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Friederich Spanheim, Introductio ad Chronologiam et Historiam Sacram, Batavia, 1683 [in Latin]
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Nathaniel Spinckes, Of Truth in God, London, 1696 [bound with G. Hickes, Apologetical Vindication, 1696]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Stanhope, A Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels Appointed to be Used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days Throughout the Year, Vol. II, 3rd edition, London, 1715
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Stanhope, A Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels Appointed to be Used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days Throughout the Year, Vol. III, 3rd edition, London, 1714
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Stanhope, A Paraphrase and Comment upon the Epistles and Gospels Appointed to be Used in the Church of England on all Sundays and Holy-Days Throughout the Year, Vol. IV, 2nd edition, London, 1715
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
State of religion in New-England, since the Reverend Mr. George Whitefield's arrival there, Glasgow, 1742 [bound with Bisset, Letter, 1743]
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Henry Stebbing, Defence of Dr. Clarke's Evidences [bound with S. Clarke, Discourse concerning the Being and Attributes of God, 1732]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Henry Stebbing, A reply to Mr. Foster's answer to the True state of the controversy on the subject of heresy, London, 1737 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Henry Stebbing, A true state of the controversy with Mr. Foster, on the subject of heresy, London, 1736 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Edward Stillingfleet, Ecclesiastical Cases Relating to the Duties and Rights of the Parochial Clergy State and Resolved According to the Principles of Conscience and Law, London, 1702
Carton 9SH 17ZW Y
Edward Stillingfleet, Origines Britannicae, or, the Antiquities of the British Churches, London, 1685

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Edward Stillingfleet, Origines Sacrae, or a Rational 基督教信仰的基础,利记APP官网手机版真理和神的权威 the Scriptures, and the matters therein contained, 3rd edition, London, [1662?]

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Aegidius Strauch, Brevarium Chronologicum: or a 论术语和最著名的人物,时期和时代 used in Chronology, trans. Richard Sault, 2nd edition, London, 1722

Owned by Asa Eaton.

Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Synopsis. Purioris Theologiae Disputationibus, 1652

Printed by John and Daniel Elizevier, once belonged to Rev. Mather Byles. Consists of 神学论文的汇编,作者是学院的四位教授 of Leyden: Johannen Polyandrum, Andream Rivetum, Antonium Walaeum, and Antonium Thysium.

Gift of Miss Addie I. Hayes, July 1940.

Carton 1SH 17ZN P
J. Taylor, The Life of our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, Exeter, N.H., 1794
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Taylor, Sermons on Different Subjects, Left for Publication, Walpole, N.H., 1806

Also includes a sermon by Samuel Johnson.

Carton 1SH 17ZN P
John Templer, A Treatise relating to the Worship of God, Divided into Six Sections, London, 1694
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Peter O. Thacher, A charge to the Grand jury of the county of Suffolk, Boston, 1834 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Thomas, A sermon preach'd before the Society corresponding with the Incorporated Society in Dublin for promoting English Protestant Working-Schools in Ireland, London, 1743 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Thomas, A sermon preach'd in the parish-church of Christ-Church, London, on Thursday, May the 8th, 1740, London, 1740 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Shippie Townsend, A practical essay, designed for general use, in three parts, Boston, 1783 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Joseph Trapp, The Church of England Defended against the Columnies and False Reasonings of the Church of Rome, London, 1727
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Joseph Trapp, The nature, folly, sin, and danger of being righteous over-much, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Joseph Trapp, A Preservative Against Unsettled Notions and Want of Principles in Religion, Vol. I, London, 1722
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Joseph Trapp, A Preservative Against Unsettled Notions and Want of Principles in Religion, Vol. II, London, 1722
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Joseph Trapp, A Reply to Mr. Law's Earnest and Serious Answer (As it is Called) to Dr. Trapp's Discourse of the Folly, Sin and Danger of Being Righteous Over-much, London, 1741 [and other tracts]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Joseph Trapp, The true spirit of the Methodists, and their allies, London, 1740 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
S. Parkman Tuckerman, A Collection of Cathedral Chants, Boston, 1858
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
S. Parkman Tuckerman et al., The National Lyre: a New Collection of Sacred Music, Boston, 1848 (copy 1)
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
S. Parkman Tuckerman et al., The National Lyre: a New Collection of Sacred Music, Boston, 1848 (copy 2)
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
The Village Harmony, or Youth's Assistant to Sacred Music, 7th edition, Exeter, N.H., 1806
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Jonathan M. Wainwright, Inequality of individual wealth the ordinance of Providence, and essential to civilization, Boston, 1835 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Jonathan M. Wainwright, A sermon preached on the anniversary of the Boston Female Asylum for Destitute Orphans, September 25, 1835, Boston, 1835 [bound with Byles, Discourse on the present vileness]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
William Wake, trans., The Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical Fathers, St. Barnabas, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, and the Martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp, 3rd edition, London, 1719
Carton 4SH 17ZR T
William Wake, The Principles of the Christian Religion Explained: in a Brief Commentary upon the Church Catechism, 3rd edition, London, 1708
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
William Wake, The Principles of the Christian Religion Explained: In a Brief Commentary upon the Church-Catechism, 5th edition, London, 1731
Carton 9SH 17ZW Y
John Walker, An Attempt Toward Recovering an Account of the Numbers and Sufferings of the Clergy of the Church of England...who were Sequester'd, Harrass'd, etc. in the late Times of the Grand Rebellion, London, 1714

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 5SH 17ZS U
John Walker, A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language, New York, 1815
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
W. Wall, The History of Infant Baptism, Part II, 3rd edition, London, 1720
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
William Warburton, The Divine Legation of Moses Demonstrated, on the Principles of a Religious Deist, From the omission of the doctrine of a Future State of Reward and Punishment in the Jewish Dispensation, Vol. I, 3rd edition, London, 1742
Carton 5SH 17ZS U
Robert Warren, The Impartial Churchman: or, a fair and candid Representation of the Excellency and Beauty of the Church of England, London, 1728
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
Robert Warren, Industry and diligence in our callings earnestly recommended, London, 1737 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Robert Warren, Practical Discourses on Various Subjects, Proper for all Families, Vol. I, London, 1723
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, Advice to a young student, Cambridge, 1760 [bound with Waterland, Doctrinal Use]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, A charge delivered to the clergy of Middlesex, London, 1731 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, The Christian sacrifice explained, London, 1738 [bound with Waterland, Doctrinal Use]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, Christianity vindicated against infidelity, London, 1732 [bound with Smalbroke, Charge]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, Distinctions of sacrifice, London, 1740 [bound with Waterland, Doctrinal Use]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, The Doctrinal Use of the Christian Sacraments Considered in a Charge Delivered to the Middlesex-Clergy, May 21, 1736, London, 1736 [and other tracts]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, The Importance of the Doctrine of the Holy-Trinity Asserted, in Reply to some late Pamphlets, London, 1734
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Daniel Waterland, A Review of the Doctrine of the Eucharist, as laid down in Scripture and Antiquity, Cambridge, 1737

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Daniel Waterland, The sacramental part of the eucharist explain'd London, 1739 [bound with Waterland, Doctrinal Use]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Daniel Waterland, A Vindication of Christ's Divinity: Being a Defense of Some Queries Relating to Dr. Clarke's Scheme of the H. Trinity, in Answer to a Clergy-man in the Country, 3rd edition, Cambridge, 1720

Owned by the church in 1752.

Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Isaac Watts, The Ruin and Recovery of Mankind, 2nd edition, London, 1742
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
Isaac Watts, Self-love and vertue reconciled only by religion, London, 1739 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
Samuel Webster, The misery and duty of an oppress'd and enslav'd people, Boston, 1774 [in volume backtitled: Sermons]
Carton 2SH 17ZP R
Gilbert West, A Defence of the Christian Revelation, London, 1748
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Westminster Assembly, The Confession of Faith, Together with the Larger Catechism; composed by the Reverend Assembly of Divines then sitting at Westminster, Boston, 1723
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
William Whiston, An Historical Preface to Primitive Christianity Reviv'd, London, 1740
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
John White, A letter to a gentleman dissenting from the Church of England, London, 1743 [bound with Trapp, Reply to Mr. Law's]
Carton 1SH 17ZN P
William White, Lectures of the Catechism of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, 1813
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
William White, A sermon, delivered before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the U.S.A., New York, 1801 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Whitefield, An account of money received and disbursed for the Orphan-House in Georgia, London, 1741 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Whitefield, A Continuation of the Reverend Mr. 怀特菲尔德的日记,在他到达乔治亚州后的几天 return thither from Philadelphia, London, 1741 [and other tracts]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Whitefield, A continuation of the Reverend Mr. 怀特菲尔德的日记从他回到乔治亚州后的几天到他到达 Falmouth on the 11th of March 1741, London, 1741 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
George Whitefield, The indwelling of the spirit, the common privilege of all believers, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
George Whitfield, A letter to the Rev. Mr. John Wesley in answer to his sermon, entitled, Free-grace, London, 1741 [bound with Whitefield, Continuation]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
George Whitefield, The Rev. Mr. Whitefield's answer to the Bishop of London's last pastoral letter, London, 1739 [bound with Law, Oxford Methodists]
Carton 8SH 17ZV X
Isaac Wilkins, A sermon preached in St. Peter's Church, New York, 1804 [bound with Buchanan, Star in the East]
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
John Wilkins, Of the Principles and Duties of Natural Religion: Two Books, London, 1678
Carton 3SH 17ZQ S
John Williams, Twelve Sermons Preach'd at the Lecture founded by Robert Boyle, Esq., Concerning the Possibility, Necessity and Certainty of Divine Revelation, 2nd edition, London, 1708
Carton 6SH 17ZT V
John Wynne, A sermon preached before the Honble House of Lords, on the 29th day of May, 1715, London, 1715 [bound with Gardiner, Concio, 1713]
Carton 10SH 17ZX Z
Charles Zeuner, The Ancient Lyre, a Collection of Old, New and Original Church Music, Boston, 1852

List of Former Volume Numbers

以下是教会记录卷的列表,它们以前是编号和标题的 由教会历史学家在1932年之前写的,以及他们现在的位置 collection. The bulk of these volumes were housed at the Boston Athenaeum from about 1932 直到20世纪80年代,它们才被转移到圣公会教区的档案馆 Massachusetts. They were deposited at the Massachusetts Historical Society in 2004.

Former Volume Number and Title Current Location
#1 Hall's Index and Summary Vol. 60
#2 Hall's Summaries Vol. 61
#3 Account Book, 1723-1758 Vol. 15
#4 Account Book, 1733-1759 Vol. 33
#5 Account Book, 1760-1823 Vol. 16
#6 Treasurer, 1812-1815 Vol. 30
#7 Treasurer, 1819-1830 Vol. 18
#8 Treasurer, 1835-1845 Vol. 19
#9 Treasurer, 1844-1852 Vol. 20
#10 Treasurer, 1852-1857 Vol. 21
#11 Treasurer, 1857-1870 Vol. 22
#12 Treasurer, 1870-1873 Vol. 23
#13 Treasurer, 1873-1900 Vol. 24
#14 Treasurer, 1900- Vol. 27
#15 Warden's Cash Account, 1889-1905 Vol. 25
#16 Warden's Cash Account, 1905-1911 Vol. 28
#17 Warden's Ledger, 1889-1911 Vol. 26
#18 Proprietors' Records, 1724-1806 Vol. 7
#19 Proprietors' Records, 1806-1840 Vol. 9
#20 Proprietors' Records, 1840-1855 Vol. 10
#21 Proprietors' Records, 1855-1857 Vol. 11
#22 Proprietors' Records, 1854-1875 Vol. 12
#23 Proprietors' Records, 1875-1911 Vol. 13
#24 Proprietors' Records, 1911- Vol. 14
#25 Vestry Records, 1723-1802 Vol. 1
#26 Vestry Records, 1854-1871 Vol. 3
#27 Vestry Records, 1871-1897 Vol. 5
#28 Vestry Records, 1896- Vol. 6
#29 Vestry Records, 1854-1857 (copy) Vol. 4
#30 Parish Register, 1722-1850 Vol. 34
#31 Parish Register, 1722-1881 (copy) Vol. 37
#32 Parish Register, 1828-1880 Vol. 36
#33 Parish Register, 1880- Vol. 39?
#34 Parish Register, 1860-1863 (copy) Vol. 38
#35 Tombs Records, 1808-1847 Vol. 45
#36 Defensive Association, 1882 Vol. 47
#37 Pew Record, 1806-1853 Vol. 41
#38 Pew Record, 1853-1882 Vol. 42
#39 Pew Record, 1885-1911 Vol. 43
#40 Pew Deeds, 1912- Vol. 44
#41 Collectors' Record Book, 1868-1873 Box 7 Folder 13-15
#42 Deeds, subscriptions, etc. Unknown
#43 Christ Church Missionary Society, 1833-1842 Box 41 Folder 1
#43a Christ Church Missionary Society, 1850-1857 Box 41 Folder 2
#44 Subscribers, Church Repairs, 1847 Box 16 Folder 3-4?
#45 Female Missionary Society, 1828-1853 Box 41 Folder 17
#46 Christ Church Steeple Subscribers, 1912 Box 16 Folder 9
#47 Scrapbook, Restoration, 1912 Box 50 Folder 4-12
#48 Scrapbook, Restoration, Jan.-Apr. 1913 Box 50 Folder 13-24
#49 Scrapbook, May 1913- Box 51 Folder 1-12
#50 Sunday School and Teachers Association (13 vols) See Series IX
#51 Bishop Lawrence's Sermon, 1912 Box 24 Folder 34
#52 Committee report on church property, 1872 Box 2 Folder 34
#53 Record of Tombs and Burials, 1829-1852 Vol. 46
#54 Scrapbook, 1922- Vol. 63
#55 Thomas Hall's Historical Notes Vol. 59
#56 Sunday School Minute Book, 1867 Box 37 Folder 39
#57 Sunday School Minute Book, 1869 Box 38 Folder 1
#58 Sunday School Minute Book, 1879 Box 38 Folder 2
#59 Sunday School Minute Book, 1879 Box 38 Folder 3?
#60 Sunday School Roll Book, 1848 Box 38 Folder 7
#61 Sunday School Roll Book, 1851-1852 Box 38 Folder 8
#62 Sunday School Roll Book, 1853 Box 38 Folder 9
#63 Sunday School Register, 1867 Box 38 Folder 4
#64 Sunday School Class Book, 1867 Box 38 Folder 11
#65 Sunday School Class Book, ca. 1861-1868 Box 39 Folder 6
#66 Sunday School Class Book, 1868-1869 Box 38 Folder 13
#67 Sunday School Class Book, 1867 Box 38 Folder 10
#68 Sunday School Class Book, undated Box 39 Folder 4
#69 Sunday School Class Book, undated Box 39 Folder 1
#70 Sunday School Class Book, 1868-1869 Box 38 Folder 12
#71 Sunday School Class Book, 1868-1869 Box 38 Folder 14
#72 Sunday School Class Book, 1868-1869 Box 38 Folder 15
#73 Sunday School Class Book, 1869 Box 38 Folder 16
#74 Sunday School Class Book, 1869-1870 Box 38 Folder 17
#75 Sunday School Register, 1870 Box 38 Folder 5
#76 Sunday School Class Book, 1870-1871 Box 39 Folder 2
#77 Sunday School Class Book, ca. 1867-1882 Box 39 Folder 5
#78 Sunday School Class Book, ca. 1868-1882 Box 39 Folder 3
#79 Sunday School Class Book, ca. 1868-1882 Box 39 Folder 7
#80 Sunday School Register, 1885-1902 Box 38 Folder 6
#81 Sunday School Library Catalogue (2 vols.) Box 40 Folder 1
#82 Parish Library Catalogue Box 40 Folder 2
#83 Visitors' books (15 vols.) Unknown
#84 Library book (Jerram's Conversations), 1820 Box 40 Folder 10
#85 Report of Sunday School Superintendent Unknown
#86 Affairs of Christ Church Parish, 1855 Box 23 Folder 33

Preferred Citation

老北教堂(波士顿市基督教堂)记载,马萨诸塞州史料 Society.

Access Terms

This collection is indexed under the following headings in ABIGAIL, the online catalog of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Researchers desiring materials about related persons, organizations, or subjects should search the catalog using these headings.


Babcock, Mary Kent Davey, b. 1864
Bolton, Charles Knowles, 1867-1950.
Cutler, Timothy, 1684-1765.
Golledge, Robert W., 1933-2005.
Hall, Thomas.
Kellett, Howard P.
Peck, Charles Russell.
Revere, Paul, 1735-1818.


Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Defensive Association.
Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Lantern League.
Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Missionary Society.
Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Sunday School.
Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Sunday School Teachers Association.
Christ Church (Boston, Mass.)--Women's Guild.
Church of England--United States.
Salem Street Academy (Boston, Mass.)


Account books, 1722-1959.
American Revolution Bicentennial, 1776-1976--Massachusetts--Boston.
Church architecture--Massachusetts--Boston--Conservation and restoration.
Church buildings--Massachusetts--Boston.
Church controversies.
Church finance--Massachusetts--Boston.
Church history--Massachusetts--Boston.
Church libraries--Massachusetts--Boston.
Church records and registers--Massachusetts--Boston.
Church societies--Massachusetts.
Episcopal Church--Clergy.
Episcopal Church--Massachusetts--Boston.
Pew and pew rights.
Scrapbooks, 1870-1973.
Sermons, 1754-1994.
Sunday schools--Massachusetts--Boston.
Women--Societies and clubs.
Boston (Mass.)--Church history.
Boston (Mass.)-History.
Boston (Mass.)--Statistics, Vital.
North End (Boston, Mass.)

Materials Removed from the Collection

新英格兰自由民援助协会的账簿被删除并单独编目. N-2497 Tall).